Creating a Custom Transaction Type

When you create a custom transaction type, you must choose a name and a transaction style for the type. If appropriate, you can also define other qualities, such as the numbering style the type will use, the menu paths that will provide access to the transaction form, and more. After you save your new type, you can also add custom fields and create custom entry forms.


Custom transactions appear on the Deposits and Credits subtab of the Reconcile Bank Statement if the Show All Transaction Types in Reconciliation box is checked on the Accounting Preferences page. For more information, see General Accounting Preferences.

To create a custom transaction type:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Transaction Types > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the type. This value must be unique. As a best practice, enter a singular noun, because for certain locales the system uses the plural form of the name on the transaction type’s List view.

  3. In the ID field, enter a unique alphanumeric ID for the transaction type. For information about best practices and naming conventions, see Conventions for Naming Custom Objects. For information about changing an existing ID, see Changing the ID of a Custom Object.

  4. In the Transaction Style field, specify a value for transaction style. This choice determines how users will interact with instances of this type. Your choices are:

    • Basic – Users entering transaction instances can use a Lines sublist to enter either a series of credits or a series of debits to accounts that they specify. With this style, you must also identify the corresponding account to be adjusted for balancing purposes in the transaction type’s Account field. For more information, see Account Field Setup for Custom Transaction Types.

    • Journal – Users record sets of credits and debits to accounts that they manually specify when entering the transaction. This is the only style that permits postings to elimination subsidiaries.

    • Header only – With this style, users do not manually identify accounts to credit or debit. Instead, this style relies on a Custom GL Lines plug-in implementation to calculate the GL impact.

    • Sales – Provides functionality similar to a sales transaction, including the Item sublist, inventory impact, taxes (SuiteTax only), and revenue recognition. Sales custom transactions provide functionality similar to invoice, cash sale or credit memo transactions.

    • Purchase – Provides functionality similar to a purchase transaction, including the Item and Expenses sublists, amortization, taxes (SuiteTax only), and inventory impact. Purchase custom transactions provide functionality similar to vendor bills.

    For more details on the available transaction styles, see Custom Transaction Styles Overview.


    After you save your custom transaction type, the Transaction Style cannot be changed.

  5. If appropriate, check the Allow Void Transactions Using Reversing Journals box. This option enables users to create reverse journal entries for posting transactions. This box is active only when the global Void Transactions Using Reversing Journals preference is enabled. You can view and set the global preference at Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences, on the General subtab.


    For sales and purchase transaction types, users can void only transactions that do not use inventory items.

  6. If the transaction should close the sales order, check the Ability to Close Sales Order box. The sales custom transaction can close a sales order only if the transaction is of debit type and if it is posting. For more information, see Ability to Close Sales Order.

  7. If appropriate, use the Class, Department, and Location lists to specify that these fields appear on instances of this transaction type. For each field, you can specify that it is displayed either on the transaction header or as a column in the Lines sublist. For each classification, you can also check the corresponding Mandatory box to make the field required. For more information about these fields, see Custom Transaction Type Classification Fields.


    The Class, Department, and Location fields are not available for sales and purchase transaction types because they are available under the same conditions as standard sales and purchase transactions. You can specify class, department, and location by customizing the form for the sales or purchase custom transaction.

  8. Specify any custom segments as appropriate. For more information, see Custom Segments.

  9. If you chose a Transaction Style of Basic, Sales, or Purchase, click the Accounting subtab and configure the account details for the type. For more information, see Account Field Setup for Custom Transaction Types.

  10. By default, a new custom transaction type has a nonposting status. If you want instances of the transaction to post, go to the Statuses subtab and do one of the following:

    • Check the Posting box. With this choice, every instance of the transaction posts when it is saved.

    • Create statuses for the transaction type. Each status can be configured to be either posting or nonposting. For help creating statuses, see Statuses for a Custom Transaction Type.

  11. (Optional) Use any of the following subtabs to further define your custom transaction type:

  12. Click Save.

    The system saves your new custom transaction type and assigns full-level permission to the role of the user who created the custom transaction type. The permission lets users search for custom transaction instances in the global search.

    NetSuite also creates an advanced template to print custom transaction instances.

    After you save, two additional subtabs are available to further define the custom transaction type, as follows:

You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to manage custom transaction types as part of file-based customization projects. For information about SDF, see SuiteCloud Development Framework. You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual custom transaction type to another of your accounts. Each custom transaction type page has a clickable Copy to Account option in the upper right corner. For information about Copy to Account, see Copy to Account.

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