Projects (Subcategory: Cycle Time)

Project Cycle Time by Period

The chart displays projects cycle time by various Phases on Y-Axis for projects that qualify the filter criteria and reporting period on X-Axis. Projects that start in one year and end in the next year will be counted in both years. Current quarter figures are as of the current date. Current year is displayed as YYYYYTD e.g. 2009YTD. YTD means Year to Date. Prior quarter and year-end figures are as of the last day of the period.

You can click on a bar to drill down to the list of projects that contribute to the bar.

Project Cycle Time by Role

The chart displays the average cycle time for projects on Y-Axis that qualify the filter criteria and Users on X-Axis. You can click on a bar to drill down to the list of projects that contribute to the bar.

The user selection is based on the System Access Profile definition then must be further defined by an individual user level selection.

Project Cycle Time by Alignment

The chart displays the cycle time for projects that qualify the filter criteria on Y-Axis and immediate children of selected Alignment node on X-Axis. This chart only works when the system has an Alignment (Strategy) configured. Projects that are aligned to multiple alignments are counted in multiple alignments.

Click on a bar to drill down to the list of projects that contribute to the bar. You can select to display by Average or Median days of the cycle time.

Project Cycle Time by Classification

The chart displays the cycle time for projects that qualify the filter criteria on Y-Axis and the selected classification field on X-Axis. Projects that are aligned to multiple classification fields will be counted in multiple classifications.

You can click on a bar to drill down to the list of projects that contribute to the bar. In a multi-Initiative system, a selection must be made to specify the Initiative to be used.

Project Cycle Time by Phase (Box Chart)

The chart displays box plot of cycle tie on Y-Axis and Phases X-Axis. If one Roadmap is selected in the filter, then the phases are displayed the order specified in the Roadmap. If multiple Roadmaps are selected in the filter, then the Phases are displayed alphabetically. Only the completed phases will be counted towards calculation of the box plot as on-going (or active) phase does not have the actual end date of the phase.

Project Cycle Time by Organization

The chart displays the cycle time for projects on Y-Axis that qualify the filter criteria and Organization on X-Axis. User can select different level of organization to show on the X-Axis from the filter criteria. Projects that aligned to multiple organizations will be counted in multiple organizations.

You can click on a bard to drill down to the list of projects that contribute to the bar.

Project Cycle Time by Custom Field

The chart displays the cycle time for projects on Y-Axis that qualify the filter criteria and the selected custom field on X-Axis. You can click on the bar to drill down to the list of projects that contribute to the bar.

Dashboard Component Properties

Component Name

Data Available for X-axis

Data Available for Y-axis



Default Drill Down

Supported Chart Type

Project Cycle Time by Period

Cycle Time



Cycle Time

Project Listing Report


Project Cycle Time by Role

Cycle Time



Cycle Time

Project Listing Report


Project Cycle Time by Alignment

Cycle Time



Cycle Time

Project Listing Report


Project Cycle Time by Classification

Cycle Time

Classification Field


Cycle Time

Project Listing Report


Project Cycle Time by Phase

Cycle Time



Cycle Time

Project Listing Report

Box Chart

Project Cycle Time by Organization

Cycle Time



Cycle Time

Project Listing Report


Project Cycle Time by Custom Field

Cycle Time

Custom Field


Cycle Time

Project Listing Report


See Also

Available Dashboard Components

Alignment (Strategy)

Proposals (Charters)


Projects (Subcategory: General)

Projects (Subcategory: Count)

Projects (Subcategory: Finances)

Projects (Subcategory: Metrics)


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Last Published Tuesday, June 21, 2016