Netherlands SuiteTax-Based Reports

The Netherlands Localization SuiteApp provides SuiteTax-based report templates required in the Netherlands. Before generating the reports, you must first set up your account for tax reporting. For more information, see SuiteTax-Based Reports Setup for Netherlands Localization.

Using the Country Tax Reports page provided by the Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp, you can generate the following Netherlands SuiteTax-based reports:

To generate a tax report, see Generating Netherlands Tax Reports.

For other tasks that you can do with the Netherlands tax reports on the Country Tax Reports page, see the following topics:

SuiteTax-Based Reports Setup for Netherlands Localization

To use the tax-related features of the Netherlands Localization SuiteApp, you should also do the following:


Enhancements or issue fixes on the Periodic VAT Return OB69 are provided through a SuiteApp version upgrade. Any enhancement or fix on the VAT report template will only apply if the Use Custom Template option (which appears when you customize any filters) on the Setup Tax Return page is disabled. If enabled, the customizations done on the report before the upgrade will remain, and the fix and new filters cannot be used. You must disable the custom template option. After the upgrade, you can customize the VAT Report, and use the new provided filters.

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