<!ELEMENT item-descriptor ((<property> | <table> | <attribute> | <named-query>)*,
                           (<property> | <table> | <attribute> | <named-query>)*)>

Parent: <gsa-template>

The SQL repository template contains one <item-descriptor> tag for each set of repository items that share the same attributes.

The following sections describe <item-descriptor> attributes:

General Attributes




The name of this item descriptor, unique within the repository (required).

This property is case-insensitive—for example, you cannot set the name property for two item descriptors in the same repository to gender and GENDER.

To reference an item descriptor by multiple names, set the itemDescriptorAliases property of the Repository component.


Controls whether the Generic SQL Adapter (GSA) will cache this item’s data in its own cache, an external distributed cache application or both. See External SQL Repository Caching.


The caching mode for this item descriptor, one of the following:

simple (default)

Caching can also be disabled for individual properties by setting their cache-mode attribute. See the SQL Repository Caching chapter.


The name of the item descriptor whose properties are inherited by this item descriptor. See Item Descriptor Inheritance.


Boolean, specifies whether this is the repository’s default item descriptor. The default item descriptor is used for new repository items if no item descriptor is explicitly specified.

If no item descriptor is designated as the default, the first item descriptor in the repository definition file is the default.

Default: false


Optionally describes this item descriptor.

Default: value of name


If a resource bundle is specified for this property with the tag <attribute name=resourceBundle>, this attribute specifies the resource bundle key to the item descriptor’s description.

See Localizing SQL Repository Definitions.


The name of the item descriptor as displayed in the ATG Control Center interface. If no display-name is specified, the name attribute is used.


If a resource bundle is specified for this property with the tag <attribute name=resourceBundle>, this attribute specifies the resource bundle key to the item descriptor’s display name.

See Localizing SQL Repository Definitions.


Specifies a property of this item descriptor that is used to represent items of this type in a user interface. For example, a profile item descriptor might set display-property to login. Then, each repository item is represented using the value of the item’s login property.


Boolean, where true specifies to display this item descriptor only to expert users.

Default: false


Boolean, where true suppresses display of this item types in the ATG Control Center.

Default: false


A character used to separate elements of a multi-column repository ID when the ID is string encoded.

Default: colon (:)


The name of the ID space to use for this item descriptor. The default settings are as follows:

- Item descriptor with a single-column repository ID: Item descriptor name.

- Item descriptor with a multi-column repository ID: The name of the primary table and the names of the ID column in that table.

For more information about ID space names and how they affect the IDs of newly generated items, see IdSpaces and the id Property earlier in this manual; and the Platform Programming Guide, the Core Dynamo Services chapter.


The maximum number of items of this item descriptor that the item cache can store. When the number of items requested exceeds this number, the least recently accessed item is removed from the cache. See the SQL Repository Caching chapter.

Default: 1000


The time in milliseconds that an item cache entry can remain unused before its content becomes stale. After turning stale, the item cache entry is reloaded from the database the next time it is accessed. See Cache Timeout for more information.

Default: 0 (items remain in the cache indefinitely until otherwise invalidated)

Note: cache time out settings do not affect external distributed caching applications. If you use external caching, configure your external caching application to time out cached data. See External SQL Repository Caching.


The maximum time in milliseconds that an entry can remain in the item cache before it is refreshed. See Cache Timeout for more information.

Default: 0 (items remain in the cache indefinitely until otherwise invalidated)

Note: cache time out settings do not affect external distributed caching applications. If you use external caching, configure your external caching application to time out cached data. See External SQL Repository Caching.


The maximum number of queries of this item descriptor to store in the query cache. When the number of queries issued against this item descriptor exceeds this number, the least recently used query is removed from the cache. See the SQL Repository Caching chapter.

Default: 0 (disables the query cache)


The maximum time in milliseconds that an entry can remain in the query cache before it is refreshed. See Cache Timeout for more information.

Default: 0 (items remain in the cache indefinitely until otherwise invalidated)


The name of a property in this item descriptor that specifies the names of its child item descriptors. See Item Descriptor Inheritance.


Set to a value that is defined in the parent item descriptor’s sub-type-property, which enables inheritance from that parent. See Item Descriptor Inheritance.


The name of this item descriptor’s parent. See Item Descriptor Inheritance.


A comma-separated list of properties to search if a text search query does not explicitly specify any properties. See Text Search Queries in the SQL Repository Queries chapter.


Used only in versioned repositories, specifies whether items of this type should be versioned. Use this attribute to override the setting in the repository property versionItemsByDefault.

For more information about this attribute, and versioned repositories in general, see the Content Administration Programming Guide.


A integer property whose value is used as a version control mechanism for items of this type. The value in version-property is incremented each time the item is updated.


Typically used for XML file combination, where elements with the same ID are regarded as the same element.

Content Item Attributes

The following <item-descriptor> attributes are used in content repositories. A content repository includes one item descriptor that manages the folder hierarchy, and one or more item descriptors that define content items. A content item has a property that specifies the item’s folder parent, and a property that is used to store or reference the content data itself. The content data property is usually a java.io.File, String or a byte[] data type. Items in the content item descriptor implement the ContentRepositoryItem interface. Items in the folder item descriptor implement the FolderItem interface, as well as the MutableRepositoryItem interface. For more detail, see the SQL Content Repositories chapter.




Boolean, specifies whether items of this type are content items. If set to true, settings are also required for the following attributes:

- content-property
- One or more of: content-name-property, content-path-property, and use-id-for-path

Default: false


Specifies a numeric property in this item descriptor that holds the checksum for a content item descriptor.

For example, the PublishingFileRepository automatically updates this property when an item’s content property changes.


A property in this item descriptor that contains the number of bytes in the content. This property is used by the method ContentRepositoryItem .getContentLength().


A property in this item descriptor that defines the name of this content item or folder item in the folder hierarchy. Unlike content-path-property, the value of this attribute should not include any path separator characters or the names of any parent folders.


A property in this item descriptor that defines the absolute path name of this item in the folder hierarchy. The setting in content-path-property should include a leading path separator character.


Required if content is set to true, the property that contains the content of the content items. The data type of the specified property must be one of the following:

- File
- byte[]
- String

Content items of type String or byte[] store their data in the database; content items of type File store their data in the file system with the FilePropertyDescriptor.


Boolean, specifies whether items of this type are folder items. Only one item descriptor in a repository can set this property to true.

If set to true, settings are also required for the following attributes:

- folder-id-property
- content-property
- One or more of: content-name-property, content-path-property, and use-id-for-path

Default: false


A property in this item descriptor that specifies the ID of the folder containing this folder or content item. This property must be set for all item descriptors of content and folder items.


A property in this item descriptor that contains the time when item content was last modified. The property’s data type must be date or timestamp. This property is used by the method ContentRepositoryItem .getContentLastModified().


Boolean, specifies whether the repository ID for items of this type is the item’s relative path name in the folder hierarchy. Use this attribute if the column used to store the content-path-property is the primary key for the table containing the item.

Default: false

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