In order to import repository assets into versioned repositories, you must configure a VersionedLoaderEventListener, whose tasks include creating and checking in the workspace that is used during the import. You create a VersionedLoaderEventListener component from this class:


VersionedLoaderEventListener properties

The following table describes VersionedLoaderEventListener properties:




Set to true in order to append the import time to the name of the project created and used for the import.

Default: true


Set to true if the workspace (and its assets) should be checked in. Otherwise, false.

If the workspaceName property is set to the name of an existing workspace—typically, an active project’s workspace—the Repository Loader blocks the check-in no matter how this property is set. If a project’s workspace is checked in while the project itself remains active, various problems result. For example, users cannot complete or delete the project, or view imported assets in the project.

Default: true


Set to true in order to create a project and import assets into it. If set to true, the Repository Loader creates a project for importing file assets, under the name specified by properties processNamePrefix and timeFormat.

Default: false


Specifies whether you can import an asset into an existing workspace specified by workspaceName after deployment target sites are initialized. If target sites are already initialized, this property must be set to false in order to allow import operations to succeed.

Default: true


Password of the user to authenticate.

Default: admin


The substring in an ACL that is used to identify the user in the UserAuthority, set as follows:

Admin$user$: The user who performs the import is using an ACC account.

Profile$login$: The user who performs the import is using a Business Control Center account.

Default: Admin$user$


An arbitrary string.

Default: Imported by the RepositoryLoader


Together with timeFormat, specifies the name of the project used if createProjects is set to true.

Default: Content Administration Import


The fully qualified path of the parent folder of the top-level folder in the manifest to import, or the folder system to scan. All folders and files to import must be in or under this root folder.

For example, you might set rootPath to /users/joe/import and import the following files via an automatic import:


The directories and files imported into the PublishingFileRepository are as follows (specified from the repository’s root):


Note 1: When performing imports on Windows, use double backslashes (\\)as path separators. For example:


Note 2: When importing the initial set of Oracle Commerce Platform assets from your production module, such as scenarios and slots, the root path is the production module’s config directory, which contains the Oracle Commerce Platform assets.


The format to use when appending the import time to the name of project used for the import. The default format is:

MMMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss aaa

For information on changing the default value, see the API reference for class java.text.SimpleDateFormat.


The userAuthority that resolves the user specified in the username property.

Default: /atg/dynamo/security/UserAuthority


The username of the user to authenticate.

Default: admin


Default: /Common/commonWorkflow.wdl


The name of the workspace to use for the import. If the corresponding workspace does not exist, it is created by the system.

All workspace names must be unique. The import fails if the name corresponds to a completed project’s workspace (because it is already checked in).

If createProjects is set to false (the default), the system creates a workspace for the import. If the workspaceName property is not set (the default), the system creates a workspace name from the IdGenerator; otherwise, it uses the name specified in this property.

If createProjects is set to true, the system ignores this property and creates a project for the import.

Project properties

After you initialize a target site, the Repository Loader must import assets into a project. In order to do so, set the VersionedLoaderEventListener’s createProjects property to true. When you run the Repository Loader on these assets, it performs these tasks:

User access configuration

The properties userAuthority, personaPrefix, userName, and password collectively verify user access to the secured versioned repository where file assets are imported—for example, /atg/epub/file/SecuredPublishingFileRepository.

Default configuration

By default, the VersionedLoaderEventListener is configured as follows:




projectNamePrefix=Content Administration Import
projectDescription=Imported by the RepositoryLoader
timeFormat=MMMMM dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss aaa

# The activity to associate with a project created by the loader
# activityId=merchandising.manageCommerceAssets



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