UK Submit VAT Return via CSV

To use UK Submit VAT Return via CSV feature, read the following topics:

UK Submit VAT Return via CSV Overview

UK Submit VAT Return via CSV is a feature that enables you to import a custom VAT100 Return report in CSV file format to NetSuite and subsequently submit the report to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) using Making Tax Digital (MTD) connection.

The purpose of the UK Submit VAT Return via CSV feature is a possibility to import VAT100 Return report to NetSuite for customers that are not able to use the standard VAT100 return due to certain scenarios not currently supported by NetSuite, such as:

Prerequisites for using UK Submit VAT Return via CSV feature


This feature is for NetSuite OneWorld accounts that use Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp.

Before using the UK Submit VAT Return via CSV feature, your account administrator must enable several features and preferences in your NetSuite account.

For more information about installing SuiteApps, see Installing a Bundle.

UK Submit VAT Return via CSV Custom Role

UK Submit VAT Return via CSV feature has a form of a Suitelet and is executed by a custom created internal role – UK Submit VAT Return via CSV (internal). This role is given minimal necessary permissions and its purpose is to operate the UK Submit VAT Return via CSV Suitelet page. The role operates the feature automatically, no setting up is required. To see the details of the role, go to Setup > User/Roles > Manage Roles


UK Submit VAT Return via CSV (internal) role is not to be modified, deleted or inactivated as it was created for purposes of this feature only.

The UK Submit VAT Return via CSV feature is automatically available for all roles in your NetSuite account. If you wish to limit access to the feature for certain roles, follow instructions below:

Limiting access for UK Submit VAT Return via CSV:

  1. Go to Customizations > Scripting > Script Deployments

  2. Find UK Submit VAT Return via CSV deployment record and click Edit.

  3. In the Audience tab, select the roles you want to give access to by clicking on the roles’ names while holding CTRL key.

Creating UK VAT Return via CSV Report

With the UK Submit VAT Return via CSV feature, you can upload a custom VAT100 report from CSV file to NetSuite and submit United Kingdom VAT100 Return directly to HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) system. To learn your VAT Return deadline, check the HMRC VAT Returns

Generating UK Submit VAT Return via CSV:

  1. Go to Reports > Tax > UK Submit VAT Return via CSV.

  2. Select Subsidiary from the drop-down list.


    The drop-down list contains only the subsidiaries that you have permission to view. Note that only subsidiaries having the United Kingdom as their nexus country are available and their tax registration numbers must be populated. To populate the tax registration numbers, go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > Tax Registrations

  3. Select Nexus from the drop-down list.


    The drop-down list only contains the nexuses available for the currently selected subsidiary. By default, the nexus field shows the first nexus available for selected subsidiary.

  4. Click on Download Template to download the excel file.

  5. Open the template and populate the Final VAT Return tab with your VAT Return data. Inserted data is being validated against a set of criteria:

    • User Preferences – Number format, date format and CSV delimiter must match the format set in your User Preferences

    • Values – Populate the fields VRN, Start Date and End Date; populate the boxes 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 with the custom created formula based on calculation from imported sheets, if the amounts in the boxes have no values, enter zero.

    • File Size – The file size can not exceed 1 MB.

    • Tax Registration Number – VAT Registration Number (VRN) must match selected subsidiary’s Tax Registration Number for selected nexus.

    For more information, click on the Instructions tab.


    When inserting your data, you must retain digital links to provide better traceability for audit purposes as per the requirement of HMRC. For more information about digital links, see 4.2.1.Digital Links

  6. When completed, save the Final VAT Return tab in CSV format in your computer.

  7. Click on Choose File button to upload the file to the Suitelet.

  8. Click on the Generate button to start validation.

  9. If the uploaded file is invalid, the system displays an error message. Follow the guidelines in the error message and then try again.

  10. If the validation is successful, the system will display confirmation message and you will be automatically redirected to Country Tax Reports page. Your report is listed on top of the processed reports list.

    For unsuccessful validation, you will see an error banner with more error details.

  11. On the Country Tax Reports page, you can review your imported report under name UK VAT Return via CSV and submit it to HMRC using Making Tax Digital (MTD) connection.

  12. You can export the report in either PDF or Excel formats using the Export buttons.

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General Notices