Creating Journal Entries

Page Name

Definition Name


Create/Update Journal Entries - Header Page


Enter journal header information that uniquely identifies the journal by business unit, journal ID, and journal date. It also contains options for setting, adjusting, and reversing entries and foreign currencies.

Journal Entry Currency Default Page


Enter the currency information that appears by default in the individual journal lines.

Exchange Rate Detail Page


Shows the exchange rate details based on the information that you entered on the Journal Entry Currency Default page.

Journal Entry Reversal Page


Specify the date of an automatically reversed entry.

Commitment Control Page


Specify the commitment control amount type for a journal if you use the commitment control option.

Administer File Attachments Page


Attach relevant and useful files as supporting documentation to the journal entry.

On the Journal Entry - Header page, click Attachments.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines Page


Record the transactions making up the journal—the debit and credit entries. Once you enter the header and lines, you can request further processing on the page.

Journal Entry Template List Page


Select the template that defines which columns appear in the lines scroll area. Also specify the field values to be copied down to new lines when you click the Insert Journal Lines button.

Selection Criteria Page


Specify search values for any or all fields listed.

Change ChartField Values Page


Apply changes to all displayed journal lines by entering the existing field value and the correct value.

Search Audit Logs Page


View the audit trail for the journal entry.

Projected Balance Page


Check the effect of a particular line on the relevant balance (same ChartField combination) directly from the Journal Entry - Lines page. Enable the Projected Balance field to appear on the Lines page by selecting a Journal Entry Template that includes that field. The Projected Balance field is located on the Miscellaneous tab of the Journal Entry Template page for selection.

Federal Award Data Page


View values for Procurement Award and Financial Assistance elements in the PeopleSoft purchase order staging tables

Secondary Ledger Lines Page


View secondary ledger lines.

Journal Entry - Totals Page


Specify control debit and credit amounts, unit value of statistical entries, and the number of lines. These controls enable you to enforce a greater degree of control over the journal entry process.

Journal Entry - Errors Page


Determine which errors the system encountered.

Journal Entry - Approval Page


Select the current journal for approval if you use PeopleSoft Workflow to approve journals for posting.

Use the Create/Update Journal Entries - Header page (JOURNAL_ENTRY1) to enter journal header information that uniquely identifies the journal by business unit, journal ID, and journal date. Journal cannot be edited if the user does not have journal source access.

It also contains options for setting, adjusting, and reversing entries and foreign currencies.


General Ledger > Journals > Journal Entry > Create/Update Journal Entries > Header

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create/Update Journal Entries - Header page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Header

Note: This page or related pages operate in deferred processing mode. Most fields are not updated or validated until you save the page or refresh it by clicking a button, link, or selecting a tab. This delayed processing has various implications for the field values on the page—for example, if a field contains a default value, any value that you enter before the system updates the page overrides the default. The system updates quantity balances or totals only when you save or click the Calculate Amount button.

Field or Control


Journal ID

If the Use Next Journal ID option is selected for your user preference, the Journal field is unavailable and automatically changes to NEXT.

When you save the journal, the system automatically assigns the next journal ID to the journal.


Determines the period to which the system posts the journals, unless it is an adjusting entry. For business units using a holiday list ID, the journal entry page requires that journal date be a working day, regardless of the accounting period. If you initially enter a date on a non-working day, you'll receive an error message suggesting the next working day. You must manually enter this or another working date before entering journal entry pages.

Long Description

Enter text that describes the purpose of the journal or explain any anomalies in the transaction. The first 30 characters of your description appear in prompt lists for this journal.

Ledger Group

Select the ledger group to which this journal posts.

Auto Generate Lines

Select this check box if the ledger group contains multiple ledgers.

If the Keep Ledgers in Sync (KLS) option for MultiBook ledgers is selected on the Ledger Group - Definition page, the Auto Generate Lines check box should always be selected, which enables the system to generate journal lines automatically to support transaction detail for each ledger in the group. For example, suppose that you enter a two-line journal entry for a ledger group that contains three ledgers, the journal entry or edit process generates two lines for each ledger.


Enter a ledger within the ledger group to indicate that all the journal lines must be posted to that ledger, or leave this field blank to indicate that the journal lines can be distributed to secondary ledgers. Use this field only if the ledger group contains multiple ledgers, KLS is off, and the Auto Generate Lines option is not selected. If the ledger group is a commitment control ledger group, you must select a ledger.

Once you start entering journal lines, you cannot change the values in the Ledger Group, Auto Generate Lines, or Ledger fields. Otherwise, your journal lines would be out of sync with your journal header.

Adjusting Entry

Select Adjusting Entry if this is an adjusting entry. When you select to create an adjusting entry, the Period field becomes available and you can select the adjustment period to which you want the entry to post. The periods (and fiscal year) from which to select are prompted from the adjustment periods and adjustment years as defined in the Open Period Update page that is associated with the ledger group for the anchor business unit of the journal.

If this is a Non-Adjusting Entry, you cannot change the accounting period value. The journal date determines the accounting period to which the entry posts based upon the calendar that is defined within the Ledgers For A Unit page for the primary business unit of the journal.

Note: Year-end adjustments are segregated from the regular accounting periods to prevent the distortion of period-to-period results. They are recorded in special adjustment periods (as defined on the detail calendar). They are posted to the target ledger in the adjustment year and period that are designated as the default on the Open Period Update page. (You can override the default adjustment period on the Journal Header page.) You can post prior year adjustments while processing the current year activity, as long as you have associated that prior year with the adjustment period on the Open Period Update page. If the adjustment period and associated fiscal year are not designated as open on the Open Period Update page, a warning message notifies you that the journal cannot post to the closed period.

Note: When journals are loaded from an external source, there may be a discrepancy between the fiscal year on the Journal Header page and the fiscal year that is open for the corresponding adjustment period on the Open Period Update page. By default, the Journal Edit process selects the fiscal year from the Open Period Update page that is associated with the open adjustment period, changes the fiscal year on the header and processes the journal as valid. You can specify the journal edit handling on the General Ledger Definition – Journal Options page for the Adjustment Year Not Exist field value to control this behavior. The Override field value is the default option, which allows the Journal Edit process to change the fiscal year on the header to the fiscal year that is associated with the open adjustment period (Open Period Update page), thereby passing validation. The Recycle option assumes that the original fiscal year on the adjustment journal header is correct, but since it is not the year that is associated with the open adjustment period, the journal will be in error.

See Defining Journal Processing Options for a Business Unit.

See Open Period Mass Update Page.

Field or Control



Determines various options for entering and editing journals. Select a journal source that best represents how the journal should be processed. Once you start entering journal lines, however, you cannot change the journal source selection if the journal is originally created using the Journal Entry component. Journal sources available for selection is based on the user access that is defined in the Journal Source Security by User Page and Journal Source Security by Role Page.

Note: Journals for a source cannot be posted beyond the cutoff date defined in the Period End Cutoff Definition Page for that particular journal source, unless the user or role has override exception.

Reference Number

Refers each journal back to a document, person, invoice, date, or any other piece of information that helps you track the source of the transaction.

Fiscal Year

For a non-adjusting journal entry, this field is populated based upon the journal date and the calendar that is associated with the ledger group on the Ledgers For A Unit page of the anchor business unit of the journal. For a journal that you designate as an adjusting entry, this field value default is based upon the adjustment year that is defined on the Open Period Update page, which is associated with the adjustment period that you select on the Journal Header. You can change the adjustment year for posting on the Open Period Update page.

Note: The adjustment year that is populated on the journal header is derived from its associated adjustment period (as defined on the Open Period Update page) that you selected on the journal header. If the adjustment year on the header is not designated as open on the Open Period Update page, you receive a warning that the journal cannot be posted.


