access rights
repository items, Features and Architecture
ACL (Access Control Lists)
access rights, Standard Access Rights
syntax, ACL Syntax
add-item tag, Adding Items
alias derivation method, Derivation Methods
atg.repository.content.ContentRepositoryItem, SQL Content Repositories
atg.repository.NamedQueryView interface, Java Code Access to Named Queries
atg.repository.query.QueryDescriptorImpl, Java Code Access to Named Queries
atg.repository.QueryDescriptor interface, Java Code Access to Named Queries
atg.repository.RepositoryUtils, Removing References to Items


batch mode for external caching, Batch Mode for External Caching
BLOBs, <property>


restore item cache, Restoring Item Caches
caches (composite repository), Composite Repository Caching
caches (LDAP repository)
item cache, /atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPItemCache
query cache, /atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPQueryCache
caches (SQL repository)
distributed cache invalidation, Cache Invalidation Service
external, External SQL Repository Caching
caching (SQL repository), SQL Repository Caching
configure caches, Cache Configuration
disabling , Disabling Caching
distributedJMS mode, Distributed JMS Caching
dump cache contents, Caching Modes, Monitoring Cache Usage, <dump-caches>
flush caches, Flushing Item Caches
group properties, Property Fetching
isolation levels, Isolation Levels
item cache, Item Caches, Item Cache Tuning: Core Commerce
(see also item cache)
load, Preloading Caches
load items, <load-items>
metrics, Monitoring Cache Usage
modes, Caching Modes
query cache, Query Caches, Query Cache Tuning
(see also query cache)
simple mode, Simple Caching
timeout for item caches, Cache Timeout
timeout for query caches, Cache Timeout
write locks, Isolation Levels
cascade operations, Cascading Data Relationships
delete, Cascade Delete
delete sequence, Cascade Delete
example, Cascade Example
insert, Cascade Insert
update, Cascade Update
CLOBs, <property>
collectiveUnion derivation method, Derivation Methods
composite repositories, Composite Repositories
caching, Composite Repository Caching
configuring, Configuring a Composite Repository
definition files, Composite Repository Definition Tag Reference
excluding properties, Excluding Properties
item descriptors, Primary and Contributing Item Descriptors
link methods, Link Methods
link-via-id, <link-via-id>
link-via-property, <link-via-property>
non-serializable properties, Non-Serializable Items and Composite Repositories
primary-item-descriptor-link, <primary-item-descriptor-link>
property mapping, Property Mappings
transient properties, Transient Properties and Composite Repositories
CompositeRepository components
configuring, Configuring the Composite Repository Component
configuration files, secured repositories (see secured repositories, definition files)
REFERENCES, References Constraints
content repository
register, Registering a Content Repository
content repository, SQL, SQL Content Repositories
ContentHandler, ContentHandlers


data-type correspondences
LDAP repository properties to Java types, <property>LDAP repository
SQL database to SQL repository, <property>
database column names, Properties and Database Columns
database meta data, Table Ownership Issues
date properties
SQL repository, Date and Timestamp Properties
debugLevel property, Debug Levels
definition files
LDAP repository (see LDAP repository definition files)
secured repositories (see secured repositories, definition files)
SQL repository (see SQL repository definition files)
derivation methods
alias, Derivation Methods
collectiveUnion, Derivation Methods
firstNonNull, Derivation Methods
firstWithAttribute, Derivation Methods
firstWithLocale, Derivation Methods
union, Derivation Methods
derived properties, Derived Properties, <derivation>
alias derivation method, Derivation Methods
collectiveUnion derivation method, Derivation Methods
derivation methods, Derivation Methods
firstNonNull derivation method, Derivation Methods
firstWithAttribute derivation method, Derivation Methods
firstWithLocale derivation method, Derivation Methods
override properties, Override Properties
union derivation method, Derivation Methods
distinguished names (see LDAP repositories, distinguished names)
DNs (see LDAP repositories, distinguished names)
Document Type Definition (DTD)
LDAP repository definition files, DTD for LDAP Repository Definition Files
Repository Loader manifest file, Repository Loader Manifest
secured repository definition files, DTD for Secured Repository Definition File
DTD (see Document Type Definition (DTD))


enumerated properties
LDAP repository, Additional Property Tag Attributes
SQL repository, Enumerated Properties
EventServer components, Distributed TCP Caching Setup
secured repositories, Exceptions Thrown by the Secured Repository
external caching, External SQL Repository Caching
batch mode, Batch Mode for External Caching
statistics, External Caching Statistics
externalEntries, External Caching Statistics
externalHits, External Caching Statistics
externalMisses, External Caching Statistics


file combination, XML, Repository Definition Files
configuring, FileSystemMonitorScheduler
FileSystemMonitorService, FileSystemMonitorService
configuring, FileSystemMonitorService
filterQuery property, filterQuery and rqlFilterString Properties
firstNonNull derivation method, Derivation Methods
firstWithAttribute derivation method, Derivation Methods
firstWithLocale derivation method, Derivation Methods
full text search queries, Full Text Search Queries


