
Idea Count by Status

This pie chart displays a count of ideas that meet the selected filter criteria and its current status. The ideas are grouped by their status. Click to view the Idea Listing Report.

Idea Count by Organization

This pie chart displays a count of ideas that meet the selected filter criteria and the top-level organization it belongs to. Click once to view the ideas that make up the slice, and twice to view the Idea Listing report pertaining to the selected slice.

Dashboard Component Properties

Component Name

Data Available for X-axis

Data Available for Y-axis



Default Drill Down

Supported Chart Type

Idea Count by Status





Idea Listing Report


Idea Count by Organization





Idea Listing Report


See Also

Available Dashboard Components

Alignment (Strategy)

Proposals (Charters)

Projects (Subcategory: General)

Projects (Subcategory: Count)

Projects (Subcategory: Cycle Time)

Projects (Subcategory: Finances)

Projects (Subcategory: Metrics)


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Copyright © 2000, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Last Published Tuesday, June 21, 2016