For a non-adjusting journal entry, this field is populated based upon the journal date and the calendar that is associated with the ledger group on the Ledgers For A Unit page of the anchor business unit of the journal. For a journal that you designate as an adjusting entry, this field becomes available and is populated based upon the adjustment period that is designated as the default on the Open Period Update page. You can change the adjustment period by clicking the prompt that displays a list of valid adjustment periods (as defined on the detail calendar). Select the one to which you want the adjusting entry posted. The fiscal year associated with the selected adjustment period (on the Open Period Update page) is the journal header fiscal year.

SJE Type (standard journal entry type)

Leave this field blank if this is not a standard journal. Select Model if this is a model journal that you use to create other standard journals. There are several process restrictions on a model SJE journal. It cannot be budget checked, posted, or submitted to workflow approval, and journal edit does not calculate value-added tax (VAT) or subtract inclusive VAT amounts from the journal line. In addition, once validated by the journal edit process, the model journal cannot be changed or deleted.

Note: Model journals must be edited and if it is valid the system assigns it a status of M.

Note: Attachments can be added to the model journal. However, these attachments do not transfer to the standard journal.

ADB Date (average daily balance date)

Enter the date that you want to use for calculating average balances. (Enter this only if the ledger to which this journal posts supports ADB reporting.) Normally, the ADB date is the same as the journal date. The ADB date determines the period for which the average balance is calculated. If you have selected the Maintain Regulatory Balances option for the ledger on the Ledgers For a Unit - Definition page, the system calculates the average balance for both periods.

Journal Class

Select this field for General Ledger journal entry transactions only. Journal classes enable you to categorize journal entries for reporting, as well as for journal entries loaded from non-PeopleSoft systems.

This field also appears for SJEs and copy journals. And both of these options enable you to copy the journal class entered in the source journal to specified target journals.

The journal suspense correction journal contains the same journal class value as the journal in error.

The Journal Import process (GL_JRNL_IMP) supports importing a journal class field value from a flat file.

Save Journal Incomplete Status

Select this check box when you are unable to enter all journal transactions and anticipate finishing the entries at a later time. When selected, you can enter incomplete journal transactions and save them with a status of T - Journal Entry Incomplete. If you use the batch edit, posting, or budget checking process, the journal is bypassed until you complete your entries and deselect the check box; it is not bypassed if the process is run online.

The Save Journal Incomplete Status check box matches the value of the same check box on the User Preferences - General Ledger page.

Autobalance on 0 Amount Line

Select this check box to enable control of the balancing behavior of journals when the balancing ChartField value is modified and when the line has a zero amount. When selecting this option, balancing occurs on the balancing ChartField (as defined for the ledger group or the activated account balancing attributes, Book Code or Balance Sheet Indicator) and the system assigns the journal balancing amount to the journal line with a zero amount upon saving the journal. If there is more than one line with a zero amount, the autobalancing will occur for the zero amount line of the ChartField value that you choose to modify. If the Autobalance on 0 Amount Line check box is not selected, the system does not update the zero amount line upon saving the journal.

See "PeopleSoft General Ledger 8.9 and 9.0 Documentation Update for Journal Header Autobalance Option" in MyOracleSupport.

Transaction Code

Select the code to indicate the appropriate interunit and intraunit payable or receivable account.

The journal suspense correction journal contains the same transaction code value as the journal in error.

Agency Location Code

Enter an ALC code to identify cash entries or adjustments made directly to the General Ledger by journal entry and to report them on the U.S. Federal Government SF224 reports.

Journal entries made directly to General Ledger are typically made to record small amounts of undeposited cash.

Currency Defaults

Click to open the Journal Entry Currency Default page where you enter the currency information that appears by default to the individual journal lines. The currency default that you select also appears as part of the link.


Select this check box to indicate that this journal is subject to CTA reporting.

When selecting this check box, the TAS and BETC fields appear on the Lines page, and the system requires the ALC, Entry Event, Fund, TAS, and BETC fields to be completed.


You can generate a reversing entry (as with an accrual) when you post this entry. Click this link to select the date of the reversing entry on the Journal Entry Reversal page. This link also displays your reversal preferences.

Commitment Control

Click to access the Commitment Control page, where you specify the commitment control amount type for a control budget. This link is available only if you enabled commitment control for General Ledger from the Installation Options - Products page.


Click to access the Attachments page (JOURNAL_ATT_SEC) where you can attach one or more files that are related to the journal entry. The system displays and error message if you try to load more than the number of attachments specified on the Installation Options - Multiple Attachments Page for the General Ledger product.

The Attachments link on the Journal Header page displays the number of attachments that are included with the journal entry. If you have enabled approval workflow, you can select to show or not show the attachments to the approvers.

Each attachment is assigned a unique attachment ID and attachment information is stored on a single cross reference table, PV_ATTACHMENTS.

See Administer File Attachments Page.

Use the Journal Entry Currency Default page (JOURNAL_ENTRY_CUR) to enter the currency information that appears by default in the individual journal lines.


On the Journal Entry - Header page, click Currency Defaults.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Journal Entry Currency Default page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Journal Entry Currency Default page

Field or Control


Transaction Currency

Override the default base currency by selecting a value. You can do this only if the Foreign Currency Per Journal option specified on Journal Source, Ledgers For A Unit, and General Ledger Definition, Currency Options page is not set to No Foreign Currencies.

If the Foreign Currency Per Journal option is set to Only One Foreign Currency, you must specify that foreign currency here. Later, when you are entering journal lines, their transaction currency values can be equal to the foreign currency or to the base currency.

Currency Code

Appears by default as the base code currency for the ledger group.

Rate Type

Enter the rate type, which is used to convert amounts.

Exchange Rate

Defaults to the current exchange rate based on your selections.

Currency Effective Date

Appears by default from the journal date, but you can override it.

Get Rate

After you change the transaction currency, rate type, and/or currency effective date on this page, click this button to get the new exchange rate retrieved from the system setup table based on the new information that you just entered.

Exchange Rate Detail

Click this link to access the page that displays exchange rate detail information.

Use the Exchange Rate Detail page (EXCH_RT_DTL) to view the exchange rate details based on the information that you entered on the Journal Entry Currency Default page.


From the Journal Entry Currency Default page, click Exchange Rate Detail.

See Establishing Market Rates.

Use the Journal Entry Reversal page (JOURNAL_ENTRY_RVR) to specify the date options for an automatic reversal entry.


From the Journal Entry - Header page, click the Reversal link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Journal Entry Reversal page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Journal Entry Reversal page

Select the appropriate reversal option:

Field or Control


Do Not Generate Reversal

Assumes no automatic reversal of this entry. This is the default.

Beginning of Next Period

Creates a reversing entry dated the first business day of the next accounting period. It uses the holiday list ID that you assigned to the business unit on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page to determine the first business day. If the business unit is not assigned a holiday list ID, the reversing entry is dated the first day of the next accounting period.

If the journal is an adjusting journal, the reversing entry is dated the first business day of the first accounting period of the next fiscal year.

End of Next Period

Creates a reversing entry dated the last business day of the next accounting period. It uses the holiday list ID that you assigned to the business unit on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page to determine the last business day. If the business unit is not assigned a holiday list ID, the reversing entry is dated the last day of the next accounting period.

If the journal is an adjusting journal, the reversing entry is dated the last business day of the first accounting period of the next fiscal year.

Next Day

Creates a reversing entry dated the next business day. It uses the holiday list ID that you assigned to the business unit on the General Ledger Definition - Definition page to determine the next business day. If the business unit is not assigned a holiday list ID, the reversing entry is dated the next day.

Adjustment Period

Creates a reversing entry to the adjustment period that you select. When you select this option, enter the adjustment period and reversal date. Enter these values in the corresponding Adjustment Period and Reversal Date fields. The system uses the reversal date to populate the journal date of the reversing entry.

If you enter a date on a nonworking day and there is a holiday list ID assigned to the business unit, you'll receive an error message. The system won't reset the reversal date, and you must reenter a date that is a working day.

