Synchronization with NetSuite ERP

NetSuite ERP and NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) synchronize to ensure item, price, promotion, and transaction information is up to date.

Synchronization Downloads

Sales associates use item, price and promotion data saved to the register when they scan items for sales and make other transactions. This data originates in NetSuite and is pushed to the registers in frequent synchronization downloads. Also called a downsync, these downloads ensure your registers have the most current information available. Downloaded content includes:

This periodic synchronization method provides a level of independence for each register. An NSPOS register can easily operate in “offline” mode if an internet connection becomes temporarily unavailable. It is an advantage over POS applications that require uninterrupted communications with a host server.

Synchronization Uploads

Transactions and other entries made at registers periodically upload to NetSuite. Also called an up sync, these updates adjust inventory levels for item movement in and out of your stores, log payments, and modify customer information and history. Information uploaded from the POS register includes:

Synchronization Periods

Synchronization between NetSuite and your POS registers occurs periodically, with the default intervals being:

Note that these times are approximate. Synchronization intervals usually begin on time and complete within a few minutes. However, processing can be influenced by things such as the volume of data transferred or your connection speed. If you do not see your data immediately, try checking back later. For more information, see Benchmarks for Data Transfers and System Limits.


Large item updates made in NetSuite can impact the synchronization process, delaying updates across the network. For this reason, you should not perform mass item updates in NetSuite during store business hours.

Synchronization Optimization for Custom Fields in Item Records

To ensure offline capabilities for each register, synchronizations between NetSuite ERP and NSPOS include most of the fields associated with the NetSuite ERP Item record. Item records can include custom fields set up by a retailer to handle unique requirements. However, having many custom fields replicated to each register can slow performance during synchronization.

Because some custom fields will be set up for a limited purpose and period, NSPOS performs clean up processes at the server level during each synchronization. The clean up validates whether the fields scheduled for replication have been marked deleted in NetSuite ERP. If yes, the unsupported fields are removed from the replication and deleted from the local NSPOS register database. Clean up is also processed for fields that remain active in NetSuite ERP but were removed from the list for download to NSPOS.

Stale Partner Processing for Offline Registers

When a register is disconnected from the server network, synchronization updates for that register are unable to complete. Disconnections are usually caused by registers being manually powered down (turned off) or entering hibernation. We refer to disconnected registers as stale partners.

When NetSuite detects that a register is disconnected, it holds all new transactions, price changes and customer information for download to that partner later. This works well in the short term, but over time the data volume will grow with each held update. If large amounts of data are held in the normal synchronization queue, it can impact overall server performance.

To protect server performance and manage large volumes of held register data, NSPOS uses a function called Stale Partner Processing. After a defined period of inactivity, we route updates meant for the register away from the normal queue and hold them in a separate queue for possible download later.

If a partner is reactivated (the register is turned back on), the data required to bring it up to date is downloaded automatically from the stale queue. The register then begins receiving normal updates.

Depending on how long a register has been stale (turned off), it can take time for updates to download. The following guidelines can help ensure success when bringing a register back online:

  • It is best to restart a register at least 24-48 hours before it is needed. You should allow 48 hours prior to the register being needed.

  • Do not restart many registers at the same time. Multiple large downloads could impact server performance.

  • If a register has been turned off for an extended period, restaging the register can be the fastest method for bringing it up to date. Staging generally takes less time than waiting for large downloads to complete.


    Registers that are offline more than 30 days are placed in a terminated status. Terminated registers must be restaged to be brought back online.


    If a register’s location changes to a different store, you must restage it.


To reactivate a register workstation that was set to Inactive in NetSuite ERP, clear the Inactive box on the NetSuite RA-Workstation record. Then click Save and wait 15 minutes for the active status to sync between the server and the workstation.

Third-Party Payment Gateways

Each POS register connects to a payment gateway. These are third-party applications selected by retail businesses to handle credit or debit card authorizations and other payment types that require special handling. When you or the customer swipes a credit card as payment, your POS connects with the payment gateway and sends the credit card, purchase amount and other information. The gateway processes the payment and returns an authorization code stating that the payment is accepted or rejected.

The capabilities of different gateway services vary in how they are set up and the features they provide. Work with your NetSuite Account Manager or Professional Services representative to determine which service meets your business needs. For information about setting up gateways, see Payment Gateways.

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