You can define a named query in an <item-descriptor> element in an SQL repository definition file. A named query is defined in a <named-query> element. For example, given the following RQL query:

lastName ENDS WITH "son"

you can define a named query as follows:

<item-descriptor name=...>
       <rql>lastName ENDS WITH "son"</rql>

An item descriptor can define named queries in three ways:

RQL Named Queries

An RQL named query can use all syntactical options that available to the Repository Query Language, including parameters and fields in parameters.

The RQL statement is defined in an <rql-query> element. For example:

<item-descriptor name=...>
       <rql>name = ? AND age = ?1.age</rql>
SQL Named Queries

An SQL named query defines a query’s SQL statement in an <sql-query> element. SQL named queries can include database-specific keywords.

For example:

<item-descriptor name=...>
      select id,first_name,last_name from dps_user WHERE login=?

The following table describes the child elements that are valid within an <sql-query> element:




Contains the SQL column and table names (not the property names defined by the repository). The <sql> element must also include the ID from the primary table in the item descriptor. If the ID for an item descriptor is defined as a composite ID (using two or more columns), all columns in the composite ID must be selected.

Caution: Named queries must be read-only. The SQL statement must not include actions that update the datastore—for example, INSERT or DELETE. Doing so can yield unpredictable results.


A comma-separated list of Repository property names returned by this query. These property names let you know the type of the column when reading values from the returned ResultSet.


Indicates which properties this query depends on. If any properties in the <dependencies> element change, remove this query from the query cache. These properties are typically those referenced in the SQL statement’s WHERE clause.


A comma-separated list of classes that must be instantiated for query parameters. There must be one value for each parameter. For example, given three query String parameters, the <input-parameter-types> element must be set as follows:

  java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String

This tag serves two purposes.

- Enables type checking during query execution .

- Specifies the number of required query parameters.

The properties that are used in the <returns> element must be:

The property columns are returned in the same order as specified in the <returns> tag. Because users do not need to define an explicit RepositoryPropertyDescriptor for the ID property, the ID property can be omitted from the <returns> element, but it must exist in the SQL statement as the first column(s) selected.

The <returns> element is optional: select statements can return only the ID property. The <returns> element should specify the ID property only if the item descriptor explicitly defines it with the <property> element. Otherwise, the value in the id-column-name attribute of the <table> tag is used as the name of the ID column.

Stored Procedures

An SQL named query can reference a stored procedure by qualifying the <sql> element with the attribute setting stored-procedure=true. In this case, the <returns> and <dependencies> tags must conform to the stored procedure’s returns and constraints. For example:

<item-descriptor name=...>
      <sql stored-procedure="true">
         { call myStoredProcedure (?, ?) }

The body of the <sql> tag for a stored procedure must use the syntax required by java.sql.CallableStatement. The following requirements apply:

A stored procedure must return a java.sql.ResultSet. Most JDBC drivers do so by default, but there are exceptions. Oracle, for example, requires some special tuning, as described in the next section.

Caution: The stored procedure must be read-only; it must not include actions that update the datastore—for example, INSERT or DELETE. Doing so can yield unpredictable results.

Using Stored Procedures with Oracle Databases

An Oracle stored procedure returns a ResultSet only if it is defined to do so (see Returning a JDBC result set from an Oracle stored procedure). The body of the <sql> element must reference the stored procedure with the function syntax,. For example:

{ ? = call myOracleProcedure (?, ?) }

You indicate the returned value through this notation:

? =

Note: You should consider wrapping existing stored procedures with procedures so the results are formatted to conform with Oracle Commerce Platform SQL repository requirements.

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