Generating Electronic Invoices for Import Bills for Brazil


To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.

In Brazil, you must register the purchase of goods from international vendors on electronic invoices.

The Brazil Localization SuiteApp provides the import bill transaction to enable you to enter your goods imports in NetSuite and to generate and certify electronic invoices.

If an error occurs during the e-document generation, review the E-Document Audit Trail subtab and the execution logs for the E-Document Generation Service SU script (Script ID: customscript_ei_generation_service_su). For more information about script logs, see Viewing a List of Script Execution Logs.

To generate electronic invoices for import bills:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Import Bill > New.

  2. Under Primary Information, enter basic information about the import bill.

    1. In the Reference No. field, enter up to 45 characters to identify this transaction, such as the vendor's invoice number.

    2. In the Vendor field, select the foreign vendor.

      NetSuite automatically populates the Subsidiary, and Subsidiary Federal Tax Registration fields with the information from the primary subsidiary associated with the vendor.

    3. In the Account field, select the GL account to which to post this transaction.

    4. (Optional) To apply a payment hold on a disputed import bill, check the Payment Hold box.

    5. In the Import Registration Date field, enter the date in which you registered the import declaration.

    6. In the Import License Number field, enter the import license number provided by the Sistema Integrado de Comércio Exterior (Siscomex) system.

    7. In the Import Declaration Type field, select the type of import declaration you presented for customs clearance.

    8. In the Import Declaration Number field, enter the import declaration number assigned to the imported goods by the Siscomex system.

    9. In the Due Date field, enter the date the import bill is due.

    10. In the Date field, enter the posting date of the import bill.

      By default, NetSuite enters the current date on this field.

    11. In the Posting Period field, select a period to which the transaction should be posted.

    12. (Optional) To add details about the import bill to identify it within NetSuite, in the Memo field, enter a short description.

    13. In the Transaction Nature field, select the transaction nature that applies to this transaction.

      NetSuite only displays transaction natures associated with the e-document category. If you associated the e-document category with a transaction nature record, NetSuite automatically populates the transaction nature. You can change it to any other transaction nature. For more information, see Setting Up Transaction Natures for Brazil.

  3. Under Shipment, enter information about the transport of the goods.

    1. In the Mode of Import field, select the mode in which the goods were imported based on your company's involvement in the process.

    2. In the Import Type field, select whether the goods were imported by the company directly or through a trading company.

    3. In the International Transportation Method, select the method used to transport the goods to the country as stated in the import declaration.

    4. In the Exporter Code field, enter the code that identifies the exporter in the import declaration.

    5. In the Foreign Manufacturer Code field, enter the code that identifies the foreign manufacturer in the import declaration.

  4. Under Customs Clearance, enter information about the clearance of the goods.

    1. In the Place of Clearance field, select the city where customs cleared the goods you imported.

    2. In the Clearance Date field, enter the date in which customs cleared the goods you imported.

    3. In the Addition Number field, enter the addition number as stated in the import declaration.

    4. In the Addition Sequential Number field, enter the addition sequential number as stated in the import declaration.

    5. In the Number of the Drawback Concession Act field, enter the number of your company's drawback concession act document.

      Drawback is a special customs regime. It enables the suspension or elimination of taxes on the purchase of goods when they are used to manufacture products for exporting purposes.

    6. In the FCI Control Number field, enter the Ficha de Conteúdo Importado (FCI) control number.

      The FCI helps determine the share of imported goods in the final value of a product. It also identifies the taxpayer and the imported goods.

  5. To add more information about this transaction to the printed electronic invoice, under Additional Information, do the following:

    • To use a predefined additional information text, in the Additional Information Preset field, select an additional information preset.

      NetSuite populates the Additional Information field with the predefined text. If you need to provide more information, you can edit the content in the field. For more information, see Creating Additional Information Presets.

    • To add information that is specific about this transaction, in the Additional Information field, enter the relevant information.

      If the information exceeds the character limit defined by the tax authority, the system truncates the content.

  6. Click the Expenses and Items subtab.

    1. Add the imported items.

      1. Click the Items subtab.

      2. Add the items you are importing.

      3. When adding the items, in the CFOP Code column, select the Código Fiscal de Operação e Prestação (CFOP) code that identifies the type of transaction.

        If you associated the selected e-document category with a transaction nature record, NetSuite automatically populates the CFOP code with the appropriate default option. You can change it to a more suitable CFOP code, according with the type of transaction you're perfoming. For more information, see Setting Up Transaction Natures for Brazil.

    2. If you selected 1 - Marítma as the international transportation method, do the following:

      1. Click the Expenses subtab.

      2. If the AFRMM Fee expense is not automatically listed, in the Expense column, select AFRMM Fee.

        The Adicional ao Frete para Renovação da Marinha Mercante (AFRMM) fee applies to the transportation of goods by the sea.

