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Announcing JD Edwards EnterpriseOne
Release 23

Release 23 is a Digital ERP release delivering innovation that automates, optimizes, and transforms business processes and represents Oracle's continued investment that furthers your digital transformation. Release 23 includes innovation for both applications and tools.

Applications Enhancements



Additional Fields in Base A/R Invoice Print

The A/R Invoice Print (R03B505) has been enhanced to print additional fields needed in common business scenarios. Fields that may be added to the form include Tax ID (from the Billing Address Number) and Tax Rate Percentage.
Product Catalog

New Workflow to Approve Voucher

A new workflow is introduced to review and approve vouchers. Vouchers in Accounts Payable need approvals based on specific limits or if on hold. Such vouchers will not be paid until they get approved.
Product Catalog

New Workflow to Approve Changes in Bank Account Details

A new workflow has been introduced for approving the changes made to bank account details. The changes to bank account details will be updated after the approver approves the changes.
Product Catalog



Ability to Copy Supplier Configuration in Supplier Self Service

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne now provides its users the flexibility to copy a configuration of a supplier in Supplier Self Service, to one or more suppliers thereby eliminating the need for creating a new configuration for every instance thus enhancing their productivity.
Product Catalog



Kanban Status Override

The new Kanban Status Override program provides customers the ability to bypass standard Kanban processing and update Kanban card statuses for remedial purposes. Prior to this enhancement, there was no easy way to reset a Kanban status when an error was made.
Product Catalog

Option to Prevent Negative Completions

Previous enhancements added optional edits to allow for the prevention of unwanted or erroneous completion quantities. The one exception was that a negative completion quantity was always allowed if it was less than or equal to the quantity already completed. The Work Order Completions application now provides the ability to prevent negative completion quantities.
Product Catalog

Work Order Component Requested Date Option

When attaching a work order parts list, component requested dates may now be based on either the work order start date or the start date of the operation consuming the component. Prior to this enhancement, requested dates were always based on the start date of the work order which is not ideal for manufactured items with long production cycles.
Product Catalog

Use Active Blank Batch Quantity Product Definition

When there is an active blank batch quantity bill of material or routing for a manufactured item, it will be attached while processing a work order for a quantity that has an out of effect batch BOM or routing. Prior to this enhancement, the system would not consider a blank batch quantity product definition when the specific batch quantity definition existed with all effective dates in the past or future and generate a hard error.
Product Catalog

Work Order Start Date Sync Option

Work Order Processing now includes the option to automatically sync the work order header start date to match the start date of the first routing operation when it is attached and the calculated dates are different. This ensures correct and consistent start dates when work centers on routings have work hours that differ from the manufacturing constants.
Product Catalog

WIP Revaluation When Original Standard Cost is Zero

WIP Revaluation now updates work-in-process costs when beginning with no cost established. This provides the ability to prevent artificial variances when costs have not been established prior to the time of work order creation for a new production item.
Product Catalog

Record All Component Units in Component Unit of Measure

The Units fields in the Production Cost table that indicate component item quantities will now always be populated based on the Component Unit of Measure defined in the Item Master. This eliminates potential confusion when inventory issues of the same item are made to a work order in different units of measure.
Product Catalog

Capital Asset Management

Capital Asset Management

Optimized Maintenance Work Order Display

In addition to general performance improvements, maintenance work order management applications have been enhanced to allow system administrators to set a limit on the number of work orders to initially display when child assets are included in an inquiry. This eliminates potential display problems with large numbers of child assets due to database restrictions.
Product Catalog

Homebuilder Management

Homebuilder Management

Extend Wildcard and Specific Values Usage to All Levels

The global value or wildcard (+) identifies items that apply to all levels of configuration or costing. Enabling users to use a combination of wildcard (+) and specific values with take-off records in Option Cost Detail program facilitates accurate pricing for current options along with the current cost information.
Product Catalog

