Benchmarking Page

How to Get Here

  1. Sign in to CIC Advisor.
  2. On the Project Listings page, select the Predicted delay likelihood KPI of a project.
  3. On the Schedule Intelligence page, click Compare in detail in the Compare this project section.

    Benchmarking Page of Construction Intelligence Cloud

How to Use this Page

The Benchmarking page allows you to compare your ongoing projects against projects that have been completed or are 80- 90% complete to:

The horizontal bar chart displays compares the ongoing project with two benchmarked groups or completed projects.In the above bar chart, the Haitang Corporate Park project is compared with the benchmark groups, Commercial Buildings and Plant Refurbish.

Compare your project with the benchmark groups for any of the following metrics: Planned Duration, Planned Labor Units, Planned Total Cost, Planned Labor Cost, Planned Material Cost, Planned Nonlabor Cost, Planned Nonlabor Units, Planned Total Units, Total Float, and # of Delayed Activities.

This page includes the following sections:

Section Number

Section Title


Benchmark Comparison Graph Section described above


Current Project KPIs Section

3 and 4

Benchmark Group KPIs Section


Schedule Assessment Section of your project and benchmark groups respectively

Click More Details to access the Benchmarking Details PageBenchmarking Details Page.

Related Topics

Project Schedule Module Overview

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Benchmark Group KPIs Section

Schedule Assessment Section

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Benchmarking Page - New!

Benchmarking Details Page

Last Published Thursday, December 7, 2023