6 Create a New Procedure

A procedure represents a complete content capture environment, containing metadata, configuration profiles, and physical data for a particular environment. As a procedure manager, you can create and maintain several procedures to serve the client users' varied needs. In your procedures, you configure settings that enable the client users to capture and process a variety of document sets in bulk, each requiring unique processing. The users are required to process various business documents according to the different business standards that apply to those documents. For instance, expense reports may need to be processed differently from medical bills. You work with the client users to identify how documents should be organized, if a document set should contain blank pages, if it should include attachments, if barcodes should be read for business processing, if documents should be indexed, and how each batch of documents should be committed, and so on.


If you are using Oracle Content Management Starter Edition, you can only create a single procedure in Content Capture. If you want to create more than one procedure, you need to upgrade to Oracle Content Management Premium Edition. For more information, see Starter vs. Premium Edition.

If you are the first procedure manager to use the Procedures page, you'll see an empty list. To add a procedure:

  1. On the Capture Procedures page, click Add Procedure in the procedures pane on the left.
  2. In the Create New Procedure dialog, enter a name for the procedure and click OK.

    The procedure configuration tabs are displayed on the right. Notice that the Security tab displays your user name in the Procedure Managers table, configured by the system administrator during installation and initial configuration. You have procedure manager access to the procedure and can grant other managers access to it.

You work with these tabs when configuring your procedure. If your procedure is not open, click it in the left navigation pane to open its configuration pages on the right.
Procedure Tab Task


On this page, you can grant procedure access to other people. See Configure Procedure Security.




On this page, you can perform these tasks:



On this page, you can configure commit profiles.