Setup for Special Taxation and Tax Accounting for Brazil


To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.

The Brazil Localization and SuiteTax Latam Engine - Brazil Records SuiteApps provide predefined settings to support standard taxation and tax accounting scenarios.

If you have special taxation or tax accounting scenarios for the taxes covered by the SuiteApp, you can define the settings to calculate the taxes.

Special taxation scenarios could be tax benefits. For example, the Regime Especial de Incentivos para o Desenvolvimento da Infraestrutura (REIDI) benefit.

Special tax accounting scenarios would be choosing to post a tax on a given context to a different account. For example, you may want to post the ICMS tax on diesel fuel to a different account than the ICMS on other products.

If you need to calculate or account for taxes in scenarios such as these, you must:

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