Generic SQL Adapter (GSA) (see SQL repositories)
GetRepositoryItem Web services, GetRepositoryItem Web Service
GSAEventServer, Distributed TCP Caching Setup
GSAPropertyDescriptor, Property Fetching


inheritance, item descriptor
LDAP repository, Item Descriptor Hierarchies and Inheritance
SQL repository, Item Descriptor Inheritance
invalidateExternalCacheOnFullInvalidate, External Caching and Cache Invalidation
item cache, Item Caches
timeout, Cache Timeout
item caches (see caches)
item descriptors, Repository Items, Item Descriptors
Dynamic Beans, Item Descriptors
inheritance, LDAP repositories, Item Descriptor Hierarchies and Inheritance
inheritance, SQL repositories, Item Descriptor Inheritance
LDAP repository, Item Descriptors and LDAP Object Classes


java.sql.CallableStatement, Named Queries in an SQL Repository Definition File
java.sql.ResultSet, Named Queries in an SQL Repository Definition File
javax.naming.Context, /atg/adapter/ldap/InitialContextEnvironment
accessing an LDAP directory, LDAP and JNDI


last-modified properties
SQL repository, Last-Modified Properties
LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), LDAP Repositories, LDAP Directory Primer
data representation, LDAP Data Representation
directory schema, Directory Schema
distinguished names, LDAP Data Representation
entries, LDAP Data Representation
entry attributes, LDAP Data Representation
entry types, Hierarchical Entry Types
hierarchical tree structure, Hierarchical Tree Structure
JNDI, access through, LDAP and JNDI
object classes, Hierarchical Entry Types
LDAP repositories, LDAP Repositories
LDAP repository
attribute tags, Additional Property Tag Attributes
configuring components, Configuring LDAP Repository Components
creating new repository items, New Item Creation
definition file, LDAP Repository Architecture
directory schema sample, Directory Schema
distinguished names, LDAP Repository Items and Repository IDs
enumerated properties, Additional Property Tag Attributes
inheritance, item descriptor, Item Descriptor Hierarchies and Inheritance
InitialContextEnvironment component, Configuring LDAP Repository Components, /atg/adapter/ldap/InitialContextEnvironment
InitialContextPool component, /atg/adapter/ldap/InitialContextPool
item cache, /atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPItemCache
item descriptors, Item Descriptors and LDAP Object Classes, Item Descriptor Hierarchies and Inheritance
LDAPItemCacheAdapter component, /atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPItemCacheAdapter
LDAPQueryCacheAdapter component, /atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPQueryCacheAdapter
LDAPRepository component, /atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPRepository
overview, Overview: Setting Up an LDAP Repository
password encryption, LDAP Password Encryption
property tag attributes, Additional Property Tag Attributes
queries, LDAP Repository Queries
queries, ID matching, ID Matching Queries
queries, unsupported, Unsupported Queries in the LDAP Repository
query cache, /atg/adapter/ldap/LDAPQueryCache
Repository API implementation, LDAP Repository Architecture
repository IDs, LDAP Repository Items and Repository IDs, Id and ObjectClasses Properties
repository items, LDAP Repository Items and Repository IDs
Repository Views, Repository Views in the LDAP Repository
search roots, Repository View Definition, LDAP Repository View Example
security authentication, /atg/adapter/ldap/InitialContextEnvironment
LDAP repository definition files, LDAP Repository Definition Tag Reference
attribute tag, <attribute>LDAP repository
child-property tag, <child-property>
data-type correspondences, <property>LDAP repository
id-property tag, <id-property>
item-descriptor tag, <item-descriptor>LDAP repository
ldap-adapter-template tag, <ldap-adapter-template>
new-items tag, <new-items>
object-class tag, <object-class>
object-classes-property tag, <object-classes-property>
option tag, <option>LDAP repository
property tag, <property>LDAP repository
sample, Sample LDAP Repository Definition File
search-root tag, <search-root>
view tag, <view>
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (see LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol))
LoaderManager, LoaderManager
configuring, LoaderManager
Lock Managers, ServerLockManager Component


