Chart Tab

The Chart tab is where you create visualizations of your dataset query results. Any fields that are included in the underlying dataset appear in the Dataset Panel on the left. To build your chart, drag fields from the Dataset Panel to the Layout panel, then click the Refresh icon Refresh report icon. The generated chart is displayed in the viewer on the right.

You can create multiple charts using the same dataset query results.

For information about how to use the Chart tab to create a chart with your dataset query results, see Workbook Charts.

The elements of the Chart tab are identified in the image below:

Chart tab


Workbook Information — Click to view or edit the workbook name, description, internal ID, or to add a translatable portlet name to your Analytics portlets. This information is available from anywhere within the workbook.

For more information about translatable Analytics portlet names, see Adding Translatable Analytics Portlet Names.


Undo, Redo, and Refresh — Undo or redo your latest edits, and refresh the data in the workbook visualization you are currently in. The undo and redo options apply to any action within the workbook and not only the current tab you are in. For more information about data refreshing, see Data Refresh in SuiteAnalytics Workbook.


Add — Click the add icon to add a new workbook visualization.


Dataset Panel — The leftmost area of any workbook visualization, the Dataset Panel contains all of the fields included in the selected dataset. In workbook visualizations based on linked datasets, the panel shows both dataset names.

To build a workbook visualization, drag fields from the Dataset Panel to the Layout Panel or the Table Viewer. You can also access and edit the underlying dataset, or switch to a different dataset using the Dataset Selector at the top of the panel. In workbook visualizations based on linked datasets, fields used to define the link are denoted by a chain link icon. If you delete fields used to define the link, it can cause errors within the workbook. For more information, see Dataset Linking in SuiteAnalytics Workbook.

  • To view or edit a dataset, click the dataset name in the Dataset Selector.

  • To view additional information about a field, point to the field and click the Information icon icon.

  • To create a value-based filter, click the Field Menu icon Field menu icon and select Filter [Field Name] from the list. You can also create measure-based filters from the Layout panel or the Viewer. For more information, see Workbook Visualization Filters.

  • To collapse the Dataset Panel and expand the Viewer, click the double arrows Collapse arrows icon.


Dataset Selector — This list enables you to access and edit the datasets connected to the visualization, select a different dataset, or connect a dataset that is not already used in another workbook visualization.

  • To view or edit a dataset, click the dataset name in the Dataset Selector. Alternatively, click the menu icon and select Open Dataset.

  • To connect or create a new dataset, click the arrow and select Connect Dataset.

  • To edit the dataset link, click the dataset menu icon and select Edit Dataset Link.

  • To save or discard changes to the selected dataset, click the menu icon and select Save Changes or Discard Changes. You must save or discard changes to any datasets connected to the workbook before you can save the workbook.


Layout panel — The Layout panel displays the layout for your chart. For date and numeric fields, the summary type is also displayed next to the field. Every time you make changes to your chart layout, you must click the Refresh icon Refresh report icon for the changes to take effect.

  • To select a chart type, click the chart type link and select an option from the menu. The following options are available:

    • Column Chart

    • Bar Chart

    • Area Chart

    • Line Chart

    • Stacked Column Chart

    • Stacked Bar Chart

    • Stacked Area Chart

      For more information, see Chart Types.

  • To display the measures in the chart as a percentage of the totals for each record, click Show percentage. You can show percentages for stacked charts only.

  • To add fields to the layout, drag them from the Dataset Panel to the desired section of the chart. As with pivot tables, you can also group multiple fields in the same chart component to change the granularity of information displayed in the chart. For more information, see Grouping Pivot Table Fields.

  • To add a calculated measure, click Create Calculated Measure and define your calculations. Calculated measures are displayed with a calculator Calculated measures icon icon. For more information, see Calculated Measures.

  • If you are in a NetSuite account with multiple currencies or multiple subsidiaries and your workbook contains fields with values in multiple currencies, click the Field Menu icon Field menu icon next to an applicable field and select Currency... to apply currency conversion or consolidation. You must convert values that are in multiple currencies to perform arithmetic operations and other types of numeric manipulation. For more information, see Currency in Datasets and Workbooks.

  • To create a value-based filter for the chart, click the Field Menu icon Field menu icon and select Filter [Field name].... You can also create measure-based filters for the chart if you select the Top 10 [Field name], Bottom 10 [Field name], or Filter [Field name] by options. For more information, see Workbook Visualization Filters.

  • To rename a field, click the Field Menu icon Field menu icon and select Rename....

  • To format the numeric values that are displayed in the chart, click the Field Menu icon Field menu icon and select Format.... For more information, see Customizing Numeric Values.

  • To change the summary type for dates and numeric values displayed in the table, click the Field Menu icon Field menu icon next to an applicable field and select the preferred summary type.

  • To change the summary type of a field, click the Field Menu icon Field menu icon and select the preferred summary type.

  • To create a title and subtitle for the chart or to add labels for the X and Y axes, click the Properties subtab and complete the appropriate fields.

  • To collapse the Layout panel and expand the Chart Viewer, click the double arrows Collapse arrows icon.


Chart menu — This menu contains additional options for the chart displayed in the viewer. The following options are available:

  • Print Print icon — Print the chart currently displayed in the viewer.

  • Export Export icon — Export an SVG file of the chart currently displayed in the viewer.


Chart filter summary — Displays a summary of the filter conditions applied to the chart. Filter conditions created on the Chart tab only affect the data displayed in the chart and do not change the underlying dataset.


Chart Viewer — The Chart Viewer displays your generated chart after updating the layout and clicking the Refresh Refresh report icon icon.

In the Chart Viewer itself, you can perform the following actions:

  • To view the exacts amounts for a specific measure, point to the desired bar or data point in the chart.

  • To hide specific data points in the chart, click the corresponding color in the legend below the chart.


The displayed data refresh details are different depending on whether the Cached Data in Datasets feature is enabled or not:

  • Cached Response / Real-time Response Data from [time] — Displayed when the Cached Data in Datasets feature is enabled. Displays if the workbook visualization is showing real-time data or cached data, and the time when the data was updated.

  • Last Updated — Displayed when the Cached Data in Datasets feature is disabled. Displays the time when the data in the current workbook visualization was last updated. To retrieve the latest results, click the Refresh icon.

For more information, see Data Refresh in SuiteAnalytics Workbook.


Workbook Menu — This menu is available from within all workbook visualizations.

  • Click Share to share the workbook and any connected datasets with other users in your account.

    For more information, see Accessing and Sharing Workbooks and Datasets

  • Click Save to save your workbook, including all selections made in each visualization. You can only save your workbook if the connected datasets have also been saved. If you do not own the connected datasets, save copies using different names.


Learn about Analytics — Click Learn about Analytics to open a panel that lists all SuiteAnaltyics Workbook videos as well as a description. To view a video, click the thumbnail and it will open in a new window.


Tab Menu — Hover over the Tab menu icon Menu icon and select the Rename Tab or Delete Tab options. You can also rename your chart by double-clicking the tab name.

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