Additional Item Information for Fulfillable Items

Fulfillable Items with SuiteBilling SuiteApp enables you to enter additional item information for fulfillable items to help distinguish one item from another. For example, if you fulfill or deliver a modem as part of a subscription, you can enter additional item information such as brand, model, or serial number so the modem is properly identified and tracked in all related transaction records.

You can enter additional item information for fulfillable items in an item fulfillment record and the item information is carried over to the associated subscription and invoice when item field mappings set correctly. For more information about setting item field mappings, see Setting Item Field Mappings.

Before you can enter additional item information for a fulfillable item, you must first do the following:

  1. Create custom fields in sale and subscription records. The custom fields are where you can enter additional item information for fulfillable items. For instructions, see Creating Additional Item Information Fields in Sale and Subscription Records

  2. Set item field mappings so that the additional item information you enter in the item fulfillment record is reflected in the associated subscription and invoice. For instructions, see Setting Item Field Mappings.

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