On Date Specified By User

Enables you to select any date in the calendar. When you select this option, you must also enter the reversal date.

If you enter a date on a nonworking day, and there is a holiday list ID assigned to the business unit, you'll receive an error message. The system won't reset the reversal date; you must reenter a date that is a working day.

ADB Reversal

If the ledger group supports average daily balance reporting, you must select the method that is used to populate the ADB date of the reversal entry.

Field or Control


Same as Journal Reversal

Creates a reversing entry with the same ADB date as the one selected in the Reversal group box, so that the journal date and ADB date of the reversing entry are the same.

On Date Specified by User

Enables you to select any date in the calendar. When you select this option, you must also enter a value in the ADB Reversal Date field.

If you enter a date on a nonworking day, and there is a holiday list ID assigned to the business unit, you'll receive an error message. The system won't reset the ADB reversal date for you; you must reenter a date that is a working day.

If you specify an ADB reversal date that is on or before the ADB date, you will receive an error message.

Important! Reversals are identified as valid and ready to post when the Post process creates them, and you do not need to edit them. When the journal date falls within the journal dates, fiscal year, and open periods specified on the Journal Post page, the system posts reversals as soon as they are created.

Use the Commitment Control page (JOURNAL_ENTRY_KK) to specify the commitment control amount type for a journal if you use the commitment control option.


On the Journal Entry - Header page, click the Commitment Control link.

See Entering and Processing Commitment Control Journal Entries in General Ledger.

Use the Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines page (JOURNAL_ENTRY2_IE) to record the transactions making up the journal—the debit and credit entries.

Once you enter the header and lines, you can request further processing on the page.


General Ledger > Journals > Journal Entry > Create/Update Journal Entries > Lines

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines page (1 of 5). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines (1 of 5)

Note: If you register Accounting Tags for General Ledger, the SpeedType column is replaced by one for Accounting Tag on the Journal Entry — Lines page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines page (2 of 5). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines (2 of 5)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines page (3 of 5). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines (3 of 5)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines page (4 of 5). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines (4 of 5)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines page (5 of 5). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Lines (5 of 5)

Note: The columns that appear on this page are controlled by your choices on the journal entry template (click Template List link), as well as by clicking the Personalize link to hide or sort columns.

Note: This page or related pages operate in deferred-processing mode. Most fields are not updated or validated until you save the page or refresh it by clicking a button or link or selecting a tab. This delayed processing has various implications for the field values on the page. For example, if a field contains a default value, any value that you enter before the system updates the page overrides the default. Another implication to keep in mind is that the system updates quantity balances or totals only when you save or when you click the Calculate Amount button.

Field or Control


Template List

Click to access the Journal Entry Template List page in which you specify a previously created template that defines the columns that appear in the Lines scroll area. Fields are visible on journal lines unless you create specific journal entry templates to make them unavailable.

See Journal Entry Template List Page.

See Journal Entry Template - ChartField Page.

Search Criteria

This link appears after you save the newly entered journal or when you bring up an existing journal. Click the link to access the GL Journal Entry Processing page, where you can specify search values for any or all fields listed.

Change Values

Click this link to access the Change ChartField Values page to make global changes to the ChartField values to use in your journal entry. Enter the existing field value and the desired value. The change is applied to the journal lines that appear in the Line scroll area. This link does not appear for journals that have been posted.

View Audit Logs

Click this link to launch a new window, which accesses the Search Audit Logs page where you can view an audit trail of the journal events. This page includes information such as user ID, event code, event name, event date and time of the journal processes such as create, delete, edit, mark-to-post, mark-to-unpost, post, unmark-to-post, unmark-to-unpost, unpost and update.

Note: The Search Audit Logs page accesses journal events that are populated in the GL Journal Audit record (GL_AUD_JRNL) if the corresponding events are enabled for audit logging.

See Enabling Journal Audit Logging.

See Search Audit Logs Page.


Click to display the number of rows per interunit or intraunit group box.


Select the task that you want to perform and click the Process button. Values are:

Budget Check Journal: Select to run the Commitment Control Budget Processor process (FS_BP) to check the journal lines for the control budget. The journal edit process must validate the journal before it can be budget checked.

Copy Journal: Select to access the Journal Entry Copy Page. Enter changes in journal information for the new journal.

This is an online copy journal version of the journal copy process that is performed using Process Scheduler. Descriptions for the fields on this page are the same as those described in the section for the copy journal using PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.

Delete Journal: Select to delete the current journal. There are two journal deletion methods: Physical Delete or Logical Delete, which is determined on the Installation Options - General Ledger Page.

Note: If you select this option and then select the Process button for a journal that is entered by another user, the system performs a security check based on the roles defined in the Authorize Journal Delete section of the Installation Options - General Ledger Page. If your role is not authorized to delete another persons journal, the system displays an error.

Edit Chartfield: Select to initiate the journal ChartField Edit process (GL_JEDIT_CF0) to verify whether the journal has any ChartField-related errors, including ChartField edit, combo ChartField edit, and alternate account edit.

Edit Journal: Select to immediately initiate the Journal Edit process (GL_JEDIT_0). If the journal passes the edit check, the system automatically submits the journal for approval.

Note: When you select the Process button, an alert message is displayed. This message provides the option to wait until the Edit process completes or exit the page. If you select to exit the page, another message is displayed with the details of the scheduled edit process. You can verify the journal edit process at a later time using the process instance number.

Post Journal: Select to immediately initiate the Journal Post process (GL_JP). If the journal requires validation, the Journal Edit process automatically initiates prior to posting. If you are using PeopleSoft Workflow and require approval, you'll receive an error message if you select this option for unapproved journals. If the Enable Online Journal Post check box is not selected on the User Preferences - General Ledger Page, then this option is not available.

Note: When you select the Process button, an alert message is displayed. This message provides the option to wait until the Post process completes or exit the page. If you select to exit the page, another message is displayed with the details of the scheduled post process. You can view the Process Monitor using the process instance number. If you attempt to post a journal that is under the edit process, then a message is displayed.

Print Journal: Select to create the Journal Entry Detail report (GLX7501, or GLX7502, for separate debit and credit transactions), which is a printed copy of the journal in BI Publisher format.

Note: When you select this option and then select the Process button, the Report Manager and Process Monitor links become available.

Refresh Journal: Select to retrieve the journal from the database to the page again. You can do this when you think others may have changed the journal after you originally retrieved it.

Submit Journal: Select to initiate journal edit and journal approval through workflow processing. If you are not using PeopleSoft Workflow, an error message is displayed. When submitted, the worklist items for the user who submitted the journal is marked as worked.

Note: For the sake of efficiency, you can edit journals and post later using background processing. However, if you want to edit and post faster, you can select the options listed on this page.

Edit / Pre-Check: This selection only appears if Enable Budget Pre-check is selected for General Ledger on the Installation Options - Commitment Control Page. When you select this option, the journal is edited and processed through the Budget Processor. However, the Budget Processor only checks the journal and the funds are not reserved. For example, Commitment Control amounts are not posted to LEDGER_KK.

Errors Only

Select to refresh the Line scroll area with only journal lines that contain errors. To move sequentially through all journal lines that have errors, click the first row arrow to the left of the chunking text box to move to the first line of the journal before selecting the Errors Only check box.

First Row/Last Row

The First Row and Last Row arrow buttons on the outer left and right go to the beginning and end of the journal lines, respectively. The Previous Group and Next Group arrow buttons, on the inner left and right respectively, display journal lines in increment of the number that you entered in the chunking field. Selecting any of these arrow buttons automatically refreshes the screen. If you have specified search criteria, this navigation (or chunking) displays lines that match the search criteria in the specified chunks. For example, suppose that you specify 10 lines be displayed and in the search criteria, you want all journal lines for department 100 to appear. The system displays an initial ten lines that contain department 100. By clicking the arrow buttons as they are available, you can display the next 10 lines or the previous ten lines, and so on. All changes to the journal must be saved before using these buttons.


