Mobile App Overview

Important: This feature is available only if it is enabled for your account.

Learn more by watching the video!

Mobile App comprises Push, In-App, and Message Center campaigns.

  • Push campaigns let your mobile app send messages to a user's mobile device even when the user is not actively using the app.

    If your app includes a message center and Message Center is enabled for your account, you can send messages to the message center in addition to a push notification.

  • In-App campaigns let you show alerts or full screen landing pages from within your app when a specified action occurs.

    In-app messages can be shown either when the app is opened, or when a custom trigger event such as add to cart occurs.

    Note: The custom trigger events must be configured by your app developer and you must obtain the name of the custom trigger event.

    You can include audio and video content and dynamic content in in-app messages.

    An in-app campaign can be associated with only one app and uses the same profile table as the app.

  • Message Center campaigns let your mobile app send messages directly to an app's message center without also sending a push notification. Message Center campaigns can be sent to opted-out users, whereas Push campaigns exclude opted-out users.

Requirements for Mobile App campaigns

Mobile App campaigns are supported only for iOS and Android devices and require that the following features are enabled for your account:

  • App Channel List
  • Push Campaign Management
  • Rich Text Editor (for campaigns with Rich Content)

For In-App campaigns you also need these features enabled:

  • In-App Campaign Management
  • Rich Text Editor

For Message Center campaigns you also need these features enabled:

  • Message Center
  • Rich Text Editor

In addition:

About using lists with Mobile App campaigns

Mobile App campaigns support targeting both registered users and unregistered mobile devices. Registered user data and unregistered mobile device data is stored in the App Channel List.

Before you begin

To use Mobile App campaigns you need to:

  • Integrate your app with the Responsys Mobile App SDK and configure the app for Oracle Responsys using the Mobile App Developer Console.
    You can send Mobile App campaigns to mobile devices on which that app is installed. For Push campaigns to be delivered to mobile app users, Push Notifications also must be enabled on users' devices. Message Center and In-app campaigns are sent directly to the mobile app and do not display for users until they access the mobile app.
  • Create an App Channel List for the Profile List to be used with the app.
    The App Channel List holds all known user and unknown device information for all apps.
  • Optionally, create the App Channel List Filter to separate known users for the given channel from anonymous users
    Use this filter if you are orchestrating cross-channel messaging.
  • Optionally, select custom triggers for the In-app campaigns. (Custom triggers require additional configuration on the Manage Mobile App Configurations page and by mobile app developers in the mobile app itself.)

Launching mobile campaigns

After you create and configure the app and create your campaign, you can launch the campaign in one of two ways:

  • From the campaign workbook
  • Using a Send push campaign, Send in-app campaign, or Send message center campaign activity in a Program orchestration.

    Note: As of 21A, Responsys supports Program launch for Message Center direct campaigns. However, your account must be enabled for the Multichannel feature.

Campaign, Mobile App, Push, In-App, Message Center, SDK, Mobile App Developer Console, App Channel List, Launch

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