Transportation Management

Transportation Management

Display Billable Freight Line after All Order Lines for Each Shipment on the Sales Order

The Freight Update batch application has been enhanced to insert billable freight lines on a new line after all the order lines of each shipment on a sales order. This enhancement improves overall user experience by displaying information in a logical coherent manner on the sales order.
Product Catalog

Option to Bypass Assigning Shipment Numbers to Non-Stock Lines

JD Edwards Transportation Management has been enhanced to enable you to specify whether the system assigns shipment numbers to non-stock order lines when performing transportation shipment confirmation. This enhancement provides customers additional flexibility and choice to process non-stock order lines with or without shipment numbers. Thus, eliminating the need for workarounds that reduce user productivity.
Product Catalog

Grower Management

Grower Management

Enhanced Support for Grower Interoperability Process

Grower Management has added new applications and tables to support the grower interoperability process. These applications enable the system to capture, store, and purge all weigh tag information from subsidiary tables into a single table. This enhancement helps organizations to seamlessly communicate and process data, achieve higher efficiency, and provide a more holistic view of weigh tag information.
Product Catalog


Legislative, Regulatory and Localizations


Brazil Nota Fiscal 2022 XML Update NT2020.006 1.30

The Brazilian tax authority (SEFAZ) has announced changes to the format of the NF-e electronic fiscal note, the document used for the sale or purchase of goods.
Product Catalog


Extend CGI Payment Support for Bank Clearing System

JD Edwards customers can now use the CGI Payment Information Extractor program (R744003) to generate payment xml files for those using the bank clearing system over IBAN or SWIFT.
Product Catalog


Include Payments Section 4.4 in Portugal SAFT Report

JD Edwards customers can now use the SAFT report (R74L3001) for printing payment details along with the invoice.
Product Catalog


Automate TDS configuration

JD Edwards customers can now use the newly developed standard report to automate the current manual TDS configuration.
Product Catalog


Digital Transformation

Logging and Monitoring of AIS REST API Requests and Responses

This enhancement enables logging and monitoring of AIS REST API requests similar to the logging and monitoring of orchestrations and notifications in Orchestrator Monitor.
Product Catalog

Nested Logic Extensions

This feature enables you to create logic extensions that call other logic extensions, thus enabling a common pattern in programming in which code snippets are designed as reusable objects.
Product Catalog

Rich Formatting of Text Attachments in Orchestrator Studio

This feature enhances Orchestrator Studio with an editor for adding rich formatting to text attachments. The body of the text attachment can contain rich-formatted text interspersed with variables, images, and tables, essentially providing a template for creating text attachments with rich formatting. Optionally, the designer can choose to create the text attachment as plain text.
Product Catalog

User Experience

Support for Grid Data Export and Import with Cloud-Based Productivity Tools

This feature extends grid import and export capabilities to users who use Microsoft Excel as part of the Microsoft 365 cloud-based applications and store those files on cloud-based SharePoint storage.
Product Catalog

Form Control Extensions

This feature enhances logic extensions with the ability to act on the properties of controls on the form, such as to show, hide, enable, disable, or change the color of a field. For example, with form control extensions you could determine the value a user has entered into a field, and based on that value conditionally enable, disable, or highlight a different control.
Product Catalog

Enable or Disable Fields in Form Extensions

This feature enhances form extensions by giving you the ability to enable or disable fields on a form. For example, you might modify an application form to disable certain input fields because you intend to replace manual user input with input that is automated by an orchestration or logic extension.
Product Catalog

Pass the Application Version from a Form Extension to an Orchestration or Logic Extension

This enhancement enables the designer to map the application version as input into an orchestration or a logic extension when it is launched from a form extension, thereby enabling alternative processing depending on the runtime value of the version.
Product Catalog

File Selector for Orchestrations Launched from a Form Extension

This feature enhances the capabilities of form extensions to provide a file selector so that the end user can supply file inputs to orchestrations that are launched from form extensions. If the orchestration returns a file as output, this feature also enables the end user to download that file to the browser's download location.
Product Catalog