Enter the incremental number of lines in the chunking text box that you want to retrieve.


Click the Award Data link in the Federal column to open the Federal Award Data Page, where you can enter Financial Assistance and Procurement Award numbers, or the system populates the data imported from a third party.

To enable this link, you must enter Federal Award Data options on the Federal Processing Options Page. The link is available when you select the Enable Procurement Fields check box and/or the Enable Financial Assistance Fields check box.

Journal Lines Chunking

Lines are displayed in chunks as determined by the number of lines you enter in the chunking text box, starting from the current top line in the journal lines grid. All changes must be saved before changing this number.

Journal Lines Additions, Deletions, and Calculations

You can add journal lines, delete journal lines, and use the journal line calculator.

Field or Control


Lines to add:

Enter the number of lines that you want to add when you click the Insert Journal Lines button to the right.

Insert Row

To add additional lines to the scroll, enter the number of lines to add in the Lines to add field, and click the Insert Journal Lines button.

Delete Selected Row

Select the check box next to any journal line that you want to delete, and click the Delete Selected Journal Lines button.

Note: On deleting InterUnit journal lines for a commitment control BU re-edit journal will not remove the BU from the Totals section of journal entries. When the journal entry is modified the corresponding commitment control BU has to be retained so that budget processor can back out the prior activity, else the data between LEDGER_KK and ACTUALS will be out of sync. Also it will result in orphaned commitment control data.

Calculate Amounts

Click the Calculate Amounts button in conjunction with the option that you select in the Calculate field on each line to calculate the amount, base amount, or exchange rate given two of the three values.

See Initiating the Calculate Amount Process.

Use the Selection Criteria page (JRNL_SRCH_SEC) to specify search values for any or all fields listed.


On the Journal Entry - Lines page, click the Search Criteria link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Selection Criteria page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Selection Criteria page

When you enter the search criteria, the GL Journal Line Number field displays the starting line number for your search. For example, if you enter 1 here and 10 in the number of lines text box next to the Errors Only check box on the Journal Entry - Lines page, the system retrieves journal lines 1 through 10. Enter the selection criteria, including any wildcards. These wildcards assist you in finding the exact information that you need. Unless you enter one of the following wildcards, General Ledger assumes that you want an exact match:

Field or Control



Match one or more characters. For example, to look for all accounts beginning with a "2", use "2%".


Match one or more characters. For example, use "2*".


Match any single character. For example, use "20000_".


Match any single character. For example, use "20000?".


If first character, negate the user (not equal or not like). For example, "!5%" retrieves all values that do not begin with a "5".


Tilde—represents a blank character—this should not be used with any other characters or wildcard symbols.


Escape character—do not treat the next character as a wildcard.

For example, you could search for a blank in the Account, Operating Unit Department, Product, Project ID, Affiliate and Foreign Currency Code fields by entering a tilde (~) in each field.

Return to the journal Lines page.

The Calculate Amount process examines changes in the amount-related fields (such as foreign currency, foreign amount, rate type, exchange rate, base currency, and monetary base amount). It calculates the unchanged field based on the system rule or the specified rule in the Calculate field. If none of the amount-related fields are changed on a particular line, no calculation process is initiated on that line even if you click the Calculate Amount button. After the value is calculated, the journal totals and balancing ChartFields totals are updated to reflect the new totals.

The Calculate Amount process is automatically initiated in the following situations:

  • When you save the journal, including when you click the Save button, run remote journal edit, run remote journal ChartField edit, run remote call journal post, run remote call budget checking, select copy journal, or submit the journal to workflow.

  • When you click the Insert Journal Lines button to insert new lines.

  • When you click the Delete Selected Journal Lines button to delete lines.

  • When you click the Secondary Lines (>>) button to access the Secondary Lines page.

  • When you click the Exchange Rate Detail (>>) button to view the exchange rate detail.

  • When you click the VAT link to access the VAT page.

  • When you change the business unit or ledger value on the line.

  • When you use the SpeedType page to select a speed type.

The Calculate Amount process performs the following steps:

  1. For each journal line on the journal line grid, the system compares all field values with the prior values stored in the buffer to determine whether there are any changes.

  2. If there are any changes on foreign currency, rate type, exchange rate, or base currency, the system determines the new exchange rate.

    This also initiates exchange rate checking before the new exchange rate can be accepted. The new exchange rate is then converted to rate multiplier and rate divisor values.

  3. If there are any changes in foreign amount, exchange rate, or base amount, the system calculates the unchanged amount based on the system rule or the rule that you specify in the Calculate field.

  4. The system then adjusts the journal totals and balancing ChartField totals to reflect the new totals.

    Even if there is no amount field change, but there is a ChartField value changed, the system adjusts the balancing ChartFields totals accordingly.

  5. If it is a MultiBook ledger group with auto-generate lines turned on, the system also reflects the changes to the corresponding secondary ledger lines.

  6. If the account is a VAT-applicable or VAT account, the journal VAT rows reflect the new values.

Note: Online Journal Entry uses deferred processing, which reduces the number of trips to the server. However, the Business Unit and Ledger fields on the journal line grid use non-deferred processing. The main reason is because changes to these two fields can change the base currency value. Without refreshing the base currency value immediately, it could become confusing. The Business Unit field value usually remains the same unless it is an interunit journal. You can change the ledger value only when it involves a KLS-off MultiBook ledger group with auto-generate lines turned off and when a blank ledger value is on the journal header. Because both are rare occurrences, server trips should not be an issue in most instances.

Encountering Errors in the Calculate Amount Process

The Calculate Amount process performs various checks, including separate debit and credit amount checking, as well as exchange rate checking. When the process encounters an error, an error message appears and the Error field changes to red. The process does not necessarily stop on an error. If the Calculate Amount process has been automatically initiated, the process may behave differently. In some instances, the process stops, and in other instances, it continues. Here are various scenarios:

  • When you save a journal, the save process stops, an error message appears, and the journal cannot be saved until you correct the error.

  • When you click the Insert Journal Lines button to insert new lines, the insert process stops, an error message appears, and new lines cannot be inserted until you correct the error.

  • When you click the Delete Selected Journal Lines button, the lines identified as deleted are first deleted and then the Calculate Amount process is initiated. If the process encounters an error, those identified lines are deleted.

  • When you click the Secondary Lines (>>) button to access a secondary lines page, the Exchange Rate Detail (>>) button to view the exchange rate detail, or the VAT link to access the VAT page, you cannot transfer to the pages until you correct the error.

When you change the business unit or ledger, or use the SpeedType page to select a speed type, the changes on the Business Unit, Ledger, and ChartField field values are processed and the Calculate Amount process is initiated. Even if the calculation process encounters an error, the line changes.

Enter the business unit or ledger for the journal line in the corresponding fields. Click the button next to the Ledger field to access the Secondary Journal Lines page to view the lines for the secondary ledger if you have a ledger group with multiple ledgers.

If you are using a speed type key to enter frequently used ChartField combinations automatically, click the SpeedType button and select the appropriate speed type code. For example, to record revenue from product sales , you can enter an S or SR. Select the speed type, SREV, that you previously defined to populate the account number, sales department, and product code.

To record the transaction, you must enter the account number and ChartField values for operator unit, department ID, product, and affiliate. Use the bottom scroll bar to view more fields on the grid.

Note: Control accounts and control alternate accounts are not available for online entry in General Ledger. However, you can choose to use an account that rolls up in the same line item or that is open to online entry in General Ledger. General Ledger also reserves four accounts for system-generated balancing lines: suspense, interunit from/to, base currency rounding adjustment, and currency position. You never need to enter these accounts directly. When the journal is edited, the system automatically generates the account and amount.

The Currency, Foreign Amount, Rate Type, Exchange Rate, Exchange Rate Detail, and Base Amount fields appear even if the transaction item is a base currency line.

