General Ledger Tracking in Transaction System Notes


This topic applies to System Notes only. For information about System Notes v2, see System Notes v2 Overview.

When you use the Accounting feature, the system notes logged for transactions include tracking general ledger impact. Each time a change is made to a transaction that affects the general ledger, a system note is created so you can reference the change that occurred. For example, if an invoice originally sells five widgets and then you edit it to sell ten widgets, the system notes track the general ledger impact of increasing the number of widgets sold.

On the System Information subtab of transactions, the System Notes subtab shows ledger changes with the term Impact in the Field column. Click View to see details of debits and credits posting to the ledger, both before the change and after:

Accessing the details of general ledger posting changes for each transaction enables you to audit accounting data using the newest addition to system notes.

You also can search transaction system notes for changes made within a particular date range, time period, or both. Tracking these changes helps you monitor user activity and avoid unexpected postings to closed periods. NetSuite provides two methods for these searches: the transaction audit trail and system notes searches. For more information, see Using the Transaction Audit Trail and Searching System Notes.


The setting for Log System Notes on Updates Only at Setup > Company > General Preferences determines whether system notes are generated when a transaction is created.

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