Content repositories must be added to the list of repositories in the initialRepositories property of the /atg/registry/ContentRepositories component. This also causes the new repository to show up in the Content window of the ATG Control Center. To cause a repository to appear instead in the Portal or the Commerce window of the ACC, edit the Repository Editor’s definition in the /atg/devtools/admins.xml file. This XML file should be placed in the application’s configuration path at /atg/devtools. In the /atg/devtools/admins.xml file, set task to the ACC task area where you want the repository to appear. For example:

<custom-admin id="CustomProductCatalog">
  <display-name>My Product Catalog</display-name>

The repository is displayed in the ATG Control Center under the name specified by the <display-name> tag. The repository’s repositoryName property must match the value specified by the <repository-name> tag in the /atg/devtools/admins.xml file. For example:

<default-admin id="StandardProductCatalog" xml-combine="replace">
  <display-name>Catalog Elements (En)</display-name>


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