For amount fields where you enter both debits and credits to the same field, you enter debits as positive values (without a plus sign); however, you must enter credits using the negative sign.

If you enabled the Separate DR/CR Amount Fields option on the Ledgers for a Unit - Definition page for a detail ledger, amounts appear in the separate debit and credit for both foreign Amount and Base Amount fields.

If you enter a foreign debit and credit amounts on the same journal line, an error message appears, and you must remove one of the amounts. The same is true if you enter a base amount.

Note: The N/R movement field is available only if you have performed the separate debit and credit configuration.

The N/R movement field supports reversing-debit and reversing-credit entries for error correction for the separate debit and credit configuration if you chose this option. You can offset a reversing debit or credit by a natural debit or credit to create a balanced journal entry. For example, suppose that cash is overstated by 1,000 and accounts receivable is understated by 1,000 due to an improper posting. Here are the correcting entries:

Field or Control


Accounts Receivable

1,000.00 DR (N) Natural Debit


(1,000.00) DR (R) Reversing Debit

These are the sign meanings:

Field or Control



Natural sign of the monetary amount of the transaction. This is the default. For balancing suspense, base currency rounding adjustments, currency position, and interunit from and to lines, this field value is always N.


Reverse sign of the monetary amount of the transaction. If the Enable Separate Debit/Credit option is selected on the Ledgers For A Unit - Definition page and the option is set up in your system, you can toggle this field to represent a reversing debit or credit amount.

Edit error suspense lines have the same value as the suspended line. Accrual reversals populate the movement with R if the original line was N, and vice versa. This works the same way for journals that are not posted.

If the base currency for the business unit differs from your entry transaction currency (foreign currency), enter the rate type and/or the exchange rate to convert to the appropriate base amount. If you want the system to retrieve a defined exchange rate, enter only the rate type. As a result, the system automatically populates the exchange rate, base amount (or base DR amount and base CR amount if using the Separate DR/CR option) fields.

The Exchange Rate field value must always be 1, and the foreign Amount field must equal the base amount when the journal line is a base currency line.

Note: Journal entries loaded to your system using spreadsheet journals import or flat file journal import must be edited using batch edit only. Imported journals do not yet have all values populated and should not be edited online. After importing journals if you open them online you get a warning message stating that they must be edited first. It is only after the batch edit that the journals display complete and correct information regarding separate debit credit reversals and the appropriate monetary amount sign.

To retrieve a system rate, the from currency, to currency, rate type, and currency effective date values are all required. Without any one of them, the system-derived exchange rate cannot be retrieved. Usually, the from currency is the foreign currency, the to currency is the base currency, and the currency effective date is specified as the currency default on the Journal Header page.

The system uses the following rules when retrieving the system rate to be used as the exchange rate for the journal line:

  • The system uses the rate type value specified on the line to retrieve the system rate.

    However, this does not ensure successful retrieval of a system rate. If there is no market rate defined for the transaction currency, the retrieved system rate may be zero. In this case, a message is issued to alert you to the zero exchange rate value.

  • If there is no rate type specified on the line, the system rate is zero.

See Defining Market Rates.

When you manually enter an exchange rate on a foreign currency line, the rate that you enter overrides any automatically generated system rate. This occurs even if you enter a rate type.

The Rate Type field is clear when you manually enter values. However, the manual rate may not be accepted by the system.

The system performs the following two tests for manually entered exchange rates:

  • The system checks the currency quotation method. If the method is defined as Triangulation, Cross Rate as the Primary Visual Rate, and Do Not Allow Cross Rate Override, you cannot enter a manual rate. If you try to enter a manual rate, an error message appears, and the system ignores the manual rate. This currency quotation method requires the rate type to retrieve the system rate and issues an error message requiring you to enter a rate type to continue.

  • The variance between the system rate and the manual rate is calculated, and if it is over the tolerance that you defined for maximum variance on the Rate Definition page, a stop error type or a warning message appear, depending on the setting. You cannot enter a manual rate if you receive a stop error type. A warning message allows you to continue.

The system must use slightly different rules to retrieve the system rate when it is to be used as the base rate for variance checking. The reason is because if the rate type specified on the line is blank, the system cannot use a zero value for variance checking.

The system must find a nonblank rate type to retrieve the system rate to use as the base rate for variance checking. The system is subject the following hierarchy of rules:

  • Use the rate type specified on the journal line if it is not blank.

  • Use the rate type specified on the journal header if it is not blank.

  • Use the rate type specified for the ledger on the Detail Ledger Group Definition page.

  • Use the required default rate type specified for the ledger on the Detail Ledger Group Definition page.

Note: To use exchange rate variance checking functionality, define the market rates.

Manual Rates and Deriving the Rate Multiplier and Rate Divisor

If the manually entered exchange rate passes the two tests for currency quotation method and variance, the system can accept the manual rate. However, because the exchange rate is entered manually as one value, the system has to convert it to two values—rate multiplier and rate divisor, depending on whether the currency quotation method is direct or indirect and if currency triangulation is specified.

The following conditions hold if true:

  • If the quote method is direct and there is no triangulation, the rate multiplier equals the exchange rate, and the rate divisor is 1.

  • If the quote method is indirect and there is no triangulation, the rate multiplier is 1, while the rate divisor equals the exchange rate.

  • If there is triangulation, the system uses the cross rate entered to recalculate either the rate multiplier or rate divisor based on the recalculate option defined for the currency quotation method.

For example, if the currency quotation method defined for USD to a non participating euro currency (NPC) is Direct, Triangulate through EUR, Allow Override Cross-Rate, and Cross-Rate Recalculate is USD -> EUR, the system recalculates the USD -> EUR rate and leaves the EUR -> NPC rate as is. This means the rate divisor is recalculated while the rate multiplier is left unchanged.

The following table lists the combinations of currency, rate type, and exchange rate changes and shows which exchange rate, for a particular scenario, that the system uses for the foreign currency journal line:


Currency Changed?

Rate Type Changed?

Manual Exchange Rate Changed?

The Exchange Rate Used by the System





If the manual exchange rate is not zero, the currency quotation method is selected.

If the quotation method is defined as triangulation, cross rate as the primary visual rate, and do not allow cross rate override, a message appears, and the system ignores the manually entered exchange rate. A rate type is required. If the Rate Type field is blank, an error message appears, and the Rate Type field changes to red.

If the currency quotation is not subject to the above restriction, it retrieves the system rate.

If the system rate is not zero, it compares the system rate with the manual rate for variance checking. If the currency quotation method is over maximum variance and the error type is stop, an error message appears, and the Exchange Rate field changes to red. If the currency quotation method is over maximum variance, but the error type is warning, a warning message appears. The Rate Type field clears and the manual rate serves as the exchange rate. If the currency quotation method is not over maximum variance and there is no system rate, the manual rate serves as the new exchange rate and the Rate Type field clears.

If the manual exchange rate is zero, it the system clears the Rate Type field and uses zero as the new exchange rate.





Same as scenario number 1.





  1. If the Rate Type field is not blank, the system uses the new rate type to retrieve the new system rate and uses it as the new exchange rate.

  2. If the Rate Type field is blank, the new exchange rate is zero.





  1. If the existing rate type on the journal line is not blank, use it to retrieve the new exchange rate.

  2. If the existing rate type on the line is blank, and if the existing exchange rate on the line is not zero, use the existing exchange rate. If the existing exchange rate on the line is zero, the exchange rate also equals zero.

Please note that, in this scenario, the exchange rate is treated as unchanged. Depending on whether a foreign amount and/or monetary base amount changes, the exchange rate can be recalculated. See the amount change rules for more information. For example, if you change the foreign currency, foreign amount, and monetary base amount but leave the rate type and exchange rate as is, the system recalculates the exchange rate based on the new foreign amount and monetary base amount.





Same as scenario number 1.





Same as scenario number 1.





