Setting Dashboard Reminders for Subscriptions Pending Activation

You can set a reminder for subscriptions that are pending activation in the Reminders portlet of the dashboard.

To set a reminder for subscriptions that are pending activation:

  1. In the Reminders portlet menu of the dashboard, click Set Up.

  2. On the left pane, select Subscriptions Pending Activation.

    This is a custom reminder that comes with the SuiteApp.

    For more information about setting up reminders, see Setting Up Reminders.

  3. Click Save.

Clicking the Subscriptions Pending Activation reminder on the Reminders portlet of the dashboard opens a saved search that displays the following information.




This column displays the subscription name that is pending activation.


This column displays the subscription item in the subscription that is pending activation.


This column displays the status of the subscription.

Count of Subscription

This column displays the number of subscription items in the subscription.

Count of Items

This column displays the number of fulfillable items in the subscription.


You can edit and save another version of the Subscriptions Pending Activation saved search to select the recipients or group of recipients who can receive reminders for subscriptions that are pending activation. For more information, see Defining Audiences for Saved Searches.

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