Activity Network Page

How to Get Here

  1. Sign in to Construction Intelligence Cloud Advisor.
  2. Select any of the following links to access the Activities page:
    • On the Project Listings page, select the Predicted delay activities KPI of a project or
    • On the Schedule Intelligence page, click More details in the Activity delay section.
  3. On the Activities page, drill-down through the WBSs and select an activity on the heat map.
  4. Select the Actions tab and click View activity within project delivery network.

Project Delivery Network Page of CIC Advisor

How to Use this Page

The Activity Network page provides a visual of the project schedule you created as a network of activities, resources, and milestones in your construction project. Each node represents an activity(Icon) or Resource (icon). The size of an activity node represents the planned duration (large, medium, or small). The color intensity of an activity indicates the extent of predicted delay for that activity where:

Use the network diagram to

Click on a specific node (activity) in the network diagram to view the Successor activities, Predecessor activities, and the Actions tab associated with that activity as show above.

To focus on a specific aspect of your project plan, select any of the following tabs:

This page includes the following sections:

Section Number

Section Title


Project Network Diagram (described above)


Successor activities tab


Predecessors activities tab


Actions tab

Related Topics

Project Schedule Module Overview

Successor Activities

Predecessor Activities

Actions Tab

Schedule Intelligence Page

Delay Predictions Page

Key Factor Recommendations

Schedule Assessment Page

Schedule Assessment Page-New!

Activities Page

Project Delivery Network Page

Activity Details Page

Activity Discovery Page

Benchmarking Page

Benchmarking Page - New!

Benchmarking Details Page

Last Published Thursday, December 7, 2023