Viewing Script Error Notification Settings for Fixed Assets Management

The following table lists the default notification setting for each type of FAM script:

FAM Script Type

Notification Setting


Notify Current User


Notify Current User

User Event (UE)

Notify Current User


Notify All Admins

Bundle Installation

Notify All Admins


All FAM scripts are locked. The notification settings cannot be changed.

To view the notification setting for a FAM script:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts.

  2. On the Scripts page, click View next to the script you want to view the settings for.


    You can use the filters at the top of the page to narrow the list on the Scripts page.

  3. On the Script page, click the Unhandled Errors subtab. The option selected indicates which notification is used for script errors:

    • Notify Current User – NetSuite sends email to the logged-in user of the script.

    • Notify All Admins – NetSuite sends email to all users with the Administrator role.


    The Notify Script Owner, Notify Group, and Notify Emails settings are currently not in use.

Related Topics

General Notices