Fulfillable Items with SuiteBilling Support for CSV Import

Fulfillable Items with SuiteBilling SuiteApp supports the import of sales orders for use with the SuiteApp. The following are the steps to import sales orders using the CSV import function of NetSuite.

  1. Ensure the subscriptions that you want to use in the sales order already exists in the system.

    For more information, see Creating a New Stand-alone Subscription.

  2. Create the sales order import file.

    You must create a field for the fulfillable item, its linked subscription item, and the subscription where the items belong to.

    For more information about creating a sales order import file, see Sales Order Import.


    Serialized inventory items are not supported using the CSV import functionality.

  3. Go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > Lists to open the sales order page.

  4. Find the sales order that you imported through CSV import and click Edit.

  5. Check the Split Linked Subscription Items Into Multiple Lines box.

    Take note of the best practices when entering sales orders for use with the SuiteApp. For more information, see Best Practices When Creating a Sales Order for use with Fulfillable Items with SuiteBilling.

  6. Click Save.

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