Monitoring the Balance of a Statistical Account

NetSuite provides several methods that you can use to monitor the balance of your statistical accounts. Statistical account balances are preserved unless you manually adjust them to zero.

Statistical Account Register

You can use the register associated with a statistical account to obtain the date the statistical journal entry was recorded in the system, transaction number, customer associated with the statistical journal entry, any memo, and the amount relative to the associated unit of measure. A register is useful when you need to determine whether to reverse a statistical journal entry.

You can view a statistical account register through the following menu paths:

From the View list, select Statistical, and then click the statistical account name to open the register.

You can print, email, or export a register. See Printing Account Registers, Emailing Account Registers, and Exporting Account Registers.

For more information about register reports, see Register Reports, Viewing Account Registers, and Account Register Footer Options.

For more information about statistical account registers, see Statistical Account Register.

Statistical Journal Entries

You can view a list of statistical journals. For more information, see Viewing Statistical Journal Entries.

Search Statistical Accounts

You can search for statistical journal transactions by creating a new transaction-based saved search.

Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New and then click Transaction. On the Saved Transaction Search page, click the Criteria subtab, and then click the Standard subtab. In the Filter column, type Statistical. Complete the remaining fields, save, and then run your search.

For more information, see Saved Searches.

Statistical Schedules

You can view a list of statistical schedules and their respective details at Transactions > Financial > Create Statistical Schedule > List. For more information, see Viewing the Details of Statistical Schedules.

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