File Cabinet Traffic Health

All instances of users accessing files in the File Cabinet from a data center-specific domain in your account are listed in this section of the report.

Correcting File Cabinet URLs

Traffic Health reports identify URLs that use data center-specific domains in your account. You must change the data center-specific domains in the URLs to your account-specific domains. To make the necessary changes to a data center-specific URL:

  • You may need the help of a developer in your company.

  • You may need to ask your company’s IT department to locate the owner of the item..

  • You may need to contact a partner, or a third-party supplier.

See URLs for Account-Specific Domains for more information.

The following procedure assumes that you have already generated a report. If this is not the case, or if you want to refresh the report data, see Generating a Traffic Health Report.

To correct data center-specific URLs in your File Cabinet:

  1. Click File Cabinet.

    1. If you see the message No records to show, all of files in your File Cabinet are using account-specific domains.

    2. If you see items listed in this section of the report, you must locate the file in the file cabinet, and make updates to use an account-specific domain. You may also need to check for a newer version of the file. The author or the origin of the file could be outside of your company.

      Use the number in the Count column to determine the priority of the updates you should make. The higher the count, the higher the priority to make updates to use an account-specific domain.

      Column Name

      How This Information Can Help You Identify the Traffic


      The name of the file.


      Identifies how the file was accessed, for example, a link to the File Cabinet from an online form or a deep link embedded in an email.


      The number of times the file was opened during the reporting period.

  2. Update each instance in the list so that the files use account-specific domains.

  3. After you have updated all of the instances listed in the original report, generate a fresh report to validate that there are no files in your File Cabinetthat are using data center-specific domains.

  4. Repeat this entire procedure as needed to continue correcting items listed on your Traffic Health report until no items remain in the list.See the following for an example of items listed for File Cabinet after a report was generated:

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