Setting Up NetSuite Pay in Sandbox

NetSuite Pay can be configured in your sandbox account to test the NetSuite Pay experience prior to full implementation in production.

The following are examples of NetSuite features compatible with NetSuite Pay in a sandbox account:

Statement generation is not available in sandbox accounts.


Before using NetSuite Pay in a sandbox account, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  • Request a NetSuite sandbox account. For more information, see Requesting a Sandbox Account for the First Time.

  • Install NetSuite Pay SuiteApp version 1.0.11 or higher. The COMP ID must contain SB, TSTDRV, or TD.

    • Install NetSuite Pay directly in your sandbox account or

    • Install NetSuite Pay in your production account and refresh your sandbox

To set up NetSuite Pay in sandbox:

  1. In your sandbox account, submit a merchant account application. For more information, see Submitting a Merchant Application.

    • A merchant account application in your sandbox account is required even if an application has already been submitted in your production account.

    • The application status will change from Processing to Provisionally Approved in approximately 15 minutes.

  2. Configure the NetSuite Pay Payment Processing Profile. See Configuring the NetSuite Pay Payment Processing Profile.


    Payment processing profiles from your production account will not work in sandbox. Configure a new payment processing profile in your sandbox account.

  3. Set the NetSuite Pay payment processing profile to Test Mode.

    1. Go to Setup > Accounting > Payment Processing Profiles.

    2. Click Edit next to your NetSuite Pay payment processing profile.

    3. In the Primary section, check the Test Mode box.

    4. Click Save.

  4. Test credit card and ACH data.


    Real account data should not be used for testing in your sandbox account. For test data, see Testing Order Transactions.

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