Creating Dunning Procedures

Before you create dunning procedure records, the following tasks must be completed:

To create a dunning procedure:

  1. Go to Dunning > Setup > Dunning Procedure > New.


    Creating and updating dunning procedures must be done through the user interface only. The Dunning Letters SuiteApp currently does not support the importing of dunning procedures using CSV, SOAP web services, or SuiteScript.

  2. Complete the following fields:

    1. Name – Enter a name for this dunning procedure.

    2. Description – Enter a description for this dunning procedure.

    3. Applies To – Select whether this dunning procedure should evaluate all invoices of a customer, or specific invoices one by one, or all invoices of an invoice group. For more information, see Understanding Customer Level Dunning, Invoice Level Dunning and Invoice Group Level Dunning.


      The Applies To field cannot be edited after the dunning procedure has been saved.

      • Select Customer if you want to evaluate all invoices of a customer and send one dunning letter that contains a list of overdue invoices.

        If you select Customer, you must also either check or clear the Allow Override box. (See next step.)

        For more information, see Customer Level Dunning.

      • Select Invoice if you want to evaluate specific invoices one by one and send a dunning letter for each of those invoices separately.

        For more information, see Invoice Level Dunning.

      • Select Invoice Group if you want to evaluate invoices that are part of an invoice group and send dunning letter to all the invoices of the invoice group.

    4. Allow Override – If you check this box, an invoice level dunning procedure can override this procedure. An invoice level dunning procedure will be used if an invoice meets the criteria for that procedure, regardless of the customer level dunning procedure assigned.

      For more information, see Invoice Level Dunning.

    5. Sending Schedule – Specify how you want dunning letters to be sent. Select one of the following:

      • Select Automatic if you want the system to send letters by email automatically.

      • Select Manual if you want dunning letters to be printed or sent manually by email.

    6. Minimum Dunning Interval – Enter the minimum interval days for sending dunning letters using this dunning procedure.

      This will prevent sending letters more often than a specified number of days to the same customer. The minimum dunning interval does not trigger the dunning evaluation or the sending of the letters. It is one of the criteria used in dunning evaluation. The frequency of dunning evaluation depends on the schedule of the dunning evaluation workflow. A dunning letter is sent on the next scheduled evaluation after the minimum interval days have passed.

    7. Disable Minimum Dunning Interval – Check this box to disregard the value in the Minimum Dunning Interval field. If the Disable Minimum Dunning Interval box is checked, the system can evaluate and send multiple dunning letters in a day to a single customer, if there is a change in the dunning level of a customer, invoice or invoice group during dunning evaluation.

    8. Default Dunning Manager – The creator of the dunning procedure record appears in this field by default. You can select a various default dunning manager for this dunning procedure. The dunning manager is the employee that controls dunning for the customer, invoice or invoice group and whose name appears as the sender of the dunning letter. For more information, see Assigning Dunning Managers.

    9. Assign Automatically to New Records – Check this box to enable the system to automatically assign the dunning procedure to customers, invoices or invoice groups upon record creation. For invoices, dunning procedures are automatically assigned according to the specified selection criteria, saved search, and dunning procedure priority. For customers, dunning procedures are automatically assigned according to the subsidiary, saved search, and dunning procedure priority. For invoice groups, dunning procedures are automatically assigned according to the subsidiary, saved search and dunning procedure priority.

  3. Define the selection criteria for this dunning procedure. See Defining Dunning Selection Criteria.

  4. In the Determine Dunning Level By field, select the basis for determining the dunning level. See Specifying the Basis for Determining the Dunning Level.

  5. Add dunning levels to the dunning procedure. Each dunning procedure must have at least one dunning level. For each dunning level, you must assign a dunning letter template record. See Adding Dunning Levels to a Dunning Procedure.

  6. Click Save.

After creating dunning procedures, you must order them according to priority. In cases where more than one dunning procedure can be assigned to a customer, invoice or invoice group automatically or semiautomatically, the system will use the dunning procedure with the highest priority. To set the priority order, see Setting the Priority Order of Dunning Procedures.

To see a list of saved dunning procedures, go to Dunning > Setup > Dunning Procedure. You can click the View and Edit links on the Dunning Procedure List page.


Inactivating dunning procedures is not recommended because it can cause errors in the automatic assignment and semiautomatic assignment of dunning procedures. Deleting a dunning procedure is possible only if the dunning procedure is not assigned to any customer, invoice or invoice group. When you delete a dunning procedure, the system removes it from the Dunning Procedures list and the Dunning Priorities list.

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