Repository Loader, Repository Loader Manifest
Repository Loader tags, Manifest File Tags and Attributes
meta data
database, Table Ownership Issues


named queries, Named Queries
null reference
remove, Cascade Delete
null values
SQL repository, Null Properties
SQL repository queries, Not Queries and Null Values


ConText full text search engine, Full Text Search Queries
Oracle Coherence, External SQL Repository Caching
outer joins
SQL repository queries, Outer Joins
override property
in derived properties, Override Properties


parameterized queries, Parameterized Queries
password encryption
LDAP repository, LDAP Password Encryption
password hashing (see password encryption)
PerformRQLCountQuery Web services, PerformRQLCountQuery Web Service
PerformRQLQuery Web services, PerformRQLQuery Web Service
PropertiesChangedEvent, atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
fetch for item type, Property Fetching
property mapping
Composite repositories, Property Mappings
property-type attributes, Using the property-type Attribute
configure TypeMapping components, Configuring TypeMapping Components for the PublishingFileRepository


queries, Repository Query Language
(see also Repository Query Language (RQL))
ATG Control Center, Repository Queries in the ATG Control Center
bypassing RQL, Overriding RQL-Generated SQL
composite repository, Composite Repository Queries
LDAP repository, LDAP Repository Queries
named, Named Queries
null values in NOT query, Not Queries and Null Values
parameterized, Parameterized Queries
QueryBuilder interface, atg.repository.QueryBuilder
QueryOptions, atg.repository.QueryOptions
Repository API, Repository Queries
Repository API example, Repository Query Examples
wildcards, Wildcards in Queries
queries, unsupported
LDAP repository, Unsupported Queries in the LDAP Repository
SQL repository, Unsupported Queries in the SQL Repository
query cache, Query Caches
timeout, Cache Timeout
query caches (see caches)
parameterized queries, QueryCache and Parameterized Queries


REFERENCES constraints, References Constraints
remove-item tag, Removing Items
data-types, Item Descriptors
item descriptors (see item descriptors)
LDAP (see LDAP repositories)
mutable, MutableRepository, atg.repository.MutableRepository
queries (see queries)
Repository API summary, Core Repository API Elements
secured (see secured repositories)
SQL (see SQL repositories)
repository filter, Repository Filtering
create, <rql-filter>
repository IDs, Repository Items
repository item
add, Adding Items
clone, Cloning Repository Items
delete, Removing Items
fetch properties, Property Fetching
IDs, Repository Items
LDAP repository, LDAP Repository Items and Repository IDs
PropertiesChangedEvent, atg.repository.PropertiesChangedEvent
property-type attributes, Using the property-type Attribute
removing references, Removing References to Items
update, Updating Items
updating, atg.repository.MutableRepository
user-defined properties, User-Defined Property Types
repository items, Repository Items, atg.repository.RepositoryItem
Repository Loader, SQL Content Repositories, Importing Versioned Repository Data
administration UI, Repository Loader Administration
client, RLClient
configure TypeMapping components for PublisingFileRepository, Configuring TypeMapping Components for the PublishingFileRepository
ErrorPolicy, LoaderManager
example, Repository Loader Example
manifest tags, Manifest File Tags and Attributes
manifests, Repository Loader Manifest
start, Importing Versioned Repository Data
targeters, Importing Targeters that Reference rules Files
use after site initialization, Configuring the VersionedLoaderEventListener
VersionedLoaderEventListener, Configuring the VersionedLoaderEventListener
Repository Query Language (RQL), Repository Query Language
ALL queries, ALL
comparison queries, Comparison Queries
COUNT queries, COUNT
examples, RQL Examples
full text search queries, Full Text Search Queries
grammar definition, RQL Grammar
ID-based queries, ID-based Queries
IS NULL queries, IS NULL
limiting result sets, RANGE
logical operators (AND, OR, NOT), Logical Operators
multi-valued queries, Multi-Valued Property Queries
ORDER BY directives, ORDER BY
ordering query result sets, ORDER BY
parameterized queries, Parameters in Queries
pattern match queries, Text Comparison Queries
property of property queries, Property of Property Queries
RANGE directive, RANGE
text comparison queries, Text Comparison Queries
Repository Views
LDAP repository, Repository Views in the LDAP Repository
RepositoryItem, Repository Items
RepositoryUtils (see atg.repository.RepositoryUtils)
required properties
SQL repository, Required Properties
RL module (see Repository Loader)
RLClient, RLClient
hints file, Supplemental RLClient Parameters
RQL (see Repository Query Language (RQL))
RQL filters (see repository filter)
rql-filter tag, <rql-filter>
rqlFilterString property, filterQuery and rqlFilterString Properties


