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What JD Edwards is Announcing

November 8, 2018 - Announcing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.2 Update 3

EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.2 Update 3

Today, Oracle JD Edwards announces significant customer-driven product updates to empower companies on their journey to becoming digital enterprises. These enhancements provide companies with transformative solutions to innovate in the digital economy and to run their business their way.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools Release 9.2 Update 3 (9.2.3) provides customers with innovation benefiting our EnterpriseOne Applications Releases 9.1 and 9.2.

Want to see all announcements prior to November 8, 2018?

Orchestrator Enhancements

As companies drive toward digital transformation, JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Orchestrator continues to enable those goals through automation, simplification, and integration of business processes. With Tools Release 9.2.3, the following capabilities have been added to Orchestrator to accelerate digital transformation:

  • Launching orchestrations from EnterpriseOne events

    As customers employ orchestrations to automate and integrate their business processes, often the trigger to launch an orchestration is not an external event, but rather an event within the JD Edwards system itself. For example, adding a new customer in Address Book might require a notification to the Customer Service department. This enhancement provides a new JD Edwards business function that launches an orchestration or a notification. JD Edwards developers can invoke this business function, and in turn the orchestration, from EnterpriseOne interactive and batch applications using events or table triggers.

  • Orchestrator Monitor

    Orchestrations and notifications are a powerful way to automate JD Edwards EnterpriseOne business processes and notify users regarding important conditions. The Orchestrator Monitor provides visibility into the health and operation of orchestrations and notifications. A new Health Monitor dashboard provides a visible status of orchestrations and notifications as they run.

  • Error handling of orchestration steps

    Orchestrations can be simple or they can be a combination of many interrelated steps. The designer needs control over how an error in one step might impact the entire orchestration. The new error handling feature enables the designer to specify whether an error in a step should cause the entire orchestration to fail or continue to process. The designer can specify an error message and an orchestration to launch in case of failure.

  • Expanded Orchestrator data formats – CSV

    The common format for sending data into Orchestrator is the industry standard JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). However, many customers are more familiar with spreadsheet formats. This enhancement enables orchestrations to read data in comma-separated values (CSV) format, which is easily exported from spreadsheets. Orchestrator can then read that data in addition to, or as an alternative to, the typical JSON input. This enhancement reduces the technical expertise required to define and create the inputs into orchestrations.

Form Extensibility Enhancements

JD Edwards has further improved Form Extension to include support for entry forms and power browse forms as well as the ability to invoke extended forms using orchestrations. These improvements enable citizen developers to capture additional information in the core business applications by adding business view columns on the glass to meet industry and regional data requirements. For example, customers can now capture category code information, previously only available within the business view, in an entry application and optionally create a notification alert based on the category code value. This extensibility enables customers to retire customizations created using traditional tools like Form Design Aid to meet their industry and business process requirements.

UX One Foundation – User Defined Objects

JD Edwards continues to deliver improvements to UX One Foundation. Key improvements target easier management of large volumes of user defined objects (UDOs) and improved blending of activities between administrators and business analysts. The following capabilities are delivered with this feature.

Notification Message Center and My Worklist

A new Message Center is available with Tools 9.2.3 enabling users more control over their notification messages. Users can search, group, sort, and delete multiple messages at once, providing easier management of important messages. The Message Center provides a view similar to the traditional JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Work Center messages. A new My Worklist EnterpriseOne page provides a view of a user's Watchlists, Message Center, and Orchestrator Health Monitor in a single pane.

64-bit Enablement

With Tools Release 9.2.3 and Application Release 9.2, JD Edwards supports 64-bit processing for the Enterprise server and development client, joining the previously 64-bit enabled HTML, AIS, BSSV, and RTE servers. While JD Edwards has supported 64-bit hardware, operating systems, databases, and middleware for multiple years, this enables customers to adopt future technology and future proof their JD Edwards environments by leverage 64-bit database drivers and Java. Oracle provides customers with choice and control to determine when to enable 64-bit in their environments by delivering Tools 9.2.3 in both 32-bit and 64-bit. The 64-bit enablement has no impact to JD Edwards business processes or business data.

64-bit enablement is only available for Application Release 9.2 and for the following platforms:

Operation System Database
Oracle Linux Oracle Database
Microsoft Windows Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database
IBM i on Power IBM DB2 for i

In addition to future proofing their JD Edwards investments, performance testing identified performance gains with interactive response times and batch processing. For example, performance testing results showed about a 10% performance improvement for heavy interactive and batch processing.

For additional information please visit our 64-bit Processing page.

Platform Certifications

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne deployments depend on a matrix of interdependent platform components from Oracle and third-party vendors. The product support lifecycle of these components is driven by their vendors, creating a continuous need to certify the latest versions of these products to give customers a complete technology stack that is functional, well-performing, and supported by the vendors. Tools Release includes the following platform certifications:

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne certifications are posted on the Certifications tab in My Oracle Support.

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Platform Statement of Direction is published on My Oracle Support (Document ID 749393.1). Refer to this document for a summary of recent and planned certifications as well as important information about withdrawn certifications.

Related Resources

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Applications Release 9.2.3