Dashboard Formatting Properties dialog box

You can select general formatting options to apply to a dashboard, such as the font type to use to display all text in the dashboard, the font used for the titles of all filters and visualizations, and the background color and border used for all containers. Containers display the visualizations, filters, text, and  images on a dashboard.

 Formatting options for individual objects in the dashboard, such as individual visualizations, images, filters, and so on, override formatting applied at the dashboard level. For detailed information on the formatting options available for a specific type of dashboard control, see the appropriate link below:

Heat Map visualization

ESRI Map visualization

Google Map visualization

Graph visualization

Grid visualization

Network visualization





The following options are available:

Overall Font Family: Determine the font family to use to display all text in the dashboard. This setting overrides the font type defined elsewhere in the dashboard, including in the Font drop-down list described below.

Title: Determine font formatting options for all titles displayed in the dashboard. For example, you can choose to display the titles of  visualizations and filters in the dashboard using bold, 14-point font. Perform the following steps:

  1. From the Font drop-down list, determine the font to use to display titles in the dashboard.

  2. Determine whether to apply Bold, Italic, Underline, or Strikethrough formatting to the text, by clicking the appropriate icon.

  3. From the drop-down list, determine the font size to use to display titles in the dashboard.

  4. From the color palette, determine the font color to use to display titles in the dashboard.

  5. From the Fill Color palette, determine the background color to use to display titles in the dashboard.

  6. Determine the horizontal alignment of the title text. The options are Left, Center, Right, and Justify.

Container: Determine formatting options for the containers used to display visualizations, filters, text, and images in the dashboard.

As you make changes, the new formats are displayed in the preview pane on the right.


This procedure assumes that you have already created the dashboard to format. For steps, see Creating a dashboard

To select formatting options for the dashboard:

  1. From the Style menu, select Dashboard Formatting Properties. The Dashboard Formatting Properties dialog box opens.

  2. Select the appropriate options to format the dashboard, as described above. Click OK to apply your changes.

Related topics

Formatting a dashboard

Formatting visualizations