Same as scenario number 3.





When the exchange rate is unchanged, the system uses the previous exchange rate.

The calculate value determines how and which of the foreign amount, exchange rate, and base amount fields are calculated for the line item. The default calculation rule is system rule.

If the values generated for foreign amount, exchange rate, or base amount by the system rule are different from those that you want, you can change them using other calculate rules.

When you change any of these values, you must be aware of the possible actions and select the correct calculate value to achieve your proposed change. For example, if you want to change the foreign amount and not the base amount, but you expect the system to calculate and change the exchange rate to result in the original base amount, the system rule does not calculate the exchange rate but does calculate the base amount.

Note: Changed means the new value is different from the prior value. The new value can be zero or nonzero. The prior value can also be zero or nonzero. If you change a field to a new value but then change it back to the prior value before you initiate the calculation process, the field is treated as unchanged. The system tracks changes by comparing the prior value stored in the buffer with the new value when the calculation process is initiated.

Here are the calculate rules and their actions:

Field or Control


System Rule

This is the default value and uses the following rules to calculate values:

  • When two of the three values change, the unchanged value is calculated.

  • When only the foreign amount changes, and if the exchange rate is not zero, the base amount is calculated.

    If the exchange rate is zero, the exchange rate is calculated.

  • When only the base amount changes, and if the exchange rate is not zero, the foreign amount is calculated.

    If the exchange rate is zero, the exchange rate is calculated.

  • When only the exchange rate changes, and if the foreign amount is not zero, the base amount is calculated.

    If foreign amount is zero, the foreign amount is calculated.

  • When you change all three values, make sure that the values are correct.

    The system calculates the base amount and compares it with the base amount that you entered. If they are unequal and if none of the three values is zero, an error message appears, and you must correct the values. If one of the three values is zero, its value is calculated.


Calculates the foreign amount when you provide the exchange rate and base amount.

Base Amount

Calculates the base amount when you provide the foreign amount and exchange rate.

Exchange Rate

Calculates the exchange rate when you provide the foreign amount and the base amount.

You can use the journal entry template to make the Calculate field unavailable just as you can do this with other fields. For example, you can define a base currency journal entry template that can be used for entering base currency lines only.

Checking When the Exchange Rate is Calculated

The exchange rate is calculated based on the foreign amount and monetary base amount when the following are true:

  • The Calculate field value on each journal line is set to Exchange Rate.

  • The Calculate field value on each journal line is set to System Rule, and both the foreign amount and monetary base amount change.

  • The Calculate field value on each journal line is set to System Rule, the foreign amount (or monetary base amount) changes, the exchange rate doesn't change, and the exchange rate value is zero.

  • The Calculate field value on each journal line is set to System Rule; the foreign amount, monetary base amount, and exchange rate all change; the monetary base amount is not equal to foreign amount multiplied by exchange rate; and the exchange rate value is zero.

The system also performs two exchange rate tests to:

  • Check the currency quotation method.

    If it is defined as Triangulation, Cross Rate as the Primary Visual Rate, and Do Not Allow Cross Rate Override, a system rate must be used, because the exchange rate cannot be calculated.

  • Check the variance between the system rate and the calculated exchange rate to determine whether its over tolerance.

    The calculated exchange rate cannot exceed the tolerance if the error type is stop.

Note: The Journal Entry process uses deferred processing, which reduces the number of trips to the server. For example, when you enter a department ID, the system won't validate your entry until the next trip to the server is requested.

Field or Control


Open Item Key

This field is only required in the case of open item transactions, such as deposit accounts or employee draw accounts. In such cases, enter the open item key against which the journal line is applied. For example, suppose that US001 has an open item account for employee advances, where the open item key is the employee's social security number. When you debit or credit this account, you would be required to enter the appropriate employee social security number in the Open Item Key field. In this way, journal lines containing open item transactions are matched to the individual open items being tracked within General Ledger.

This field is available unless you exclude it from the journal line using the Journal Entry template. If you enter an open item account, you must also enter an open item key or you'll receive an error message when you save. Also, if you enter an open item key for an account that is not an open item account, you'll receive an error message when you save.

Suspended Line

This column references the edit (or amount) suspense line to the line in error (Line 1) and vice versa. The Suspended Line column is always be equal to its journal line for balance suspense lines.

Budget Date

Enter the date used to determine the budget period of the control budget if you use the commitment control option. The budget date value appears by default as the journal date, but you can override it.


The field enables you to refer each line back to a document, person, invoice, date, or any other piece of information that helps you track the source of the transaction.

Journal Line Description

Defaults to the description defined for the account ChartField value; you can change this to better describe the transaction. The description appears in prompt lists for this journal line.

Note: If you use journal line copy down on this field, the default value of the field is copied from the previous line instead of from the account ChartField.


When you click this link, an error message appears if the account is a non-VAT account or VAT processing is not applicable. You can use the journal entry template to make the VAT link unavailable or on journal lines.

TAS (Treasury Account Symbol)

This field is displayed only when the CTA check box is selected. The TAS that is associated with the Fund code for the line appears by default.

BETC (business event type code)

Select the BETC for the journal line. This field is displayed only when the CTA check box is selected. Only BETCs associated with the TAS are displayed.

Note: The Journal Entry process uses the columns selected in the journal entry template to display the values in the line scroll area. If any columns listed above do not appear in your journal line, it is likely that these columns are not selected in your journal entry template. You must modify your journal entry template to select these columns or choose another journal entry template that has these columns selected.


To aid in balancing the journal, a running total of the number of lines, the total debits, total credits, journal status, and budget status of the journal appear at the bottom of the Journal Entry - Lines page. Only balanced entries can post to balanced ledgers.

Field or Control


Journal Status

If the journal contains errors, you can click the status to go directly to the Journal Entry - Error page. The cursor is positioned on the journal header error.

D: Deleted - Anchor Journal Unposted.

I: Posting Incomplete - Repost ASAP.

M: Valid SJE Model - Do not Post.

E: Journal has Errors.

N: No Status - Needs to be Edited.

P: Posted to Ledgers.

T: Journal Entry Incomplete.

U: Unposted.

V: Valid journal - Edits completed.

Z: Upgrade Journal - Can't Unpost.

Budget Status

Click this link if the budget status is Error or Valid (with warning), to access the Commitment Control page, where you can view the error or warning messages. You can also flag the journal to make it pass budget checking, even though it exceeds the budgeted amount. Values include:

  • E: Error - The entry failed budget checking.

  • N: Not Processed - The Budget Processor has not processed the entry.

  • P: Provisionally Valid - The entry passed budget checking but the Budget Processor has not committed the changes to the control budget (LEDGER_KK). This results when selecting the Budget Check Only option when processing the journal.

  • V: Valid - The entry passed budget checking with or without warnings and the Budget Processor has updated the control budget (LEDGER_KK).

Use the Journal Entry Template List page (JOURNAL_ENTRY_TMP) to select the journal entry template that defines which columns appear in the lines scroll area.

Also specify the field values to be copied down to new lines when you click the Insert Journal Lines button.


On the Journal Entry - Lines page, click the Template List link.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Journal Entry Template List page: Chartfield tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Journal Entry Template List page: Chartfield tab

Select the template that includes the columns that you want to appear in the Journal Entry - Lines page scroll area.

Also specify the field values to be copied down to new lines when you click the Insert Journal Lines button on the Journal Lines page. The journal line copy-down settings for templates appear in Journal Line Copy Down group box at the bottom of the same page as the Journal Entry Template grid.

Chartfield Tab - Journal Entry Template

Select the Chartfield tab.

Note: If a particular ChartField column is selected, it does not necessarily appear on the journal line grid. It appears only if the column is selected and it is one of the ChartFields for the current journal's ledger. For example, if scenario is not a ChartField for the current journal's ledger, it is not shown on the journal line grid even if it is selected on the template. Active project ChartFields, such as PC Business unit, Activity, Source Type, Category, Subcategory, and Analysis Type are available if Project ID is selected in the template.

