<!ELEMENT attribute EMPTY>

Parent: <item-descriptor>, <property>

The <attribute> tag associates arbitrary name/string value pairs with a property or item type, which determine its behavior. The name/value pairs are added to the property descriptor via the setValue method of java.beans.FeatureDescriptor, and can later be used by the application.

For example:

<property name="employeeNumber" data-type="string">
  <attribute name="PCCExpert" value="true" data-type="boolean"/>

See User-Defined Property Types for more information.





The name of the name/value pair, required. You can specify any name here and it is added to the list of feature descriptor attributes for your property.


The value of the name/value pair, required. The data type of this value is defined by the data-type attribute supplied to this tag. If no data-type attribute is provided, the value of the attribute is a string.


The primitive data-type of the value, one of the following:

string*          int
byte             short
date             long
timestamp        float

* default

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