Grouped Invoices Due Date

The invoice term is a common criterion required for grouping invoices. For instance, you can group multiple invoices with Net 30 terms if they meet the grouping criteria despite having different due dates.

When the invoice group is created, all invoices within that group follow one common due date specified on the invoice group. This due date is calculated based on applying the term on the transaction date on the invoice group record.

The following example illustrates how the due date is calculated for Customer A.




Original Due Date

Invoice 1

January 1

Net 30

January 31

Invoice 2

January 15

Net 30

February 14

Invoice Group A contains Invoice 1 and Invoice 2. If the transaction date on the invoice group record is set on January 15, then the invoice group due date becomes February 14.

Therefore, the new invoice due date for Invoice 1 will change to February 14. The invoice due date for Invoice 2 does not change because it is the same as the invoice group due date.

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