Benchmark 360 Products and Features

The Benchmark 360 Products and Features portlet lets you view NetSuite products and features relevant to your KPIs to support your process improvements. If the values fall behind your targets, you can use a NetSuite feature or product to implement a change in your process with its added capabilities.

The following screenshot shows the Benchmark 360 Products and Features portlet:

Benchmark 360 Products and Features

When you click on a KPI tile, this portlet shows a maximum of 5 NetSuite products and features which you can install in your account.


Some SuiteApps are only available in select country or region. When you view relevant products or features for a KPI, NetSuite considers the country or region set in your account and shows only those that are available.

The list of products and features for Revenue per FTE KPI also considers the available industry for the account aside from the region set in your account.


Products and Features

Help Topic

Days Cash on Hand

  • Cash 360 Dashboard

  • Bank Feeds SuiteApp

  • NetSuite Planning and Budgeting

  • Account Reconciliation Sync

  • NetSuite SuiteAnalytics

Days Sales Outstanding

  • Cash 360 Dashboard

  • Dunning Letters

  • Electronic Invoicing

  • Customer Dashboard

  • Payment Link

Days Payable Outstanding

  • Cash 360 Dashboard

  • SuiteAnalytics

  • Bill Capture

  • Payment Automation

  • NetSuite Planning and Budgeting

Employee Turnover Rate

  • SuitePeople Payroll

  • SuitePeople Human Resource and Management

  • Workforce Analytics

  • SuitePeople Performance Management

  • NetSuite Planning and Budgeting

Revenue per FTE

  • Order Management

  • Advanced Revenue Management

  • Rebates and Trade Promotions

  • Transaction Line Distribution

  • SuitePeople Performance Management

  • SuitePeople Workforce Management

  • NetSuite Planning and Budgeting

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