Field or Control



Indicates the template you are currently using. This is the only field you can select on the Journal Entry Template - Show Journal Line Grid Columns page.

Template Type

Identifies who would use the template. For example, anyone could use an All template type.

Template ID

Displays the name for the template.


This check box is selected if the template was designated as the default template on the Journal Entry Template - Template page. You can change the default only on the Journal Entry Template - Template page.

Note: If you want to add or change a template definition, you must do so on the Journal Entry Template page (Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Journals).

See Journal Entry Template - ChartField Page.

Chartfield Tab - Journal Line Copy Down

When you add a journal line on the Journal Entry - Lines page, the fields that you selected on the Journal Entry Template - Journal Line Copy Down page are copied from the preceding line.

You define a variety of copy down templates on the Journal Entry Template page. You can select any of these copy down templates for your journal when you click the Template List link from the Journal Entry - Lines page. These predefined templates copy down the values for the fields that are selected on the template when you enter journals. For example, you can define one template to copy down all fields and another to copy down all fields except the amount fields.

Note: You can temporarily change your copy down selections on the Journal Entry Template List page for the current journal. However, these changes are ignored after you exit the current journal. To save the changes, you must do so on the Journal Entry Template page, which is accessed under Set Up Financials/Supply Chain, Common Definitions, Journals, Journal Entry Template.

Field or Control



Select to Check All or Uncheck All check boxes for a Copy Down ID.


Select if the template was designated as the default template on the Journal Entry Template - Template page.

Amount Tab

Select the Amount tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Journal Entry Template List page: Amount tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Journal Entry Template List page: Amount tab

This tab displays the amount-related columns that will appear on your journal for the Template ID that you select. From the Journal Line Copy Down group box, select the amount-related columns that you want to be copied down when you add a journal line.

Miscellaneous Tab

Select the Miscellaneous tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Journal Entry Template List page: Miscellaneous tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Journal Entry Template List page: Miscellaneous tab

The Journal Entry Template List - Miscellaneous tab displays the miscellaneous columns that will appear on your journal for the Template ID that you select. From the Journal Line Copy Down group box, select the miscellaneous fields that you want to be copied down when you add a journal line.

Note: Even if the Budget Date check box is selected, it does not necessarily appear as a column on the journal line grid. It appears only if you select it here and the current journal line has the Commitment Control process enabled. Similarly, if you select the VAT column here, it appears as a column on the journal line grid only if you select it here and the business unit of the current journal line has the VAT process enabled.

Use the Search Audit Logs page (FS_AUDITLOG_SEARCH) to view the audit trail for the journal entry.


On the Journal Entry - Lines page, click the View Audit Logs link.

Upon clicking the View Audit Logs link, a new window launches with the Search Audit Logs page, which displays the audit log data for the journal. You can enter search criteria and view audit log information for other journals as well.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Audit Log page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Search Audit Logs page

The search results display journal audit data by event code, which is defined on the Register for Audit Logging page (this page cannot be accessed through the menu).

See Setting Up Financials Audit Framework (Audit Logging).

Access the Journal Entry - Lines page.

Note: Active project ChartFields, such as PC Business unit, Activity, Source Type, Category, Subcategory, and Analysis Type are available if Project ID is selected in the journal entry template.

Field or Control


PC Bus Unit (PeopleSoft Project Cost business unit)

Select the business unit assigned to the project in PeopleSoft Projects.


Select the project ID assigned to a project. The project must already be established in PeopleSoft Projects.

Activity (identification)

Select the activity ID assigned to the individual tasks or events that you want to update in a project.

Source Type

Select the resource category, such as labor, associated with a given cost. Used in conjunction with resource category, resource subcategories, and resource groups.


Select to specifically refine resource types, similar to the relationship between entry type and entry reason in PeopleSoft Receivables. For example, suppose that you have a resource type of labor but want to break it down further for tracking purposes, you might define resource categories of architect hours, carpenter hours, plumber hours, and electrician hours.


Select to refine resource categories. For example, suppose that you have a resource type of labor and resource categories of architect hours, carpenter hours, and plumber hours, you might want resource subcategories of regular hours and overtime hours.

Analysis Type

Select a three-character, user-definable identifier that enables you to label the different types of costs in PeopleSoft Projects. For example, you might want to track budgeted costs (BUD), committed costs (COM), and actual costs (ACT).

Use the Projected Balance page (TACCOUNT_VIEW_SEC) to check the effect of a particular line on the relevant balance (same ChartField combination) directly from the Journal Entry - Lines page. Enable the Projected Balance field to appear on the Lines page by selecting a Journal Entry Template that includes the that field. The Projected Balance field is located on the Miscellaneous tab of the Journal Entry Template page for selection. Once you have enabled the Projected Balance field within a Journal Entry Template, make sure you have selected that particular template by clicking the Template List link from the Lines page.

The Projected Balance feature includes Multibook capabilities as well as Separate Debit and Credit functionality.


Click the Projected Balance link from the Lines page to access the page, which opens in a modal window:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Projected Balance page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Project Balance page

Field or Control


Business Unit, Ledger and ChartField Combination

This section displays the combination of field values of the journal line for which you have selected when clicking the Projected Balance link to access this page.

Current Balance

This amount reflects the current ledger balance (prior to the posting of the selected journal line) of the selected line’s ChartField combination (in the example, Account 400000 for the PRNTRS product within Department 21000.

The second line reflects the selected journal line amount. It is displayed as a proposed addition to the current balance.

Projected Balance

This amount reflects what the ledger balance of the selected ChartField combination would be if the selected journal line is posted.

Use the Federal Award Data page (RNL_LNFED_SEC) to view values for Procurement Award and Financial Assistance elements in the PeopleSoft purchase order staging tables


Click the Award Data link on the Journal Entry - Lines page. Or, click the Federal Award Data link on the Purchase Order - Header page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Federal Award Data Page

Federal Award Data page

Data for the PIID, Parent PIID, FAIN, and URI fields can be supplied by third-party procurement and grants management systems, and uploaded into the PeopleSoft Purchase Order staging tables.

Note: The PIID, Parent PIID, FAIN, and URI fields are displayed only if enabled on the Federal Processing Options Page.

Field or Control



Displays the PIID (Procurement Instrument Identifier Data) based on the length defined on the Federal Processing Options Page.

Parent PIID

Displays the Parent PIID data based on the length defined on the Federal Processing Options Page. The PIID must be entered if the Parent PIID field is populated.


Displays the FAIN (Federal Award Identification Number) data based on the length defined on the Federal Processing Options Page.


Displays the URI (Universal Record Identifier) data based on the length defined on the Federal Processing Options Page.

Exclude from DATA Act Reporting

Select this check box to exclude the journal line from DATA Act reporting for File C.

If this check box is selected, the PIID, FAIN, or URI must be populated, depending on which fields are enabled at the installation level

The system returns an error if the Installation Federal Award Data display length for PIID, Parent PIID, FAIN, and URI as defined on the Federal Processing Options Page is less than the actual value populated.

Use the Secondary Ledger Lines page (JOURNAL_ENTRY_SEC) to view secondary ledger lines.


Click the Secondary Lines button on the Journal Entry - Lines page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Secondary Ledger Lines page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Secondary Ledger Lines page

Note: This page or related pages operate in deferred processing mode. Most fields are not updated or validated until you save the page, refresh it by clicking a button or link, or selecting a tab. This delayed processing has various implications for the field values on the page. For example, if a field contains a default value, any value that you enter before the system updates the page overrides the default. Another implication to keep in mind is that the system updates quantity balances or totals only when you save or click the Calculate Amount button.

Field or Control


Secondary Ledger Lines

Displays the secondary ledger for the journal lines when they exist, as well as the other journal details. When you enter a primary journal line, the system automatically populates the secondary journal line's rate type, retrieves the exchange rate, and calculates the base amount.

