Accepting Payment for an Invoice Group

You can accept a full or partial payment for an invoice group.

To accept payment for an invoice group:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Group Invoices > List.

  2. Click the Edit or View link associated with the invoice group for which you want to accept payment.

  3. On the invoice group record, click Accept Payment.

  4. On the Payment page, click Pay All to pay all invoices.

    All invoices linked to the invoice group are automatically selected. If you are accepting a partial payment, you can clear the Apply box for any invoices for which you do not want to accept payment.

  5. Click Save.


Legacy invoice groups that contain invoices with different A/R accounts show a warning message when you accept payments. To fully pay the invoice group, you must create a separate payment record for each A/R account. In accepting customer payments, the A/R account defaults to the account with the highest number of unpaid invoices in the invoice group.

You cannot create a credit memo from an invoice group. If a credit memo exists, you can apply a credit to an invoice that is linked to the invoice group. The credit memo is visible from the Related Records subtab on the invoice group.

An invoice that is part of an invoice group cannot accept payments outside of the invoice group. All payments must go through the invoice group.

After applying a payment to an invoice, the invoice cannot be removed from the invoice group.

Any discounts associated with the invoices that are part of the group are carried over to the group. Discount information appears under the Disc. Available and Disc. Taken columns on the payment record.

If there is an automatically applied deposit associated with a sales order that is invoiced, that deposit carries over to the invoice group. However, you cannot apply a deposit after the invoice is grouped.

For more information about customer payments, see Customer Payments.

Consolidated payments for invoice groups follows the same rules as consolidated payments. For information about consolidated payments, see Consolidated Payments.


You cannot use the Consolidated Payments feature to generate customer statements for invoice groups.

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