Creating Control Groups

A Control Group is a report that identifies a control target, such as cashier, store, or item, and includes two or more control points with different thresholds. When you run the control group, it creates results that exceed the thresholds in the control points. Those results are called Exceptions. You can also add alert conditions and specify the number of days to look back into the data.


To create a control group:

  1. From the Exceptions menu, choose Create Control Group, or from My Controls or Shared Controls, click the Create Control Group   icon. Either action displays the Control Group Editor.

  2. Select a control target from the Control Target drop-down list. This limits the available control points in the Control Points panel below to those with the selected control target.

  3. Under Control Points, select the control points to include in the control group.

  1. Expand the folders to display control points, or enter the name of a control point in the Search For: field.

  2. Select each control point you want in the control group from the left panel and click the right arrow to move them to the right panel. You must select at least two control points and you can select up to 10.

  3. When you have finished selecting control points, select one of the following from the Selected Criteria drop-down list.

Exceeds threshold on ANY control points - Exceptions will be reported that exceed the thresholds in any of the control points.

Exceeds threshold on ALL control points - Only the exceptions that exceed the thresholds in all of the control points will be reported.

  1. Enter a Weight value from 1-10 for each control point. The default value is 5. If all control points have the same weight value, they will all be ranked equally. A higher weight indicates that the control point will have a greater weight when calculating the overall rank of the control point exceptions in the control group.

Note: You can click on the Information icon next a control point to view the threshold definition.

  1. Under Alerts, specify an alert condition and classification. This step is optional.

  1. Select the check box next to Create an Alert if there are more than ___ occurrences.  This specifies the number of prior exceptions in history that need to occur first. On the next occurrence, an alert is triggered.

  2. Specify the number of occurrences.

  3. Select an Alert Classification from the drop-down list. Alert classifications are maintained in Project Defaults.

  1. Under History enter the number of days to check back in history. The History setting is used to calculate the number of previous exceptions.

To save a control group:

  1. Click Save after creating a control group (see preceding task). This displays a Save As dialog.

  2. Select a folder from the Save in drop-down list. Select My Controls to save it to the folder of controls you have created, or any others that you have saved in this folder. Select Shared Controls if you want other users to have access to it, depending on their permissions.

  3. Enter a name for the control group in the Name field. You can also add a description of it in the Description field.

  4. Click OK. This saves the control group. Once the control group is saved, you have the option to navigate directly to the folder in which it was saved.

  5. If you want to go to the folder, click the Return to folder where Control Group was saved button. From this folder, you can add links, run, or schedule the control group.

To edit a control group:


  1. From the Exceptions menu, choose My Controls or Shared Controls.

  2. Locate the control group you want to edit. Depending on the folder view, click the Edit link under the control group or the Edit icon on the right side of the control group row. This displays the details of the selected control group.

  3. Make the necessary changes. Refer to the steps for creating a control group for specific instructions.

  4. Click Save to save the changes. You can overwrite the original control group by saving it with the same name in the same folder, or you can save it under a different name or in a different folder to make a modified copy. Refer to the steps for saving a control group for specific instructions.



To delete a control group:

Important: Deleting a control group will delete the existing exception results for all assigned users. Any subscriptions for the control group will also be deleted.

  1. Locate the control group you want to delete in the My Controls or Shared Controls folder.

  2. Right click on the control group name, and choose Delete from the context menu.  A warning message is displayed, informing you that deleting the control group will delete all the existing exception results and that the action cannot be undone.

  3. Click OK in the warning dialog box. This deletes the control group.

Related Topics

About Controls and Exceptions

Control Targets

Running Control Points

Running Control Groups

Creating Control Points

Creating Control Thresholds

Adding Links to Controls

Control Subscriptions

Reviewing Exception Results

Managing Results in the Exception Detail Dashboard


