Files are routed to ContentHandler components according to the mapping of file types and item descriptors, as established by TypeMapping components. Each ContentHandler transforms files into repository items and invokes a back end system to perform add, update, and remove operations on the repository.

The Oracle Commerce Platform provides one ContentHandler class:


This class transforms source files into XML files that conform to the provided xml2repository Schemas, then transforms the XML files into repository items.

ContentHandler properties

A ContentHandler component has the following configurable properties:




The component that handles repository add operations.


The component that handles repository remove operations.


The component that handles repository update operations.


Boolean, specifies whether an XMLTransformer component is enabled.


The FileMappingFilter that determines whether to run a file through the XMLTransformer component.


Boolean, specifies whether to throw an exception if a remove operation removed no repository items.


The name of the property to use for queries where the TypeMapping updatePropertyConfiguration property is set to one of the following:


Note: In order to add repository items, set the property updateService.addWhenNoMatchedItems to true; this enables execution of the component specified by the ContentHandler’s addService property.

XMLTransformer component

The XMLTransformer component has a stylesheets property, which is set to one or more style sheet files; these enable transformation of XML files at load time into the required format. Depending on the number and complexity of the stylesheets, this can be a resource-intensive operation.

An XMLTransformer instance is found in Nucleus at:


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