Control Targets

A control target is one or more attributes, such as a store, cashier, or item. The activity of a control target is measured against the control threshold in a control point report to generate exception results.


To create a control target:

  1. From the Exceptions menu, choose Control Targets. This displays the Control Target page.

  2. Click the Create Control Target icon. This displays the Control Target Editor.

  3. Click the Add button to display the Select Objects dialog.

  4. Select an attribute from the Available list. Use the right arrow icon to move it into the Selected list. If you want to move an attribute out of the Selected list, use the left arrow icon. Note: This designates the attributes that will be displayed in the Exception Detail Dashboard for exceptions generated for the control target.

  5. Click OK when you are finished. This closes the dialog and returns you to the Control Target Editor.

  6. In the List of Attributes to display, select the attribute that you want to make the first key. Note: The control target keys determine the attribute or attributes by which the exceptions will be tracked. For example, if Cashier is the only key, the exceptions will be tracked for the cashier's activity across all stores. If Cashier and Store are both target keys, the exceptions will be tracked for the cashier's activity within a given store.

  7. Click the right arrow next to Key 1: Unassigned. This makes the selected attribute the first key. You must assign at least one key. You can add up to four keys following this step.

While creating a control target, you can use the Add button to add new attributes, the Remove button to remove an attribute, and the Clear button to clear all attributes.

  1. Click Save when you are finished to save the control target.

To modify a control target:

Important: You cannot modify the target keys if there are existing exception results for a control point or group that uses the control target.

  1. From the Control Target page, select the control target that you want to edit and click the Edit link or action button. This displays the control target in the Target Editor.

      1. Select an attribute from the Available list. Use the right arrow icon to move it into the Selected list. If you want to move an attribute out of the Selected list, use the left arrow icon.

      2. Click OK when you are finished. This closes the dialog and returns you to the Control Target Editor.

  1. Click Save when you are finished to save the changes to the control target.

To delete a control target:

Important: You cannot delete a control target if it is used in a control point. You will receive an error message when trying to delete, because there is a dependency.

  1. From the Control Target page, select the control target that you want to delete.

  2. Right click on the control target name and click Delete from the context menu.

  3. In the warning dialog box, click OK to delete the control target.

Related Topics

About Controls and Exceptions

Running Control Points

Running Control Groups

Creating Control Points

Creating Control Thresholds

Adding Links to Controls

Creating Control Groups

Control Subscriptions

Reviewing Exception Results

Managing Results in the Exceptions Detail Dashboard





