Compensation Tracking Permission Requirements

If you use the Compensation Tracking feature, any standard roles that have the Employees permission can access base pay and bonus target information. To access information on the bonus record, roles require the Bonus permission. To access bonus types, roles require the Bonus Type permission. These permissions are located on the Lists subtab of the Role page. For a list of the standard roles assigned to these permissions, see Standard Roles Permissions Table. To create custom roles that include these permissions, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

For more information about the Compensation Tracking feature, see Compensation Tracking.

The following table lists the permission level a user must have to perform certain tasks related to compensation tracking.



Permission Access Level

Supported Functionality


Permissions > Lists


Allows users to view and search for base pay and bonus target information on the employee record.


Allows users to create and view base pay and bonus target information on the employee record.


Allows users to create, view, and edit base pay and bonus target information on the employee record.


Allows users to create, view, and edit base pay and bonus target information on the employee record. Users can also delete the employee record.

Bonus Type

Permissions > Lists


Allows users to view and search for bonus type records.


Allows user to view, search for, and create bonus type records.


Allows users to view, search for, edit, and create bonus type records. Users can also inactivate bonus type records, if the records have not been assigned to a bonus.


Allows users to view, search for, edit, and create bonus type records. Users can also inactivate or delete bonus type records.


Permissions > Lists


Allows users to view and search for a list of awarded bonuses on the employee record. Users can also see the Award Bonus button.


Allows users to view and search for a list of awarded bonuses on the employee record. Users can award bonuses using the Award Bonus form.


Allows users to view and search for a list of awarded bonuses on the employee record. Users can award bonuses using the Award Bonus form, and, if bonuses are not paid using SuitePeople U.S. Payroll, users can edit bonuses.


Allows users to view and search for a list of awarded bonuses on the employee record. Users can award bonuses using the Award Bonus form. If bonuses are not paid using SuitePeople U.S. Payroll, users can edit bonuses. Users can also delete bonuses. If bonuses are paid using SuitePeople U.S. Payroll, users can delete only bonuses that are not included on a payroll batch.

Advanced Employee Permissions and Bonuses

With the Advanced Employee Permissions feature, you can apply additional restrictions to fields on the employee record. For more information, see Advanced Employee Permissions. However, you cannot use the Advanced Employee Permissions feature to control access to fields on the bonus record. Access to bonus record fields is determined by your role, and specifically by the employee restrictions defined on a role. For more information about employee restrictions, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles and Setting Employee Restrictions.

The Advanced Employee Permissions feature includes a permission called Employee Compensation. This permission provides access to:

  • Compensation fields on the employee record

  • The Bonus sublist

The following image illustrates the fields that the Employee Compensation permission provides access to. It also shows the fields that the Advanced Employee Permissions feature can restrict.


The ability to create or edit bonuses is restricted to roles that include the bonus permission. You might want managers to be able to create bonuses for their direct reports. However, if managers can create bonuses for their direct reports, then managers can also create bonuses for themselves.

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