      3. In the Amount column, add the amount of the fee.

  7. Click the Shipping subtab.

    1. Under Carrier Information, enter the relevant information about the shipping carrier.

      1. Set the shipping carrier.

        • If you want to set an existing vendor as the shipping carrier, in the Shipping Vendor field, select the vendor.

          NetSuite populates the Name, Federal Tax Registration, State Tax Registration, Address from Brazil, City from Brazil, and State from Brazil fields based on the vendor record.

        • If you want to set a custom shipping carrier, do the following:

          • In the Name field, enter the legal name of the shipping carrier.

          • In the Federal Tax Registration field, enter the shipping carrier’s federal tax registration number.

            • If the shipping carrier is a company, enter the Cadastro Nacional de Pessoas Jurídicas (CNPJ) number. You can enter the 14-digit number using one of the following formats: 00000000000000 or 00.000.000/0000-00.

            • If the shipping carrier is an individual, enter the Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF) number. You can enter the 11-digit number using one of the following formats: 00000000000 or 000.000.000-00.

          • In the State Tax Registration field, enter the shipping carrier's state tax registration number.

            In Brazil, the state tax registration number identifies a company subject to state taxes. This tax registration number is issued by the state where the carrier is located. Enter numbers only.

          • In the Address from Brazil field, enter address of the shipping carrier.

            Include the street suffix (for example, avenue, boulevard, road, route, or street), street name, number, and district.

          • In the City from Brazil field, select the city where the address is located.


            Do not use the browser's autocomplete feature to populate the City from Brazil field, it can lead the page to stop responding. You can refresh the page if it stops responding, but be aware that this action erases unsaved changes.

          • In the State from Brazil field, enter the acronym of the Brazilian state where the address is located.

      2. In the Type of Shipping Service field, select the type of shipping services you hired from the shipping carrier.

      3. In the ANTT Code field, enter the shipping carrier’s Agência Nacional de Transportes Terrestres (ANTT) code.

      4. In the License Plate field, enter the license plate number of the vehicle assigned to ship the items.

      5. In the State of the License Plate field, enter the acronym of the state of the vehicle’s license plate.

    2. Under Shipment Information, enter the relevant information about the shipment.

      1. In the Quantity field, enter the quantity of items being shipped.

      2. In the Species field, enter the type of the shipment or the items being shipped.

        For example, boxes, bundles, pallets, or units.

      3. In the Brand field, enter the brand of the items being shipped.

      4. In the Numbering field, enter the numbering of the shipment or the items being shipped.

        You can enter a serial number, inventory number, or any other number that is relevant.

      5. In the Gross Weight field, enter the gross weight of the items being shipped.

        The gross weight is the total weight of the items and their packaging.

      6. In the Net Weight field, enter the net weight of the items being shipped.

        The net weight is the total weight of the items without the packaging.

  8. On the Billing subtab, in the Terms field, select the terms of payment.

  9. Click the E-Document subtab.

    Add the e-document sending information:

    1. In the E-Document Template field, select a template for this transaction.

    2. In the E-Document Sending Method field, select the sending method.

      If you set a default e-document template and sending method, NetSuite automatically populates these fields. You can change the selections if you want. For more information, see Defining E-Document Sending Preferences.

  10. Click the E-Document Certification subtab.

    1. In the Certified E-Document Series field, under Certified E-Document Details, select the series assigned to this transaction’s e-document.

      If you associated a default series for the combination of subsidiary, e-document category, and tax authority you are using, NetSuite automatically populates the series. You can change it to any other series associated with the same combined information. For more information, see Creating E-Document Series.

    2. (Optional) If you want this electronic invoice to reference another electronic invoice, in the Referenced Electronic Invoice field, enter the access key of the existing e-document.

      The access key of the referenced electronic invoice must be 44 characters long.

  11. Click Save.

    NetSuite saves the import bill transaction.

  12. Verify if the system generated a number for the e-document.

    1. Click the E-Document subtab.

    2. Click the E-Document Certification subtab.

    3. Verify the Certified E-Document Number field.

    4. If the field is clear, click Edit.

    5. Click Save.

      Repeat the previous steps to check if NetSuite assigned a number to the e-document.

  13. Click Generate E-Document.

  14. Click Certify E-Document.

  15. Refresh the page until the Certified E-Document Status field on the E-Document Certification subtab is set as Certified or Rejected.

  16. (Optional) If the status is Certified, you can do the following:

    1. To download the XML representation of the e-document, in the Certified E-Document File field, click Download.

    2. To download the PDF representation of the e-document, in the Certified E-Document PDF File field, click Download.

    3. To send the certified e-document to the vendor, click Send E-Document.

  17. (Optional) If the status is Rejected, you can do the following:

    1. Click the E-Document Audit Trail subtab.

    2. Review the details.

    3. Click the E-Document Certification subtab.

    4. In the Return Message field, review the message.

    5. In the E-Document Certification Return field, click View.

      The e-document certification return record opens. In it, you can review more details about the e-document certification.


      Review the return message and other error details. Depending on the error, you may need to edit the transaction. To retry the certification, generate the e-document again, and then certify it.

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