secured repositories, Secured Repositories
access rights, Features and Architecture
ACL property, Modify the Underlying Repository, <acl-property>
ACLs, ACL Syntax
configuration files (see definition files) (see secured repositories, definition files)
creating, Creating a Secured Repository
definition files, Create the Secured Repository Definition File, Define the Secured Repository Adapter’s Definition File, Secured Repository Definition File Tag Reference
document type definition, DTD for Secured Repository Definition File
examples, Secured Repository Example
exceptions, Exceptions Thrown by the Secured Repository
limitations, Features and Architecture
owner-property, Modify the Underlying Repository, <owner-property>
secured repository adapter components, Configure the Secured Repository Adapter Component
secured repository adapter components
configuring, Configure the Secured Repository Adapter Component
security authentication
LDAP repository, /atg/adapter/ldap/InitialContextEnvironment
serializable repository items
composite repositories, Non-Serializable Items and Composite Repositories
ServerLockManagers, ServerLockManager Component
session backup
repository items, Repository Items and Session Backup
simple caching, Simple Caching
SQL content repository, SQL Content Repositories
SQL repositories
distributed cache invalidation, Cache Invalidation Service
SQL repository, SQL Repository Overview
<add-item> tag, Adding Items
architecture, SQL Repository Architecture
cache groups, Property Fetching
caching (see caching (SQL repository))
cascading operations, Cascading Data Relationships
clone repository item, Cloning Repository Items
configure component, Configuring the SQL Repository Component
Content window, Registering a Content Repository
database column names, Properties and Database Columns
debugLevel property, Debug Levels
derived properties, Derived Properties, <derivation>
enumerated properties, Enumerated Properties
id properties, id Property
idSpaces, IdSpaces and the id Property
large database columns, Handling Large Database Columns
null values in NOT query, Not Queries and Null Values
outer joins, Outer Joins
property-type attributes, Using the property-type Attribute
queries, unsupported, Unsupported Queries in the SQL Repository
register, Registering a Content Repository
remove references to items, Removing References to Items
rql-filter tag, <rql-filter>
session backup, Repository Items and Session Backup
set up, SQL Repository Overview
streams, Handling Large Database Columns
tag attribute, Adding Items without Specifying IDs
transactions, Repositories and Transactions
uiqueryable attribute, Attributes Used in the ACC
uiwritable attribute, Attributes Used in the ACC
user-defined properties, User-Defined Property Types
wildcards in queries, Wildcards in Queries
SQL repository definition files, SQL Repository Architecture
SqlPassthroughQuery, Overriding RQL-Generated SQL
startSQLRepository script, startSQLRepository, Importing to a Versioned Repository
arguments, Syntax
syntax, Syntax
external caching, External Caching Statistics


table ownership, Table Ownership Issues
tag attribute, Adding Items without Specifying IDs
import with Repository Loader, Importing Targeters that Reference rules Files
SQL repository caches, Cache Timeout
timestamp properties
SQL repository, Date and Timestamp Properties
repositories, Repositories and Transactions
transient properties, Transient Properties
composite repositories, Transient Properties and Composite Repositories
TypeMapper, TypeMapper and TypeMappings
configuring, TypeMapper and TypeMappings
TypeMapping, TypeMapper and TypeMappings
configuring, TypeMapper and TypeMappings


uiqueryable attribute, Attributes Used in the ACC
uiwritable attribute, Attributes Used in the ACC
union derivation method, Derivation Methods
unique properties
SQL repository, Unique Properties
unsupported queries (see queries, unsupported)
update-item tag, Updating Items
User Authority components, ACL Syntax


warmCacheIfExternal, External Caching and Cache Warming
Web services, Repository Web Services
GetRepositoryItem, GetRepositoryItem Web Service
PerformRQLCountQuery, PerformRQLCountQuery Web Service
PerformRQLQuery, PerformRQLQuery Web Service
security policies, Repository Web Service Security
wildcard characters
SQL repository queries, Wildcards in Queries


XML file combination, Repository Definition Files
Xml2RepositoryContentHandler, ContentHandlers
configuring, ContentHandlers

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