Stuck Transactions Report

The NetSuite Point of Sale (NSPOS) Stuck Transactions Report displays POS transactions that did not successfully import to NetSuite ERP during a synchronization cycle. These transactions are held (stuck) on your server. Stuck transactions can result in entries missing from your NetSuite accounting records.

The report provides the warning or error message for each transaction held. Details include line-item information grouped by store, workstation and date. The text used are from standard NetSuite ERP messages, with the same message used for more than one issue type.


Run this report regularly to ensure your transactions are being successfully imported to your NetSuite ERP accounting records.

Correcting Stuck Transactions

Most transaction errors are handled by an NSPOS corrective script called IS123. Those corrected transactions do not become “stuck.” The transactions that do become stuck usually require assistance from NetSuite Customer Support. Only a small percentage are correctable by your administrator.

As noted, the same NetSuite ERP error message can be used for more than one issue type, so the cause might need research to discover. Also, Support can clear transactions that are no longer needed by marking them as “sent.”

Inactive Items in Stuck Transactions

One thing for which customers can check are item records set to Inactive in NetSuite ERP. An item that is no longer active, but included in a promotion or other transaction, can cause a transaction to become stuck. Reactivating the item will push the item to your server automatically and often allow the transaction import to complete. You can inactivate the item again later, after allowing time for processing. Waiting a few hours should be enough.

See the procedure called Making an item inactive under Working with Inventory Items.


By default, this report is not mapped to a button. Instead, select it from the Reports list. The report is named as the RA-ErrorReport.

To run a Stuck Transactions Report:

  1. Sign in to any NSPOS register.

  2. From the main button bar, tap Reports and then tap Reports again on the side button bar (sub-menu).

    If the reports button is not visible, press Ctrl+F12 and enter Reports.

  3. Find and tap RA-ErrorReport from the list.

    RA-ErrorReport button.
Example Stuck Transactions Report.

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General Notices