Electronic Invoicing Permissions and Access Levels

The following tables show the permissions and access levels for features provided by the Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp:

Administrator and Setup Tasks

Tasks or Functionality

Role and Permission

Creating E-Document Packages

By default, only the Administrator can create, edit, or delete e-document packages.

All other roles can only view e-document packages.

Creating E-Document Templates

By default, only the Administrator can create, edit, or delete e-document template records.

All other roles can only view e-document template records.

Creating E-Document Sending Methods

Creating a Custom Plug-in Implementation for Sending E-Documents

By default, only the Administrator can create, edit, or delete e-document sending methods.

All other roles can only view e-document sending methods.

Selecting a Designated E-Document Sender

By default, only the Administrator can select a designated e-document sender.

Assigning E-Document Packages to Customer or Vendor Records

Roles with access to customer and vendor and contact records can assign e-document packages to customer and vendor records.

Creating a Custom Plug-in for Inbound E-Document Validation

By default, only the Administrator can create a custom plug-in for inbound e-document validation.

Processing E-Documents Automatically for Individual Transactions

By default, only the Administrator can select the required E-Document Automation Type for a particular subsidiary. You can access the subsidiary under the Subsidiaries field group in the Electronic Invoicing Preferences page for OW accounts.

In accounts without OneWorld, the E-Document Automation Type field can be set on the parent company in the Electronic Invoicing Preferences page.

Outbound Processing Permissions and Access Levels

Tasks or Functionality

Role and Permission

Defining E-Document Email Recipients

Roles with Edit or Full access to customer and vendor contact records can define e-document email recipients on customer or vendor records.

Setting Up Custom Roles to Send E-Documents

Customizing Roles to Restrict E-Document Generation or Sending

The Administrator can restrict the default permission of roles to generate or send outbound e-documents.

Generating E-Documents for Single Transactions

Regenerating E-Documents for Single Transactions

Roles with minimum permission to view supported transaction records, can generate and regenerate e-documents for single transactions.

An administrator can grant custom roles the permission to generate e-document for sending to customers and vendors.

Deploying the Bulk Generation Script for E-Documents

Only the Administrator role can configure the script used to generate and regenerate e-documents in bulk.

Sending the E-Document of a Single Transaction

Resending the E-Document of a Single Transaction

Roles with minimum permission to view supported transaction records, can send and resend e-documents for single transactions.

Setting Up Custom Roles to Send E-Documents

Resending E-Documents in Bulk

The following roles can send and resend e-documents in bulk:

  • A/P Clerk

  • A/R Clerk

  • Accountant

  • Administrator

  • Bookkeeper

  • CFO

An administrator can grant custom roles the permission to send bulk e-documents.

An administrator can grant custom roles the permission to send e-documents to customers/vendors.

Template and Sending Method Auto-selection

For more information about Template and Sending Method Auto-selection, see Multi-subsidiary Support in the Outbound Process

Roles with Edit or Full access to customer and vendor records can have access to template and sending method auto-selection feature.

Inbound Processing Permissions and Access Levels

Tasks or Functionality

Role and Permission

Setting Up Custom Roles that can Convert Inbound E-Documents

Only the Administrator role can set the permission to perform conversion of inbound e-documents

Uploading Received XML Files as Inbound E-Documents

The following roles can upload inbound e-documents manually:

  • A/P Clerk

  • A/R Clerk

  • Accountant

  • Bookkeeper

  • CFO

  • Administrator

  • Custom Roles (with permission)

Converting Individual Inbound E-Documents into Vendor Bills

Converting an Inbound E-Document Without a Purchase Order Number

Converting Individual Inbound E-Documents into Vendor Credits

Converting Individual Inbound E-Documents into Sales Order

The following roles can convert inbound e-documents into transaction records:

  • A/P Clerk

  • A/R Clerk

  • Accountant

  • CFO

  • Administrator

  • Custom Roles (with permission)

Converting Failed Inbound E-Documents

Deploying Automatic Bulk Conversion Script for Inbound E-Documents

The following roles can convert inbound e-documents into transaction records in bulk:

  • A/P Clerk

  • A/R Clerk

  • Accountant

  • Bookkeeper

  • Buyer

  • CFO

  • Administrator

  • Custom Roles (with permission)

Canceling Inbound E-Documents

The following roles can cancel inbound e-documents:

  • A/P Clerk

  • A/R Clerk

  • Accountant

  • Bookkeeper

  • Buyer

  • CFO

  • Administrator

  • Custom Roles (with permission)

Step 4 of Prerequisites for Using Electronic Invoicing

Only the Administrator role can designate an employee or group of employees who will receive the email notification upon completion of batch conversion.

Vendor Credit or Bill Credit Permissions and Access Levels


Required Minimum Permissions

Access Levels

For Custom roles that can only create Vendor Credit or Bill Credit transactions but do not perform any electronic invoicing tasks.

E-document sending method > Custom Record subtab


Perform search > List subtab


For Custom roles that can view or edit Vendor Credit or Bill Credit transactions but do not perform any electronic invoicing tasks.

E-document sending method > Custom Record subtab


E-document templates > Custom Record subtab


Perform search > List subtab


For custom Roles that can create, edit or view Vendor Credit or Bill Credit transactions and also perform the following electronic invoicing tasks:

  • Allow manual generation of E-documents

  • Allow sending of E-documents for certification

  • Allow sending of E-documents

  • Allow manual update of network status

E-document sending method > Custom Records subtab


E-document templates > Custom Records subtab


E-document audit trail > Custom Records subtab


Setup Company > Setup subtab


Vendor record > List subtab


Perform Search > List subtab


Find transaction > Transaction subtab


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General Notices