Setting Employee Restrictions

In the Employee Restrictions field, you can restrict this role's access to transaction, customer, and employee records, based on values in the employee, sales rep, and supervisor fields on these records. The restrictions set here may also limit the values that users logged in with this role can assign to these fields on records. These restrictions do not affect access to contact records.


These restrictions can also be used to restrict access to custom records, based on values in an Employee list/record custom field, if the Apply Role Restrictions box is checked for the field. See Applying Role-Based Restrictions to Custom Records.

Check the Allow Viewing box to allow users logged in with this role to see, but not edit, data for employees to which the role does not have access.

Check the Do Not Restrict Employee Fields box to allow users with this role to select any employee in employee fields.

Check the Restrict Time and Expenses box to restrict the time and expenses employees with this role can enter, edit, and view when you add the Track Time and Expense Report permissions.


Clearing the Restrict Time and Expenses box enables this role to enter, edit, and approve time transactions and expense reports for all other employees when you add the Track Time and Expense Report permissions.

If you have set restrictions in the Employee Restrictions field, check the Sales Role box if employees using this role should be restricted based on the Sales Rep field on records and transactions.

If you use the Customer Service and Support feature and have set restrictions in the Employee Restrictions field, check the Support Role box if employees using this role should be restricted based on the Assigned To field on cases.

If you use the Partner Relationship Management feature and have set restrictions in the Employee Restrictions field, check the Partner Role box to restrict partners to records and transactions based on the Partner field.

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