Entering Additional Item Information in an Item Fulfillment Record

When you fulfill an order, create an item fulfillment record to track the shipment of fulfillable items to the customer. You can then enter additional item information such as brand, product key, or serial number in the item fulfillment record. The additional item information you enter for the fulfilled items ensures that the items delivered are properly identified, tracked, and reflected in the associated subscription.

The following steps assume that a sales order is created, approved, and is pending fulfillment.

To enter additional item information in an item fulfillment record:

  1. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > List.

  2. Select the sales order that you want to fulfill and click View.

  3. In the sales order, click Fulfill.

    The Item Fulfillment page opens.

  4. In the Status field of the item fulfillment record, select Shipped as the status for the items.

    When using the Pick, Pack, and Ship feature, you can also set the status of items as shipped after the item fulfillment record is saved. Click Ship on the item fulfillment record


    Additional item information entered for fulfillable items only reflects in the subscription record when the status of the items are set to Shipped in the item fulfillment record.

  5. In the Items subtab, look for the additional item information fields that you created, such as fields for brand, product key, or serial number.

    For more information about creating additional item information fields, see Creating Additional Item Information Fields in Sale and Subscription Records.

  6. Enter additional item information.

    Keep in mind the following best practices when entering additional item information for fulfillable items.

    • Use a comma to separate values.

    • There is a limit of 300 characters when a free-form text field is used for the additional item information field. Any commas used to separate entries are included in the character limit count.

    • If the Distribute Values to Subscription Lines box is checked in the Item Field Mappings page and Split Linked Subscription Items Into Multiple Lines box is checked in the sales order, the additional item information you enter must match the quantity of the fulfillable items.

      For example, if the quantity is three, you must enter three values as additional item information separated by commas.

    • If a field mapping is tagged as a field identifier in the Item Field Mappings page, the additional item information must be unique for each fulfillable item and corresponds to the quantity of the item being fulfilled.

      For example, if the serial number additional item information field is a field identifier and there are three items to be fulfilled, you must enter something like, ABC123, DEF345, GHI678.

    • If the quantity of the fulfillable items is 50 or more, a map/reduce script processes the additional item information to also reflect in the associated subscription. The subscription record may not be up to date until the processing is finished. See the Processing Status field in the item fulfillment record to check the status of item information update in the subscription record.

  7. Complete the fields in the item fulfillment record, as necessary.

    For more information, see Fulfilling Orders.

  8. Click Save.

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