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Understanding the 360-Degree View

This topic discusses:

360-degree views provide a summary view of overall activity for a business object—a customer, contact, or worker. From a 360-degree view, you can review or initiate transactions, record interactions and subinteractions, view relationships, and view tasks for the business object.

A 360-Degree View page includes these page regions:




This drop-down field lists the roles that are associated with the business object whose information appears on the page. You can select a role to filter data and transactions so that only those that pertain to that role appear in the view.

See Business Object Relationship Modelling.


This field lists the transactions that are defined for the 360-Degree view page. Select the transaction to perform the associated actions or to transfer to the page that performs the desired actions. Transactions populate relevant fields on the transaction page from the data that is identified on the 360–Degree View page.

See Configuring Actions and Transactions for the 360-Degree View.


Information such as name, contact information, and customer value appears here. The Summary page region can include up to two buttons that transfer to components that contain more information about the business object. Depending on the 360-Degree View profile configuration, users may be able to modify the person's or company's phone and email data in the CRM database from this section (note that this is not available for all 360-Degree Views, such as those for HR HelpDesk).


Activities appear in a tree format that contains a record of all transactions, interactions, and subinteractions that involve the business object. Transactions are grouped under nodes. Select a node to view, add, modify, or search for a transaction.

The specific nodes that appear on the Activities tree vary depending on the business object and role that you select.

Interactions are grouped by date.

See Setting Up the 360-Degree View Tree.

Date Filter

This field enables you to select a date range that controls which transactions appear in the tree.

<activity> Detail

The information that appears in this area changes depending on which node you select in the activities tree. Summary information about the transactions that are under the node that you select in the 360-Degree view tree appears in this grid.

When you first access the 360-Degree View page, the system displays information that is controlled by the default setting that is specified for the page.

See Setting Up the 360-Degree View Tree.

Log Interaction

Using this group box, you can capture interaction details, record the callback date and time, attach notes to the interaction, and send an email to the customer or internal personnel (if the email address is set up).

See Understanding Interactions.

Current Actions

This area lists all the transactions that occur during the current interaction or current 360–degree view session.

Relationship Viewer

All of the business object relationships for the customer are accessible from this page.

See Understanding the Relationship Viewer.


This page lists all the tasks that pertain to the business object. You can drill down to view the task detail.

See Understanding Task Management.

Call Reports

This page lists all the call reports that pertain to the business object. You can drill down to view the call report detail.

See Understanding Call Reports.

The specific information that you see on a 360-Degree View page varies depending on whether you are viewing a customer, contact, site, or worker.

The system records all interactions with the business object and displays them in the Activities section of the 360-Degree View page. An interaction can contain multiple subinteractions. For example, a call with a customer might involve a case being updated, a service order being added, and a note about the customer. All of these subinteractions are logged under the same interaction.

The specific activities and transactions that appear in the Activity Tree page region and Actions drop down box differ depending upon which 360-degree view you access.

You can utilize these types of 360-degree views:

  • Customer

    Customer 360-Degree View is used to manage transactions and activities that relate to customers, sites, and contacts of customers.

  • Worker

    Worker 360-Degree View is used to manage cases and interactions for workers who call the help desk for support.

    See PeopleSoft Call Center Applications .

  • Constituent

    Constituent 360-Degree View is used when integrating with PeopleSoft Campus Solutions to manage cases and activities for individuals who call the service center. In addition to the sections that appear on all 360-degree views, Constituent 360-Degree View includes display-only information about the individual's academic information, if applicable, including checklists, communication, and comments; recruiting; admissions; transfer credits; academics; finances; financial aid; transcript requests; contributor relations; and affiliations.

    See PeopleSoft CRM Call Center Business Processes.

    Three trees are delivered for higher education. Information Technology (IT) related issues are shown in the Higher Education IT Tree while the Higher Education Support Tree is designed to show non-IT related issues. The Higher Education Blended Tree shows both IT and non-IT related issues. The Configure Role page is used to associate a tree with a particular role

  • Worker and Person of Interest (POI)

    HRHD 360-Degree View is used to initiate transactions and manage activities that relate to the HR data for workers or persons of interest. In addition to the sections that appear on all 360-degree views, the HRHD 360-degree view includes information about the worker's job and position, payroll information, and benefits. It also supports the viewing of information for POIs.

    HRHD 360-Degree View provides security that is based on section-level information only. There is no field-level security. For example, if an agent has access to information for one job and not the other, or the agent only has access to part of the information, the system still retrieves all job information. This enables a true 360-degree view of an employee.

    See PeopleTools: Security Administration product documentation, and Understanding PeopleSoft CRM Security.

Toolbars are configurable and customizable. In addition, you can give end-users the ability to personalize their own toolbar.

See Defining Toolbar Buttons.

PeopleSoft CRM delivers these buttons for the 360-Degree View toolbar:

Field or Control


Refresh Button

Click the Reload button to refresh the information that appears on the 360-Degree View tree.

Note: Clicking this button will not refresh other sections of the page: only the data in the 360-Degree tree itself is reloaded.

New Search Button

Click the New Search button to finish the interaction with the current customer and return to the Search page. Depending on the option that was selected for Callback Interaction when the tree was originally set up, the interaction status is either identified as Completed or left open for further activity with the customer.

Notification Button

Click the Notification button to send a notification.

See Understanding Manual Notifications.

Correspond Button

Click the Correspond button to send ad hoc email correspondence.

See Understanding Correspondence Creation.

Note: This button does not appear for the Company role.

Add to My Contacts Button

Click the Add to My Contacts button to add the selected contacts to the My Contacts list.

Academics Button

This icon is intended for use only when integrating with PeopleSoft Campus Solutions.

Click the Academics button to transfer to the Career page of the Academics component. This page will be displayed directly if there is only one combination of Institution and Career for the individual on the 360-Degree View page. If there is more than one such combination, the search page for the Academics component will be displayed.

Test Scores Button

This icon is intended for use only when integrating with PeopleSoft Campus Solutions.

Click the Test Scores button to transfer to the Test Scores page for the constituent.


Click to transfer back to the Contact 360–Degree View page from which you accessed the Company 360-Degree View. This button appears only if you transfer to the Company 360-Degree view by clicking 360–Degree view icon in the summary section of Contact 360–Degree View.


Click the Personalize link to personalize the toolbar buttons.