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Self-Service Human Resources

Significantly reduces the effort associated with paperwork, enabling human resources staff, managers, and employees to focus on more strategic activities that ultimately increase your company's profitability.

Increase Productivity, Improve Satisfaction, and Reduce Errors

Automating Routine Administrative Tasks

The solution provides managers with the tools and information they need to eliminate paperwork and minimize the need for human resources involvement.

Enabling Effective Management

The solution lets managers focus on more important tasks such as working with employees to improve performance and meet organizational goals.

Improving Hiring Processes

Self-service Human Resources transforms managerial activities from manual, paper-based processes with multiple levels of approval to a web-enabled, self-service system.

Streamlining Human Resources Administration

The solution helps you save time and cuts costs by putting many day-to-day record-keeping and career development responsibilities directly in the hands of your employees.