Request Types and Process Flow

There are four types of requests. Interactive requests are created manually by users. Subscription requests are generated from a subscription. Merge requests are generated from an import or load in Merge mode. Consolidation requests are combined requests that are made up of multiple consolidated source requests.

Interactive Requests Process Flow

The process flow for creating requests interactively is:

  1. Open a view, see Opening a View.

  2. Create a request, see Making Changes Using Requests.

  3. Make changes to viewpoints. Each change that you make to a view is associated with an item in the request and is visualized using icons and colors, see Visualizing Request Changes.

  4. Add comments to the request, see Adding Request Comments.

  5. Validate the request or request items, see Validating Requests.

  6. Submit the request, see Submitting a Request.

  7. View submitted requests, see Working with Request Activity.

Subscription Requests Process Flow

The process flow for working with requests that were created by a subscription is:

  1. Subscribe a target viewpoint to a source viewpoint, see Creating, Editing, and Validating Subscriptions.

  2. When a change is committed in the source request, the subscription assignee receives a notification, see Request Notifications.

  3. Review changes to viewpoints in a subscription request. Each change received through a subscription is associated with an item in the request and is visualized using icons and colors, see Visualizing Request Changes.

  4. Add comments to the request, see Adding Request Comments.

  5. Submit the request, see Submitting a Request.

  6. (Optional) Compare the request file attachment and request item details to review how the request items in the subscription request were processed, see Reviewing Request File Attachments.

  7. View completed requests, see Working with Request Activity.

Import and Load Requests Process Flow

The process flow for working with requests that are generated as a result of an import or a load in merge mode is:

  1. Import data to an existing dimension or load data to an existing viewpoint using Merge mode. See Importing Dimensions or Running Viewpoint Loads.

    If the request is in Submit or Approve stage, it is displayed in the request view. If it is closed, it is displayed in the inspector. You can view the import results in Transaction History.


    For imports, after the import is complete you can click the import request link to navigate to the import request.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • If the import or load contained request actions for a source viewpoint of a subscription, subscription requests are generated for the target viewpoints. See Subscription Requests Process Flow above.

    • If the request is in the Submit or Approve stage, continue with the following steps.

  3. Review changes in the request. Each change received through a merge import or load is associated with an item in the request and is visualized using icons and colors, see Visualizing Request Changes.

  4. Add comments to the request, see Adding Request Comments.

  5. Submit the request, see Submitting a Request.

  6. View completed requests, see Working with Request Activity.

Consolidation Request Process Flow

See Understanding Request Consolidation.

Request Items Limits by Request Type

Each request type supports the following maximum number of request items:

  • Interactive (either interactively or via a file load): 10,000 request items
  • Subscription: 12,000 request items (this allows room for up to 10,000 initial request items plus an additional 2,000 request items that are generated as part of the subscription process)
  • Import or Load in merge mode: 20,000 request items
  • Consolidation: 12,000 request items