
class oci.database.models.CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails(**kwargs)

Bases: oci.database.models.create_pluggable_database_creation_type_details.CreatePluggableDatabaseCreationTypeDetails

Specifies the creation type Remote Clone. Additional input ‘dblinkUsername` and dblinkUserPassword can be provided for RemoteClone/Create RefreshableClone Operation. If not provided, Backend will create a temporary user to perform RemoteClone operation. It is a required input parameter in case of creating Refreshable Clone PDB.


CREATION_TYPE_LOCAL_CLONE_PDB str(object=’’) -> str
CREATION_TYPE_RELOCATE_PDB str(object=’’) -> str
CREATION_TYPE_REMOTE_CLONE_PDB str(object=’’) -> str
creation_type [Required] Gets the creation_type of this CreatePluggableDatabaseCreationTypeDetails.
dblink_user_password Gets the dblink_user_password of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
dblink_username Gets the dblink_username of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
is_thin_clone Gets the is_thin_clone of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
refreshable_clone_details Gets the refreshable_clone_details of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
source_container_database_admin_password [Required] Gets the source_container_database_admin_password of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
source_pluggable_database_id [Required] Gets the source_pluggable_database_id of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails object with values from keyword arguments.
get_subtype(object_dictionary) Given the hash representation of a subtype of this class, use the info in the hash to return the class of the subtype.

Initializes a new CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The default value of the creation_type attribute of this class is REMOTE_CLONE_PDB and it should not be changed. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • creation_type (str) – The value to assign to the creation_type property of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails. Allowed values for this property are: “LOCAL_CLONE_PDB”, “REMOTE_CLONE_PDB”, “RELOCATE_PDB”
  • dblink_username (str) – The value to assign to the dblink_username property of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
  • dblink_user_password (str) – The value to assign to the dblink_user_password property of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
  • source_pluggable_database_id (str) – The value to assign to the source_pluggable_database_id property of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
  • source_container_database_admin_password (str) – The value to assign to the source_container_database_admin_password property of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
  • refreshable_clone_details (oci.database.models.CreatePluggableDatabaseRefreshableCloneDetails) – The value to assign to the refreshable_clone_details property of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
  • is_thin_clone (bool) – The value to assign to the is_thin_clone property of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.

[Required] Gets the creation_type of this CreatePluggableDatabaseCreationTypeDetails. The Pluggable Database creation type.

Allowed values for this property are: “LOCAL_CLONE_PDB”, “REMOTE_CLONE_PDB”, “RELOCATE_PDB”

Returns:The creation_type of this CreatePluggableDatabaseCreationTypeDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the dblink_user_password of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails. The DB link user password.

Returns:The dblink_user_password of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
Return type:str

Gets the dblink_username of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails. The name of the DB link user.

Returns:The dblink_username of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
Return type:str
static get_subtype(object_dictionary)

Given the hash representation of a subtype of this class, use the info in the hash to return the class of the subtype.


Gets the is_thin_clone of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails. True if Pluggable Database needs to be thin cloned and false if Pluggable Database needs to be thick cloned.

Returns:The is_thin_clone of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
Return type:bool

Gets the refreshable_clone_details of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.

Returns:The refreshable_clone_details of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
Return type:oci.database.models.CreatePluggableDatabaseRefreshableCloneDetails

[Required] Gets the source_container_database_admin_password of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails. The DB system administrator password of the source Container Database.

Returns:The source_container_database_admin_password of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the source_pluggable_database_id of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails. The OCID of the Source Pluggable Database.

Returns:The source_pluggable_database_id of this CreatePluggableDatabaseFromRemoteCloneDetails.
Return type:str