Oracle Guided Learning Integration with JD Edwards

Oracle Guided Learning (OGL) is an Enterprise cloud learning platform. Customers can now integrate OGL with JD Edwards to provide personalized, step-by-step guided and contextual visualizations that empower users to be self-sufficient while navigating business processes. This helps to improve user productivity and efficiencies while driving desired behavior through better user experience. It helps in accelerating user onboarding and process adoption.
Product Catalog

System Automation

JDE Update Manager – Update Credit for ESUs

This feature enables customers to stay code-current by enabling them to take credit for all the encompassed ESUs, bugs, and updates that are included in an Application Update (UN). After applying an Applications Update (UN), the system is automatically given credit for all the ESUs that are included in the update. By doing so, future updates can be applied without downloading, evaluating, and applying those ESUs again because they come up as required dependencies.
Product Catalog

JDE Update Manager – UBE Log from Software Updates

This enhancement for the JDE Update Manager provides a quicker way to access various log files generated by reports that run during the process of applying the software update into the system. The web client version of the software update application has been enhanced to show all relative UBE jobs with quick links to output reports. As these quick links are directly available in the application, system administrators applying patches can jump-start any potential troubleshooting that might be required to diagnose issues while applying the updates.
Product Catalog

Package Build - Object Repository Repair

This feature provides administrators an option to automatically repair missing object records with their artifacts through the package build process. The Package Build process can detect repository records that are missing or damaged and only replace the object records that require to be repaired, by reinserting the required artifacts to the object repository.
Product Catalog

Server Manager - Centralized Configuration for AIS Servers

JD Edwards Server Manager has been optimized to ease the manageability and configuration of settings for EnterpriseOne AIS servers by introducing centralized configurations. This saves the time and effort spent by system administrators in this process and further eliminates the possibility of manual errors.
Product Catalog


TLS Support for Enterprise Server to Database Communication

The communication between Enterprise Server and database servers is now secured with TLS encryption. The communication through ODBC connections from the Enterprise Server, development clients and deployment server to database server is also secured with SSL enablement. This provides enhanced security for database communications and prevents risk of sensitive data leaks or SQL injection attacks.
Product Catalog

Enhanced Scheduler Password Encryption

This feature enhances the encryption level used by EnterpriseOne to store and use passwords in the database for the user that runs UBE jobs through the scheduler.
Product Catalog


Support for Dynamic OCI Hardware Shapes in Infrastructure Provisioning

Customers can now use the JDE Infrastructure Provisioning with OCI hardware shapes of their choice based on their price-performance and business requirements. This enables customers to leverage the automation of infrastructure provisioning to provision the hardware of their choice for their JDE deployments on OCI, thereby saving a lot of time and effort while easing the process of migrating to OCI.
Product Catalog


Platform Certifications

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne deployments depend on a complex matrix of interdependent platform components from Oracle and third-party vendors. Vendors drive the product support lifecycle of these components, so we continually certify the latest versions of these products to give you a complete technology stack that is functional, well performing, and supported by the vendors. This tools release includes the following platform certifications:

  • Microsoft ODBC Driver 18 for Microsoft SQL Server
  • Microsoft Office 365 for grid export/import
  • Microsoft Edge Chromium 110
  • IBM i 7.5
  • IBM WebSphere Application Server
  • Google Chrome 110
  • Apple MacOS Ventura 13.2

JD Edwards EnterpriseOne certifications are posted on the Certifications tab in My Oracle Support.The updated version of the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Platform Statement of Direction is published on My Oracle Support (Document ID 749393.1). See this document for a summary of recent and planned certifications as well as important information about withdrawn certifications.
Product Catalog

Release 23 innovation is delivered in Tools Release 9.2.7 which supports Applications 9.2 and is only available for 64-bit Tools Foundation.

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