Approving Vendor Bills with SuiteApprovals


Only users who are assigned the customized Employee Center role for SuiteApprovals can access vendor bills from the Employee Center. For more information, see Setting Up Access to Vendor Bills from the Employee Center.

When you first log in using the customized Employee Center role assigned to you, add the Records for Approval portlet to your Employee Center dashboard. For more information, see Adding a Portlet to a Dashboard.

The Record for Approval portlet lets you do the following:

For more information, see Approving or Rejecting Records Using SuiteApprovals.

You can also view the approval history for every record. For more information, see Viewing Approval History.


The same email notification guidelines apply when you approve or reject vendor bills accessed using your custom Employee Center role. For more information, see Guidelines for Using SuiteApprovals Email Notifications.

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