Rate Type

This field is populated in the following order:

  • Rate type defined on the Ledger Group - Definition page.

  • Rate type entered for the primary journal line.

  • Default rate type defined on the Ledger Group - Definition page.

Rate Type, Exchange Rate, and Base Amount

You can override the values in the fields. When you are done, click the Back to Primary Lines button next to the secondary ledger field. The cursor is positioned at the primary line of the secondary ledger.

Calculate Amount icon

The Calculate Amount button is available on the Secondary Journal Lines page, and the process is similar to the calculation on the Journal Lines page; however, the foreign amount cannot be changed on the secondary page.

Back to Primary Lines

Click to return to the Journal Entry - Lines page.

Note: Before making changes to the secondary lines, carefully review the calculate rules, options, and requirements for various changes that are detailed in the documentation for the Journal Entry - Lines page.

Statistics codes, like statistical accounts, are used to identify nonmonetary amounts. They are associated with a specific unit of measure. To enter a statistical amount on the same journal line with a related monetary amount, you can select a statistics code in the Stat (statistics) field on the Journal Entry - Lines page. When you select a statistics code, also enter the statistical amount for a unit and the corresponding UOM (unit of measure) for that statistics code.

Because all statistical and monetary fields are potentially available on the journal line depending on your selection of templates, error messages may appear during the save process when you have entered inconsistent data. Error messages are issued if any of the following occurs:

  • The account is a statistical account, but the statistic code, foreign amount, monetary amount, foreign currency, rate type, or exchange rate is not blank.

  • The account is a statistical account, but the statistic amount is blank.

  • The account is a monetary account and the statistic code is blank, but the statistic amount is not blank.

When you receive an error message, the cursor moves to the error field of the journal line that is in error. If the field was originally unavailable because of the Journal Entry template definition, the column is shown so that the cursor can be positioned.

Use the Journal Entry - Totals page (JOURNAL_ENTRY_T_IC) to specify control debit and credit amounts, unit value of statistical entries, and the number of lines.

These controls enable you to enforce a greater degree of control over the journal entry process.


General Ledger > Journals > Journal Entry > Create Journal Entries > Totals

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Journal Entry - Totals page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Journal Entry - Totals page

Note: This page or related pages operate in deferred processing mode. Most fields aren't updated or validated until you save the page, refresh the page by clicking a button or link, or selecting a tab. This delayed processing has various implications for the field values on the page—for example, if a field contains a default value, any value that you enter before the system updates the page overrides the default. Another implication to keep in mind is that the system updates quantity balances or totals only when you save or otherwise refresh the page.

Field or Control


Control Totals

Specify the total debits, credits, statistical units, and number of lines to be entered for each unique combination of business unit, ledger, transaction currency, and additional balancing ChartFields (like book code and balance sheet indicator if they are set to active at Installation Options - Overall page, and so on). As you enter the journal lines, the system displays a running total of the actual debits, credits, units, and lines, as well as the net difference between the amounts entered and the control totals. If you leave any of the control total fields blank, the system won't validate against the associated actual total.

For example, suppose that you have plans to allocate rent expense across several departments and know that the total rent expense is 50,000 USD for 2,000 square feet. Because you know how many departments are involved, you know that there will be 15 lines in the completed journal entry. You enter these amounts as control tables to ensure that when one of your staff members enters the journal lines, these figures match before the journal is posted.

Control totals are maintained by business unit, balancing ledger, balancing ChartFields (if any), and currency code. If you enter an interunit journal, for example, the system maintains a set of control totals for each business unit. Also, if additional balancing ChartFields are defined, the system maintains a separate set of control totals for each unique combination of the ChartFields entered.

Actual Totals

When the journal lines are entered, the system calculates the actual total and compares it against any entered control totals.


When the journal lines are entered, the system calculates the actual total and compares it against any control totals entered and notes any differences in amounts.

When you edit the journal and the control totals, and they don't equal the actual totals, the system flags the journal as having errors, and you must correct the errors before you can post.

Note: Refresh the page after any changes.

Use the Journal Entry - Errors page (JOURNAL_ENTRY_E_IC) to determine which errors the system encountered.


General Ledger > Journals > Journal Entry > Create Journal Entries > Errors

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Journal Entry - Errors page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Journal Entry - Errors page

You can view journal header and line errors on the Errors page of the journal entry component. You can also view journal entry line errors on the Journal Entry - Lines page by clicking the X in the Error column. You are directed to the Journal Entry - Errors page to review explanatory text. When General Ledger encounters errors during editing, it marks the journal lines and either recycles or suspends the journal. It saves recycled journals but won't post them until you correct the errors. You can post entries to your suspense account that have invalid ChartFields, different signs on the transaction and base amount, or unbalanced debit and credit amounts. You define error-processing options at the business unit, ledger group, and journal source level. Access the Journal Entry - Errors page to determine which errors the system encountered. When you are finished, click the line number in error. This enables you to access the Journal Entry - Lines page. The cursor is positioned on the line and field in error, so that you can make corrections.

Note: This page or related pages operate in deferred processing mode. Most fields are not updated or validated until you save the page or refresh it by clicking a button, link, or selecting a tab. This delayed processing has various implications for the field values on the page. For example, if a field contains a default value, any value that you enter before the system updates the page overrides the default. Another implication to keep in mind is that the system updates quantity balances or totals only when you save or otherwise refresh the page.

Field or Control


Field Name

Displays the field in error, as well as message sets that contain the error message, message number, and message text.


Click to access the Journal Entry - Lines page and position the cursor on the Journal Status link located in the Totals scroll area.

Line #

Click to access the Journal Entry - Lines page and position the cursor in the line and field with the error.

See Journal Error Processing.

Use the Journal Entry - Approval page (JOURNAL_ENTRY_A_IC) to select the current journal for approval if you have enabled PeopleSoft workflow to approve journals for posting.


General Ledger > Journals > Journal Entry > Create Journal Entries > Approval

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Journal Entry - Approval page when the Approval Status is Pending Approval. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Approval (Pending Approval)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Journal Entry - Approval page when the journal is reworked and the Approval Status is None. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create/Update Journal Entries - Approval (None)

If you have enabled approval workflow and validated the journal, you can submit it for approval from this page. You can configure the Approval Framework to enable journal approval using the Journal Entry component. With this configuration, approvers can access the journal entry for approval through their worklist. You can also enable the journal email approval process using Integration Broker and the Email Collaboration Framework (EMC).

You can also use the GL Journal Approval component (Manage GL Journal Approval component for mass journal approval).

Understanding Configurable Workflow

See Approving Journals Using the GL Journal Approval Components.

Field or Control


Approval Check Active

Displays whether there is an approval workflow process required for the journal.

See General Ledger Definition - Approval Options Page.

Approval Status

Select and Approval status:

  • Denied - Journal is denied.

  • Pending Approval - Journal is waiting for approval.

  • Approved to Post - Journal is approved and ready to post to the general ledger.

  • Pushed Back - Journal has been pushed back to previous approval step.

  • None - Not applicable.

Approval Action

Select the appropriate action for this journal:

  • Approve - Select to approve the journal for posting. If you have the authority to approve the journal, the system saves it as usual. If you do not have the authority, you are prompted to enter the journal into PeopleSoft Workflow.

  • Deny - Select to indicate that the Journal is not approved for posting. If you change the action to deny, the system sends an email to the previous user with a list of the journal identifiers and the reasons entered in the Comments for Denial Email field.

Deny Comments

Enter the reason for the denial.

If your system is configured to send an email to the user who created the journal, then the denied comment is included in the email.

View Approved History

Select to access the Approval Flow window, which displays the history of approvers and their comments. The link only appears when a journal is reworked and not submitted for approval.

Approval History

Displays the step and path, with the status and applicable date and time stamp and user ID for the various activities in the approval process.