Alignment (Strategy)

The following dashboard components are available under this category:

Alignment List

This chart displays the list of child nodes with their Measure values for selected Alignment node. You can click on a link to drill down to next level in the Alignment hierarchy. You can also click on data or chart icons on a particular row to change the view. If there is more than one Alignment defined in the system, you must select one Alignment to display as a default. You can change this later.

Alignment-Measure Time series

This chart displays Measure Data on Y-Axis for selected Alignment node and the reporting period of X-Axis. For multi-Initiative system, choose an initiative that is to be displayed.

Project % Completion by Alignment

This chart displays the Percent Completion on Y-Axis for projects that qualify the filter criteria and Project Alignment (Strategy) on X-Axis. You can click on a bubble to drill down to the individual project.

Dashboard Component Properties

Component Name

Data Available for X-axis

Data Available for Y-axis



Default Drill Down

Optional Drill Down

Supported Chart Type

Alignment List

Alignment Nodes




Measure List, Data and Chart



Alignment-Measure Timeseries

Measure Value

Date Range






Project % Completion by Alignment

% Complete




Project Basics Page



See Also

Available Dashboard Components

Proposals (Charters)


Projects (Subcategory: General)

Projects (Subcategory: Count)

Projects (Subcategory: Cycle Time)

Projects (Subcategory: Finances)

Projects (Subcategory: Metrics)


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Last Published Tuesday, June 21, 2016