The asset purge feature allows you to remove large amounts of repository data that you no longer need in your Web application. For example, many Oracle Commerce Platform applications create anonymous user profiles when site visitors do not create an account or log in. You can use the asset purge feature to remove older anonymous user profiles when they accumulate and consume data storage capacity unnecessarily.

Web application administrators use the asset purge feature from the Dynamo Server Admin on the production Web application server. Deleting repository items with the asset purge feature affects your production Web application immediately. Before using the asset purge feature, be sure that you understand how to control the delete function and that you have a database backup process in place. The asset purge feature does not include a function to restore deleted data.

To use the asset purge function:

  1. Log into the Dynamo Server Admin user interface on the production Web application server. See information about the Dynamo Server Admin in the Platform Programming Guide.

  2. Choose Asset Purge from the main menu. Choose the asset type that you want to delete on the Asset Purge page.

  3. Choose parameters for selecting repository items by doing one or both of the following:

    • Select options in the Asset conditions section of the screen.

    • Enter a Repository Query Language (RQL) query in the Custom RQL field.

    See Selecting Repository Items.

  4. Choose the related conditions and actions that you want to apply to the purge operation in the Related conditions and actions section of the screen. See Related Conditions and Actions.

  5. Choose Preview. When the preview statistics are available on the screen, verify that the scope of the asset purge matches the approximate number of repository items you intend to delete. See information about preview statistics in Selecting Repository Items.

  6. Choose Start purge. Choose OK in the confirmation dialog box.

  7. Choose Refresh information to reload the page. Check the status of the asset purge operation in the Completed Purges section of the screen. Click the link in the Status column to see detailed information about the results of the operation. See Purge Statistics.

The asset purge feature is intended to be used as a development framework within which you can create functions that remove any unneeded data that your Web application may accumulate. By default, the Oracle Commerce Platform includes an asset purge function for removing user profiles. You can create additional functions to remove other repository item types.

Note: Use the asset purge function for bulk operations. You can remove individual repository items by using the repository API. See Core Repository API Elements.

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